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Iraq crisis: despite decapitations and deaths thousands return willingly to city held by ISIS terrorists
An elderly man is ripped from his bed in the dead of night. Blindfolded, the last thing he feels is the blade slitting his throat. A taxi driver, made to kneel on the side of the road, trembling as a gun is put to his head and the trigger is pulled. In one summary execution, the bodies of five men are shown convulsing under the force of the bullets being fired into their backs.

The men of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, the jihadists now rampaging across northern Iraq are proud of their murders. The real footage, posted online as propaganda videos for the group, reveals the cruel psychopathy of men whose humanity has been lost to it’s extremist cause.

Less than one week ago the jihadists seized control of Iraq’s second city, Mosul, where they have set to work imposing the hardline rules and summary justice of their “Islamic State”.

As many as 500,000 Iraqis escaped Mosul as the city fell and the Iraqi army melted away.

But now, tens of thousands have decided to return.
Iraq crisis: despite decapitations and deaths thousands return willingly to city held by ISIS terrorists - Telegraph
There are many mullahs families who live abroad, specially in Canada. Even many of mullah agents have received citizenship there by investing money there. They have learnt a lesson from what happened to Shah agents, fans, family,.. after collapse of Shah regime.

The Mullahs will not fall easily , they have strong well trained armed forces loyal to them in addition to a wide support base among the poor ignorants in the country side .

There are many mullahs families who live abroad, specially in Canada. Even many of mullah agents have received citizenship there by investing money there. They have learnt a lesson from what happened to Shah agents, fans, family,.. after collapse of Shah regime.

any nazi-like regime survives on creating foreign conflicts to take their own citizens attention from internal issues and corruption . I guess that is the case with our mulla friends .
The Mullahs will not fall easily , they have strong well trained armed forces loyal to them in addition to a wide support base among the poor ignorants in the country side .

any nazi-like regime survives on creating foreign conflicts to take their own citizens attention from internal issues and corruption . I guess that is the case with our mulla friends .

Do not take Sepah and Basij seriously. They are always bullshitting. They are 99% propaganda, and 1% real capabilities.
Yup, that strategy is called mccarthyism and is common for all politicians, although, Nazi-like regimes, use it 100 times more than others.
Do not take Sepah and Basij seriously. They are always bullshitting. They are 99% propaganda, and 1% real capabilities.
Yup, that strategy is called mccarthyism and is common for all politicians, although, Nazi-like regimes, use it 100 times more than others.

Well by our regional standards they are well trained and created successful effective militias like hezbollah in lebanon . Religious based regimes can never be taken down peacefully and I guess you already know that , but anyway the regime in iran is the strongest in the region when it comes to capacity to survive .
Well by our regional standards they are well trained and created successful effective militias like hezbollah in lebanon . Religious based regimes can never be taken down peacefully and I guess you already know that , but anyway the regime in iran is the strongest in the region when it comes to capacity to survive .

Middle East standards are Not much good!
Anyway, No, they are only a big propaganda scam.
The Mullahs will not fall easily , they have strong well trained armed forces loyal to them in addition to a wide support base among the poor ignorants in the country side .
Farsi in Iran are only 45%. Plus I don't think every Farsi in Iran supports the Mullah. Iran has many minorities and Farsi is the one who is suppressing the majority. It is very complicated who will support what. Probably some minorities will use Iranian decreasing military and economic power to make their demands for equality.
There are 65% Shias in Iraq, 15% Sunni Arab and 15% Kurd. For sure Sunnis never support these wild actions. They are some bunch of Wahabi terrorists that support from Saudi arabia.Like 3 years civil war in Syria.

Also Turkey and USA have some hands.

And israel provide ISIL equipments.Most of their equipments are israeli.
ISIL is not attacking Turkey. They are attacking Shia puppets and soon Iran for the massacres Iran facilitated through Assad and Malaki. Iran should have never gotten involved in these countries. Iran should follow the policy of the Swiss and be Neutral country. Supporting sectarian policy is probably going to cost you a lot.

Not only did US destabilized Iraq, you also played it in the hands of Iranian nutjobs. The sectarian agenda of Iran in the region is probably going to start regional war.
a superpower like the US not knowing what the consequences could be after an Iraq-US war? they knew it very well, and their aim is to divide and rule. didnt the US govt at that time expect that Kurdish parts could strive for independence, surely they knew. Didnt they know that chaos would give place for sunni-shia conflict? surely they knew. It's also in the interest of Israel to have more fragmented countries in the region. I hope that i am wrong, but i bet that all these developments will especially help Israel (am not an Israel hater or w/e, but it should be noted anyway) and Kurds, which are ultimately under influence of the US of course. SA and Iran will of course keep struggling with each other, and this will be encouraged as much as possible by 3rd parties for their own various benefits. Losers imo are SA plus gulf countries and Iran who will be kept busy with such things while Kurds and Israel subtly walk away with the benefits. Turkey should try to get the most out of this situation while it lasts.
Farsi in Iran are only 45%. Plus I don't think every Farsi in Iran supports the Mullah. Iran has many minorities and Farsi is the one who is suppressing the majority. It is very complicated who will support what. Probably some minorities will use Iranian decreasing military and economic power to make their demands for equality.

All of Iranians have common race but they live in different cities so they have divided into nations. There is no difference between a Persian in Shiraz or a Lor in Hamadan,they only live in different cities.

Well by our regional standards they are well trained and created successful effective militias like hezbollah in lebanon . Religious based regimes can never be taken down peacefully and I guess you already know that , but anyway the regime in iran is the strongest in the region when it comes to capacity to survive .

90% of Iranian are Shia so there is no reason to have another regime other than Islamic republic.

Regime is not running by force but it is running by people popularity votes and elections.
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Sectarian. Where was your crying when Assad shabiha was raping and killing Sunnis in Syria whether they were protesting or not. Don't cry when the tide turns.

All the Arabs, whether Syrian or Saudi, they treat you Pakistani arse lickers like shit. People holding your mentality are their mental slaves. No matter how much arse you lick, they would never consider you their equals. People like you bring a bad name to the self respecting Pakistanis.
Also, why do people distinguish muslims into 2 sects, Sunni and Shia, only? There are actually 3 sects. Sunni, Shiite and Wahaabi/Deobandi/Scum. TTP and ISIS belong to the third sect.
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