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ISIS: "We will raise our flag in Tehran"

Let's hope peace prevails as Iraqi's already have suffered enough thanks to democracy brought upon them...

Ha! Ha! "Democracy" brought them to ruin? I.e., THEY brought themselves to ruin.

P.S. Maybe the religion of peace needs a bit of bloodletting reformation? Anyway, as long as Muslim sects are killing each other they are not killing non-Muslims. Praise Allah for that at least.
Don't worry about me but you need to go Hajj and repent for supporting mass murders.
Ok will go you need anything from there. Maybe a book like Ruhani Khazain. Do they sell it there.
Ha! Ha! "Democracy" brought them to ruin? I.e., THEY brought themselves to ruin.

Yeah especially the post 2003 democracy gifted to them for having imaginery WMD's...
Their language isn't an official language. Iran should have two official languages to reflect the demographic makeup of the country. Here in Canada, French and English are official languages. All products have two labels on them, all govt officials are required to speak both French and English, all signs (road signs for example) must be in the majority language of the area.

Racism should be banned and extremely heavy punishments should be introduced for even the most minor offenses to root out the nasty superiority complex of the Persian speaking population. Even a simple joke should be treated with back breaking financial fines.

Turkish culture should be celebrated right alongside Persian culture. Turkish immersion programs should be set up across the country (modeled after French immersion programs in Canada).

I can write an essay on this but you get the idea.

Science and Mathematics must be taught in English. The government should also facilitate teaching of all native languages and allocate budgets to them. I have some ideas that I would like to share, but right now I'm using my smartphone. :D

Yeah especially the post 2003 democracy gifted to them for having imaginery WMD's...
Saddam had WMD, he used them on Kurds and Iranians. Also don't forget that before US invasion they rushed and destroyed the remaining WMDs.
It is interesting to see some of these comments were so out of touch from reality. post 242 (ifran) comments make sense. One underline truth is US came back to realization that monster it helped create against Asad now spread its wing against own interest. Even more horrific reality for house of Saud - security interest of US, Iran, Syria, Russia and even Turkey against ISIS have converged. I would not be surprised if there is already back channel coordination going on for joint effort to eliminate common security threat once for all. In such case arms instrument to wadge war using shia sunni divide will be eliminated.

Geographically ISIS is surrounded by all countries opposing their existence + US and Russia. air and land assault in such a geographically trapped space, ISIS would not have any chance of escape. Perhaps that was the plan all along.

Yesterday I was stating "security interest of US, Iran, Syria, Russia and even Turkey against ISIS have converged" and there could be back channel coordination. News today is US reading is Iran is essential to reverse the tide.

The US is getting ready for an open dialogue with Iran to discuss Iraq’s security concerns and ways of responding to radical Sunni militia that have been gaining ground in western Iraq, The Wall Street Journal quoted senior US officials as saying.
US Senator Lindsey Graham stated on Sunday that Washington needs Iran to avoid a government collapse in Iraq. "We are probably going to need their help to hold Baghdad," Graham told CBS' 'Face the Nation.'

Iran has also spoken out in support of cooperation. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Saturday that Tehran may consider cooperating with Washington to battle the extremist threat.

US preparing for direct dialogue with Iran over ISIS threat in Iraq – report — RT News
What does "I S I S" means????
Like **** they will, the best they will do in any region is keeping hold of areas where there are other sunnis and abandoned areas, they have no real fight in them just the ability to spread fear to people ho are meant to be their brothers.
What does "I S I S" means????
Non "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria"
Also Called ISIL
Non "Islamic state of Iraq and Levant"
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