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Is this the end of Pakistan? Have the colonial traitors sold the nation out?

- Economy crashing

- Homosexuality and LGBT flourishing

- Semi-competent democracy (PTI) destroyed

- Corrupt traitor inept dictatorship (PDM) installed

- All institutions and ministries are failed, and about as useful as a kid with down syndrome in governing

- Terrorism back (TTP)

- Afghanistan preparing to an@l rape us


just think about it, first they remove democratic khan, they install pDm, they start kidnapping and arresting political opponents, blast in peshawar and TTP returns with a shit excuses, while every ethnicity is fighting and arguing: AND NOW TLP leaders threatening to nuke and blackmail the world publicly.

Did Khan's presence in government feel threatening for certain powers about the potential risk pakistan poses to them? (Moeed Pirzada confirms this)

Is this not engineered for the sole purpose of destroying pakistan??

@Areesh @AlKardai @Bleek @Signalian @villageidiot @epebble @akramishaqkhan @Menace2Society @ghazi52 @blain2 @Abid123 @Clutch @ThunderCat @Ali_14 @Khan_patriot @TNT @PakFactor @ziaulislam @N.Siddiqui @SaadH @PanzerKiel @Maula Jatt @Sayfullah @_NOBODY_ @Al_Muhannad

I wonder what happens if Afghan Taliban invade Pakistan. Pakistan Army is too busy terrorising its own people. It's will be a cake walk for them.
no, we'd rather go down fighting

we have to take back control at all costs.

I'm glad you said that.

Self pity and hopelessness is not a good look on a man.

Just live your life the best you can, focus on yourself, be the best you, that you can be. Spread positivity through your actions and your words. Help others wherever you can for the sake of Allah.

We're looking into a dark tunnel, inshaAllah there will be light on the other side, whether you or me make the journey out remains to be seen.

Work towards your own success, worry about what you can control, and not that which you cannot.

Through this approach you will make micro improvements, if there are 230 million of us making micro improvements - it's going to make a difference. They can't keep us down forever.
Just give up on improving this country. These mofos are a lost cause. It’s either their danda ram your behind or appoint a confused gender individual over you.
It's hard to give up on the motherland. I don't think anyone should, keep fighting till there's nothing left in the tank.

Afghanistan should be an inspirational tale, they literally went up against much much worse, and we can't remove a LGBTQ government? What are we worth?

If you give up on your own people and land, that is dishonourable.
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Serious question, why don't you diaspora guys come back to Pakistan and try to make country a better place? I mean, I spent a decade outside Pak and yet came back, why can't you?
It's hard to give up in the motherland. I don't think anyone should, keep fighting till there's nothing left in the tank.

Afghanistan should be an inspirational tale, they literally went up against much much worse, and we can't remove a LGBTQ government? What are we worth?

If you give up on your own people and land, that is dishonourable.

Well, the ones with the bullets have an awkward fetish with cross-dressing freaks.
Have a cry, feel better than delete this. Pakistan has not seen anything yet.

You want to know what hell is, ask an Afghan, Iraqi, Somali, Yemeni, Syrian, Libyan, Palestinian.

The vast majority in our country have a roof over their head, they're eating every day.
Syria, afghanistan and libya are hardly a yardstick to compare a country's good fortunes.
((This post isn't to lower your morale or make you hopeless; it is to make you situationally aware. No matter how bad the situation is or gets, you shouldn't give up but always fight take back your country, especially against those who are sold out and working foreign interests. Fight against quasi-colonialism.

If you can't do this for your own people, for your own motherland, then what honour is there? Willingly allow the plans of conspirators to succeed, bow down to dictation and colonialism, on your own lands without resistance?

There's no honour in that, didn't you establish Pakistan for the exact opposite and to decide your own destiny and dictate yourself? Now you should always fight to retain that luxury, or bow down like you did to the British in dishonour.))
Serious question, why don't you diaspora guys come back to Pakistan and try to make country a better place? I mean, I spent a decade outside Pak and yet came back, why can't you?
InshAllah I do plan too in the future
I wonder what happens if Afghan Taliban invade Pakistan. Pakistan Army is too busy terrorising its own people. It's will be a cake walk for them.

