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Israel: Turkey will pay the price

You know as well as i do,normalisation between both countries will never happen as long as Erdogan in power.
Lift of blockade for Gaza,look at whats allowed and whats forbidden to enter Gaza.
Im not saying the Israelis are right but Erdogan will never be satisfied,
Look at the situation,Israel would never have good relations with Greece and Southern Cyprus if relations would have been normal.We could have gone for recognition of KKTC,but now thats impossible(allmost).
They could openly support PKK and many more things.
Is it worth for a ''blockade''for Gaza?
Who cares about Gaza besides Erdogan?
You ever hear something from Egypt,KSA?

Greece and southern cyprus will always stay hostile to Turkey. Israel sided with them for natural gas issues, even if were in good terms with israelis, i think that would be the case. Because they are cooperating on economical terms.

As for the recognition of KKTC, even our brotherly countries didn't recognasied KKTC. I don't think it would be realistic to expect recognition from Israel.

Egypt a few months ago vetoed a deal between them, Israel and southern Cyprus wich was deciding maritime borders with the reason; consulting to Turkey.

Our relations with KSA improved very much recently, there lots of threads a about it in the Turkish section and ME sectipn.
Greece and southern cyprus will always stay hostile to Turkey. Israel sided with them for natural gas issues, even if were in good terms with israelis, i think that would be the case. Because they are cooperating on economical terms.

As for the recognition of KKTC, even our brotherly countries didn't recognasied KKTC. I don't think it would be realistic to expect recognition from Israel.

Egypt a few months ago vetoed a deal between them, Israel and southern Cyprus wich was deciding maritime borders with the reason; consulting to Turkey.

Our relations with KSA improved very much recently, there lots of threads a about it in the Turkish section and ME sectipn.
With KSA and Egypt i meant to say,why dont they talk about Gaza blockade(because Hamas is not representing the Palestinian people).
So what our government doing is bs,what im trying to say is that we should not choose between one or the other.
We should be good with Israel and the Arab countries.
If you want peace in the ME you need ALL countries.
With KSA and Egypt i meant to say,why dont they talk about Gaza blockade(because Hamas is not representing the Palestinian people).
So what our government doing is bs,what im trying to say is that we should not choose between one or the other.
We should be good with Israel and the Arab countries.
If you want peace in the ME you need ALL countries.

Personal opinion, things will be never be the same again with Israel. They killed 9 of our citizens and came with a half-@ssed apology 3 years later. And they again beggin to talk arrogant against us.

I don't think that we need them. They have proven to be untrustful with Heron, Gokturk-1, Peace eagle projects.
This is height of mockery of foreign policy.Nothing will happen.All issues will be re-settled again after elections and next year,Israel will repeat same action.
I don't know that since how long Israel will keep on insulting Turkey and how long Turkey will tolerate Israel's BS.
The truth is,they don't see us as Turkish,Palestinian,Irani,Saudi,Egyptian...
They only identify us as 'Muslims'
sad but true.
first of all, like many people, I too love Turkey and wish the best for you. I agree that the rules of governance should be secular, the government has no business in minding the peoples duties to their religion and maker. Islam like all religions has many grey areas and what is your grey area may not be mine. So let that be between me and my maker. I say this for Pakistan and for Turkey.

I also say that Pak develop diplomatic relationships with Israel, the Arabs have them, Turkey has them and we need them too. This will help us in 1 bold stroke solve our difficulties with the rest of the world. FDI and other doors will open up. The survival of Pakistan is above any weak view of an Ummah which does not exist and will nopt exists until we do the right and raltional things.

That the issue of Gaza and the Palestine cannot be forgotten, we must as friends of Israel ask that Israel allows the formation of a two state solution or make an amalgamation that satisfies the three religions vis-a-vis the holy lands and the sacred Jersulem - a pan Israel-Palestine state that accommodates all and gives representations at all levels for all its people.

