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Islam's image: reformation and makeover

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Heck people missed the bus even when it used to be local. Gautam the Budh came but you misunderstood him. All the messengers of the great monotheism called Hinduism came and you misunderstood them.

You do know that Buddhism was the biggest sufferer at the hands of Islamic invaders?

All the great universities were burned and destroyed and the pious, non-violent monks and people killed mercilessly or converted forcibly!

We trust it was all Islam, local Islam, and just like the global one, in want of modifications. So they were done, and local Islam was no more.

You may trust anything you want. Don't force yourself.

You trust the Bible was corrupted (exactly when and how and what was corrupted is a secret?). Others don't.

Others similarly don't trust yours is the final and perfect religion. There is no reason for them to trust that.

If you can't respect other religions (and I know you can't, even the converts abuse the religion of their forefathers), you don't really expect respect for your current one.
SIr the larger part is the doctrine of Arabi cultural coloniasm under the garb of religion. For me you are a muslim if you belive in Allah and fear him. Period

Thats it. If something is written 1500 years agao. You are free to refer to it and SHOULD BE EQUALLY FREE TO DEBUNK IT PARTIALLY OR WHOLLY, Keeping your faith into Allah intact and still continue to be a muslim.
And Why is that a person blindly following Arabi culture, dressing, habits, language is more purer breed muslim than others?

That's all what was brought to us by Mullahs.. In my opininon and I hope many will agree following Arabic culture doesn't do any good to you... The prophet followed the Arabic culture because he was in Arab.. he spoke in Arabic because he had to deal with Arabs... Even Allah said in Quran that He revealed quran in Arabic so that people can understand... So the main point is adopt the culture in which people feel comfortable to talk to you don't look like an alien to them that will stop your communication with them....

and there is another point of view with which I completely agree... We dress like prophet because we love him so much that we like to look like him... if your dressing is because of your love with prophet than good but it's not necessary in Islam(Purely my opinion)....

But Islam mainly emphasize on maralities and how you deal with others...(My opinion)
Developereo and Vinod and Karthic, sorry but some other time maybe. This is just not my style and this thread is going to get shut and deleted anyways by the looks of it.
Slavery..... Do you know what are the rights of a slave in Islam?? No at All... In Islam if you want to have a slave you'll have to treat him like your brother, you'll have to provide him same food and clothing what you enjoy... same housing facilities what you enjoy... Even a "kaam waali" in your home does not have so many facilities... :cheers:

I would like to avoid getting too much into this thread. I know where it is going to go soon.

However, you do know the conditions of slaves in the Muslim world, don't you?

More African slaves were sent to the Islamic world than to USA. They were universally castrated, had 90% casualty rate during this barbaric act and lost their manhood. There was no trace left of them as they could not reproduce.

A fresh batch procured for the next time!

Please, don't be so ignorant when preaching to others.
Wahabis and their patthey's hate Ahmedis because Ahmedis they have their local prophet, who used to talk in their same native language, he looked one like them, he was ethnically south asian etc. That compromises the monopoly of Arabia and hence extremely intolerable. They bring in the same old argument and some how they seem themselves as custodian of Islam and declare other muslims as non-muslims. Arabs funded zia and then came the blasphemy law against ahmedis.

They have all the moral rights to question prophethood of others, but when it comes to them, they have the argument that it is written so it must be true. and It is also written not to question them. If you do, you would be commiting blasphemy.

There is a separate thread for Ahmedis go write your opinion there.... and all you wrote above is totally wrong....
Wahabis and their patthey's hate Ahmedis because Ahmedis they have their local prophet, who used to talk in their same native language, he looked one like them, he was ethnically south asian etc. That compromises the monopoly of Arabia and hence extremely intolerable. They bring in the same old argument and some how they seem themselves as custodian of Islam and declare other muslims as non-muslims. Arabs funded zia and then came the blasphemy law against ahmedis.

Do you know what defines a 'wahaabii'? I thought it meant lover...

The Quaadiaaniis are masking their maskedness that's our beef with them. But the blasphemy law hasn't targeted them so what do you mean...the targets have usually been 'Muslims' and rarely also 'Christians'. I put both in quotes since how could you remain both after blaspheming is debatable.