They will put their viceroys in charge. Spawns of the devil



Foreign Minister
Well it would explain why GHQ doesn't give a single f*ck about their actions, despite the social instability and strife between every group.
What I can't understand for the life of me is why would they do this to Pakistan. I understand they don't like Khan. He is not as pliable as they are used to. But, Pakistan is their meal ticket. You would think they would put Pakistan above all else, in the very least out of their own selfish interest, if not out of patriotism.

I don't get the reasoning that Bajwa is qadiani/double agent/ saboteur? Why would then, the entire institution sit by and let him do everything he did? Moreover, why is it still going on?

We are being told that bawja's remnants, dirty harry and his minions are doing everything going above the good hafiz who is busy offering tahajud ki namaz for Pakistan's well being.

((This post isn't to lower your morale or make you hopeless; it is to make you situationally aware. No matter how bad the situation is or gets, you shouldn't give up but always fight take back your country, especially against those who are sold out and working foreign interests. Fight against quasi-colonialism.

If you can't do this for your own people, for your own motherland, then what honour is there? Willingly allow the plans of conspirators to succeed, bow down to dictation and colonialism, on your own lands without resistance?

There's no honour in that, didn't you establish Pakistan for the exact opposite and to decide your own destiny and dictate yourself? Now you should always fight to retain that luxury, or bow down like you did to the British in dishonour.))
There should be a separate thread just for this statement alone. We shouldn't lose hope and we shouldn't willingly accept anything that jeopardises our interests.
How is any of the above any different than when AAZ was appointed the President of Pakistan in 2007 and when TTP terrorism was at its peak and our economy was what our economy is (i.e. not all that great)?

There is always a morning after the night.
Nights here tend to be longer, don't you think, sir? That's one thing we have in common with the Scandinavian countries. :D

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”​

― Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
What I can't understand for the life of me is why would they do this to Pakistan. I understand they don't like Khan. He is not as pliable as they are used to. But, Pakistan is their meal ticket. You would think they would put Pakistan above all else, in the very least out of their own selfish interest, if not out of patriotism.

I don't get the reasoning that Bajwa is qadiani/double agent/ saboteur? Why would then, the entire institution sit by and let him do everything he did? Moreover, why is it still going on?

We are being told that bawja's remnants, dirty harry and his minions are doing everything going above the good hafiz who is busy offering tahajud ki namaz for Pakistan's well being.

I mean one possible reason is the current thread we are in... purposefully engineered collapse
- Economy crashing

- Homosexuality and LGBT flourishing

- Semi-competent democracy (PTI) destroyed

- Corrupt traitor inept dictatorship (PDM) installed

- All institutions and ministries are failed, and about as useful as a kid with down syndrome in governing

- Terrorism back (TTP)

- Afghanistan preparing to an@l rape us


just think about it, first they remove democratic khan, they install pDm, they start kidnapping and arresting political opponents, blast in peshawar and TTP returns with a shit excuses, while every ethnicity is fighting and arguing: AND NOW TLP leaders threatening to nuke and blackmail the world publicly.

Did Khan's presence in government feel threatening for certain powers about the potential risk pakistan poses to them? (Moeed Pirzada confirms this)

Is this not engineered for the sole purpose of destroying pakistan??

@Areesh @AlKardai @Bleek @Signalian @villageidiot @epebble @akramishaqkhan @Menace2Society @ghazi52 @blain2 @Abid123 @Clutch @ThunderCat @Ali_14 @Khan_patriot @TNT @PakFactor @ziaulislam @N.Siddiqui @SaadH @PanzerKiel @Maula Jatt @Sayfullah @_NOBODY_ @Al_Muhannad
NO doubt, the lot of corrupt and sold out that has come up the chain since 1947 is still in place... Most likely the end of Pakistan.
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