Peace and economic development is the key as it is with every country.
The way our current government trying to solve it is not the right way to do it.
Erdogan only cares for Hamas(terrorist organisation).
I think it's better not to solve it. We benefit more from doing so.
The word terrorist is confusing, nowadays you cannot clearly call someone a terrorist.
How do you know Hamas is a terrorist organisation? just because it is called so in some governments?
I think it's better not to solve it. We benefit more from doing so.
The word terrorist is confusing, nowadays you cannot clearly call someone a terrorist.
How do you know Hamas is a terrorist organisation? just because it is called so in some governments?

terrorism, Madrid; terrorism [Credit: AP]the systematic use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective. Terrorism has been practiced by political organizations with both rightist and leftist objectives, by nationalistic and religious groups, by revolutionaries, and even by state institutions such as armies, intelligence services, and police.... (57 of 2,509 words)

terrorism -- Encyclopedia Britannica

Definition of terrorism

[mass noun]
the unofficial or unauthorized use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims:

terrorism: definition of terrorism in Oxford dictionary (British & World English)

Does hamas use violence against civilians? Do İsraeli army and poliçe use violence against civilians?
And it was very "concidental" that Erdogan peeved Israel and Taksim/Gezi protests started..
Turkey has already paid..
I think it's better not to solve it. We benefit more from doing so.
The word terrorist is confusing, nowadays you cannot clearly call someone a terrorist.
How do you know Hamas is a terrorist organisation? just because it is called so in some governments?

Care to tell us exactly how we benefit from a continued conflict between Israel-Palestine?
Baykuş;4498810 said:
Care to tell us exactly how we benefit from a continued conflict between Israel-Palestine?

Improved GCC relations.
I think it's better not to solve it. We benefit more from doing so.
The word terrorist is confusing, nowadays you cannot clearly call someone a terrorist.
How do you know Hamas is a terrorist organisation? just because it is called so in some governments?
In Gaza if you are against Hamas,you are either Dead or gone.
They dont care about the Palestinians(why not cooperate with the West Bank?).
Hamas rules by fear,they are anti peace,for me terrorists.
Improved GCC relations.

Our relations with the GCC has nothing to do with Israel-Palestine conflict.
Turkey was allways for a two state solution but without Hamas.
Erdogan openly supports Hamas more then the Palestinian ''government''.
Not even the GCC countries support Hamas.
In Gaza if you are against Hamas,you are either Dead or gone.
They dont care about the Palestinians(why not cooperate with the West Bank?).
Hamas rules by fear,they are anti peace,for me terrorists.

Well said, brother.

Improved GCC relations.

Since when does the GCC nations give a damn about Hamas? They could have bought up half of Palestine if they really did care for them.

Our relations with the GCC has nothing to do with Israel-Palestine conflict.
Turkey was allways for a two state solution but without Hamas.
Erdogan openly supports Hamas more then the Palestinian ''government''.
Not even the GCC countries support Hamas.

^ This. And it really makes us look like a bunch of hypocrites since we have our own problem with PKK already. I wouldn't like if anyone were to support them in the same fashion as our dear PM supports Hamas. Imagine if the Israeli PM were to share a bag of salty, roasted sunflower seeds with Apo the Dog over a cup of coffee.
Baykuş;4499316 said:
Well said, brother.

Since when does the GCC nations give a damn about Hamas? They could have bought up half of Palestine if they really did care for them.

^ This. And it really makes us look like a bunch of hypocrites since we have our own problem with PKK already. I wouldn't like if anyone were to support them in the same fashion as our dear PM supports Hamas. Imagine if the Israeli PM were to share a bag of salty, roasted sunflower seeds with Apo the Dog over a cup of coffee.
If i was Israel i would do it openly,lets see what Erdogan would do or say about that.
An eye for an eye.
I respect them for not doing it(at least in the open),they to know Erdogan wont be there for long.
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