My child, don't have yourself mocked by binging forth arguments like "Gandhi was a good man, therefore we should eat more protein.". That's the amount of sense you are making:)
Developereo and Vinod and Karthic, sorry but some other time maybe. This is just not my style and this thread is going to get shut and deleted anyways by the looks of it.

Yes, even I am avoiding it. Just replying to direct questions posed to me or factual mistakes.
I cannot stop myself any more now.... :P

Islam does not divides it tells that such and such things will lead to hell and such and such things will lead you to heaven... it's like code of ethics for this world... and ethics are for this world not for the hereafter.. believer and non-believers are everywhere on earth.... Like hindus and nonhindus Indians and non-Indians American and not Americans... It's not a division it's the identity and you can change it easily... Good and bad will remain there for ever and this divide is forever...

Only those who follow the code of conduct of Allah will go to heaven.. and that code of conduct is quite easy... remain what you are but believe in One God and his prophet(S.A.W) why prophet ?? because he introduced Allah to you.... Any one following the code of conduct of Islam can go to heaven...

The religion never divided... Shia-Sunni fight is on historical facts it's not based on religion at all....
Slavery..... Do you know what are the rights of a slave in Islam?? No at All... In Islam if you want to have a slave you'll have to treat him like your brother, you'll have to provide him same food and clothing what you enjoy... same housing facilities what you enjoy... Even a "kaam waali" in your home does not have so many facilities... :cheers:

Yes there are hindus and non-hindus, christians and non-christians but anywhere in the Vedic texts is it written that non-hindus are inferior to hindus?And regarding ethics, ethics change according to the social structure, then why did Mohammed considered his ethics to the best? Allah's will?? hunh??? :)

Ok, Now only those who follow the rule of Allah will go to heaven, that means any murderer or a rapist muslim has more chances of going to heaven than a pious,kind and honest Hindu.

I mean what is that!!!

You talked about slavery, should I consider the women won in wars as slaves or concubines? Well, aren't these "right-hand-possess" women made eligible for muslims? And this is excluding the 4 married wives. wow!

4 married wives, innumerable concubines... Woah!
Version 2.0 is the solution. No offence to anyone.

The main aim should be to make people "nationalist" and not "Islamist". If a muslim is nationalist, he will take pride in his culture and heritage.
If a muslim is "islamist" he will have to look to Saudi arabia each and every time to get his set of beliefs attested by Arabs
Appeal To Non Muslim Members:
1. Give constructive criticism, better still point out the change you want, not what is wrong
2. This thread is about reform in Islam not about muslims, I think they are doing fine
To Muslims Members:
I would like to see a thread on reforms in Hinduism, as a hindu I am more worried about problems in hinduism than problems in Islam.
If mods dont like religious debates, dont make it so, dont make it A vs B, and they will leave you alone.
I would like to avoid getting too much into this thread. I know where it is going to go soon.

However, you do know the conditions of slaves in the Muslim world, don't you?

More African slaves were sent to the Islamic world than to USA. They were universally castrated, had 90% casualty rate during this barbaric act and lost their manhood. There was no trace left of them as they could not reproduce.

A fresh batch procured for the next time!

Please, don't be so ignorant when preaching to others.

Yes and had Muhammad SAW or Jesus AS had been born among those 'Muslim Arabs' they'd have attempted to kill these Messengers.

Shall you ascribe African apartheid to Protestant Christianity and part of African slavery to Islam or the popularity of meat kabaabs in Bharat to Hinduism? You get my point don't you.
I would like to avoid getting too much into this thread. I know where it is going to go soon.

However, you do know the conditions of slaves in the Muslim world, don't you?

More African slaves were sent to the Islamic world than to USA. They were universally castrated, had 90% casualty rate during this barbaric act and lost their manhood. There was no trace left of them as they could not reproduce.

A fresh batch procured for the next time!

Please, don't be so ignorant when preaching to others.

Vinod- the question you should be asking us here is- does Islam teach us to torture or kill servants? IS it written in Quran?- Thats the topic isn't it- by citing these slave cases as examples- you are trying to imply that islam allows that- So the ignorance is on you-

You want to know the answers on topic in context with the thread- you have all your answers in the post you quoted about treatments of slaves in Islam- whay people do is totally another thing- its like blaming the causalities of Hiroshima or Nagasaki on Christianity-
aa gaye apnee auqat pay..... :P

That's why religious discussions are not allowed....
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