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Israel helped India turn around Kargil war

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Mar 31, 2007
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Israel helped India turn around Kargil war?

In a startling revelation, the Israeli Ambassador in New Delhi, Mark Sofer, has said that his country had assisted India in 'turning around' the situation during the 1999 Kargil war with Pakistan.

In an interview with a weekly, the envoy disclosed how defence ties between the two countries got a boost after Kargil when Israel came to India's rescue at a critical time, helping turn around the situation on the ground.

'I think we proved to the Indian government that you can rely on us, that we have the wherewithal. A friend in need is a friend indeed,' he said.

He also disclosed that Indo-Israeli defence ties would go beyond mere selling-buying of arms.

'We do have a defence relationship with India, which is no secret. What is secret is what the defence relationship is? And with all due respect, the secret part will remain secret,' he said in the interview to Outlook weekly magazine.
What is secret is what the defence relationship is?
This must be the biggest joke!

Answer lies in following questions:
What is India's military build up (defence) all about?
Where the hell suddenly India started to learn making missiles?
Who the hell influenced US foreign policy to take about turn with regards to India?
Next is Influencing Europe embrace same Indians whom they once called ****** creatures from slums?

I don't know what's wrong with Israeli's why they are so precarious of Pakistan?
Is their any historic reason?
I'm a Pakistani I have no problems with any one based on his religon or acts until it effects the society!

I cannot believe a nation who controls world's economy and sits on the most influential benches around the world could be so conservative in their belief and I'm sure Indians must be laughing at them at their backs for having them for free ride.
I don't know what's wrong with Israeli's why they are so precarious of Pakistan?
Is their any historic reason?

Ben Gurion vowed to destroy pakistan because it was created for muslims, maybe that's why. i don't think india should trust anyone.

sorry i don't mean to be a conspiracy theorist, but that's what i heard, just thought i might share.
Ben Gurion vowed to destroy pakistan because it was created for muslims, maybe that's why.

Pakistan was created as homeland for the Muslims of sub-continent not for the Muslims of all world.
Pakistan is also a home land for many non-Muslims of sub-continent who have co-existed and have equal rights.
No other country of the world offer equal religous freedom to its minorities as offered in Pakistan.

In Europe it is forbidden to construct mosque. In this sense EU should thank God that Ben Gurion was not a Muslim.
No other country of the world offer equal religous freedom to its minorities as offered in Pakistan.

May be religious freedom. But complete freedom big question??? All non-muslim son of soil can not hold the top office by constitution, this makes them secondry citizens, there is no question of equality.

Any way that is off topic, lets discuss about Israel-India
May be religious freedom. But complete freedom big question??? All non-muslim son of soil can not hold the top office by constitution.
Do you know all constitutions of world?
this makes them secondry citizens, there is no question of equality.
No that makes it an Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
At least we are not hypocrites or liers.
FYI, President of Pakistan is just an iconic post, where as all ministries report to PM.
Any way that is off topic
lets discuss about Israel-India
Please, tell us more!
The Islaelis and the Indian have only one goal and that is to somehow weaken the Muslim worlds strongest and its only nuclear country, Pakistan. Well I really cant blame them, because they want to destroy us and surely we are working to return the favour. This is all a part of a game. Another example of the Israelis and Indians working together against Pakistan is the planned strike on Pakistan the evening before Pakistan was to conduct its first nuclear test. It is known that on that a day before Pakistan was to conduct its nuclear tests, a squadron of Israeli F-16 took off from India with the purpose of taking out Pakistan nuclear capabilities. The plan was that the Israelis would be backed by the Indians. It is known that on that night Indian forces were on high alert in order to respond to any Pakistani retaliation and also the Israeli forces, in Israel were ready to go into action and were ready to go to India to assist in any war. But as soon as the Israeli F-16's took off from a base in India, Washington got the news and called on the Israelis and Indians to hault from conducting such an act. Soem also claim Pakistan was aware of such an act and that its forces were posted around the nuclear facilities in order to respond.
Israel helped India turn around Kargil war?

In a startling revelation, the Israeli Ambassador in New Delhi, Mark Sofer, has said that his country had assisted India in 'turning around' the situation during the 1999 Kargil war with Pakistan.

In an interview with a weekly, the envoy disclosed how defence ties between the two countries got a boost after Kargil when Israel came to India's rescue at a critical time, helping turn around the situation on the ground.

'I think we proved to the Indian government that you can rely on us, that we have the wherewithal. A friend in need is a friend indeed,' he said.

He also disclosed that Indo-Israeli defence ties would go beyond mere selling-buying of arms.

'We do have a defence relationship with India, which is no secret. What is secret is what the defence relationship is? And with all due respect, the secret part will remain secret,' he said in the interview to Outlook weekly magazine.

Its hardly a surprise, Israel helped or atleast offered to help India during '65 and '71 war without having official diplomatic ties with New Delhi. Our support for Palestinians drove India and Israel closer as India played the "Look, muslims hate us too" card very well and finally secured Israel as ally in the nineties.
Rest is open book.
How did Israel support India in the Kargil Conflict, I'm curious.
What exactly did Israel, a tiny country with a population smaller than Karachi, help India with in 1999?
IIRC Israel had operational spy satellites in 1999, she might have supplied intel.
some Intel and some off the shelf weapons (Shells,small weaponry,sensors) ,thats all
How did Israel support India in the Kargil Conflict, I'm curious.

Israel supplied shells, PGM,UAV and ofcourse intel.It was reported that these systems were pulled out of active service and supplied to India. India was stockpiling just incase the conflict expanded.

There were some reports that the famous tape of Mushraff and his deputy discussing Kargil was intercepted by one of the Israel's listening post somewhere in South Asia. As I said this is a rumour,no confirmed reports yet.

I think the first Indo-Israel interaction was during the 71 conflict.

Israel will do business with any one with money and not harming it's interest. Aren't Turkey and Israel allies? Wasn't Israel ready to give Phalcons to chinese? J-10 - Lavi? Nothing to do with bring Muslim countries down.
Israel has good relations with egypt (despite '67 and '73 wars) and Turkey. shows israel aint against all muslims. they are just against those muslims who want to destroy israel.
also, remember that around 20% of israels population is muslims, and they dont complain about life in israel.

as about israel helping india, no official sources confirm it, but there are persistent rumours that israel might have given intel.
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