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The Economist: If India ordered a murder in Canada, there must be consequences

Indian Canadians should support Canada and show loyalty to "their country" . Also stop travelling to India as protest.
Ever heard about satire? 🤦🏽‍♂️
This is a difficult place to be. 😅😀
Westerners don't like this. It undermines their puritan conceit. So it's very good for India's fiery temperament style. Unpredictability is good too. This is why Westerners hate Wolf Warrior diplomacy in China. They want you to commit to their form, which is a presumption of control. Once you submit to being quiet and mewlish as they want, they then believe you are under their control.

Dumb Indian idiots always act on emotions while West acts on a clearly laid out strategy.
How did you retaliate against this? You claimed Pakistan was behind it :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

By converting napak sepoys of GHQ into a veritable arm of the hindutva movement. In terms of Indian regional agenda sepoys are completely onboard, they've taken out the only politician that was genuinely working to show the world the true extremist nature of Indian state and was highly effective at it. Whereas they've empowered elements that want to grant India MFN status to the detriment of local industry and invoke same to same saag paneer bull$hit. Not only that sepoys, the comical and embarrassing lip service at the UN not withstanding, have completely surrendered to India on Kashmir and has completely failed to rather chose to not respond to Indian sponsored ubiquitous terror attacks inside Pakistan.

India has more than paid back in kind by making our protectors the biggest threat to our well being. When Gobar Arya is sepoys and Bajwa's biggest fan you know your napak army is merely a tattoo force of the larger hindutva army.
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Additionally we must remember, China is where it is today because the west was COMPLACENT

It almost shut off it's critical thinking, and as China was beginning to grow and company after company was relocating their manufacturing units to China, the west just blindly went with the flow

Their was the occasional murmur from some corner

China for the most part remained absolutely and relentlessly on qué, understanding it had to grow, and then it reached a tipping point where the west couldn't do anything about it

Nevertheless even today China is facing atleast SOME ISSUES with a U.S and west trying to curtail it

The Indians are morons
They were setting themselves up as the democratic counter to China and all the had to do was bide their time and take in as much investment as possible

What they did instead
Was allow Hindu extremism and poison to create massive divisions and toxic hate at home
Forget that India is a diverse society and constantly push a Hindu history/culture/narrative on everyone creating even more tensions and alternative groups
They also started to throw their weight around whilst their GDP is still only approx £2000 and they have hundreds of millions of poor hungry people
Shit like annual G20 meetings made into a modi-fest
A small probe to the moon 50 years after the U.S sent a man made out to be a human advancement gifted by India to humanity

Forget that the Chinese have taken land and battered dozens of Indian soldiers to death
They believed their own hype and started to murder Sikhs in NATO states

The west wanted a COUNTER to China, they did not want to create another China that they couldn't deal with or control

China had massive amounts of companies move their manufacturing units to it throughout the 80s, 90s, 00s

The same wasn't t going to happen to India, because now their are multiple alternative states and putting all their eggs in a Indian basket isn't a great option
So India was NEVER going to get to the heights China did, but it would still grow

Indians actions if we are lucky can ensure it creates enough worry and fear that the world/west realises a monster is being created and feeding this monster with endless investment will just create another China they can't deal with

If India is murdering citizens NOW, What will the do 20 years from now if they keep growing

India has shot itself in its own dick, due to its foolish hubris and it will have consequences even if it looks like their won't be any, I think the understanding in the west will grow that India with delusiona if grandeur is dangerous not only for the region but the world and they can't puts their eggs in the Indian basket and hope for the best

Trillion plus and thousands of dead Americans, 20 years of Indian planning and investment, Afghanistan republic plotting and conniving

Yeah we screwed them all
Nice fantasies....these fantasies must have got you nice....😆
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Dumb Indian idiots always act on emotions while West acts on a clearly laid out strategy.
As I said not doing what they demand or want by being compliant from the outset to their standard, is against that "clearly laid out" strategy.
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Additionally we must remember, China is where it is today because the west was COMPLACENT

It almost shut off it's critical thinking, and as China was beginning to grow and company after company was relocating their manufacturing units to China, the west just blindly went with the flow

Their was the occasional murmur from some corner

China for the most part remained absolutely and relentlessly on qué, understanding it had to grow, and then it reached a tipping point where the west couldn't do anything about it

Nevertheless even today China is facing atleast SOME ISSUES with a U.S and west trying to curtail it

The Indians are morons
They were setting themselves up as the democratic counter to China and all the had to do was bide their time and take in as much investment as possible

What they did instead
Was allow Hindu extremism and poison to create massive divisions and toxic hate at home
Forget that India is a diverse society and constantly push a Hindu history/culture/narrative on everyone creating even more tensions and alternative groups
They also started to throw their weight around whilst their GDP is still only approx £2000 and they have hundreds of millions of poor hungry people
Shit like annual G20 meetings made into a modi-fest
A small probe to the moon 50 years after the U.S sent a man made out to be a human advancement gifted by India to humanity

Forget that the Chinese have taken land and battered dozens of Indian soldiers to death
They believed their own hype and started to murder Sikhs in NATO states

The west wanted a COUNTER to China, they did not want to create another China that they couldn't deal with or control

China had massive amounts of companies move their manufacturing units to it throughout the 80s, 90s, 00s

The same wasn't t going to happen to India, because now their are multiple alternative states and putting all their eggs in a Indian basket isn't a great option
So India was NEVER going to get to the heights China did, but it would still grow

Indians actions if we are lucky can ensure it creates enough worry and fear that the world/west realises a monster is being created and feeding this monster with endless investment will just create another China they can't deal with

If India is murdering citizens NOW, What will the do 20 years from now if they keep growing

India has shot itself in its own dick, due to its foolish hubris and it will have consequences even if it looks like their won't be any, I think the understanding in the west will grow that India with delusiona if grandeur is dangerous not only for the region but the world and they can't puts their eggs in the Indian basket and hope for the best

Trillion plus and thousands of dead Americans, 20 years of Indian planning and investment, Afghanistan republic plotting and conniving

Yeah we screwed them all
For the west, they would be better served funneling FDI into the countries on their periphery from which illegal immigration comes, to deal with two birds with one stone. For the US, investment into Latin America would also push back on Chinese influence.

For Europe, investment into some parts of Africa, as well as most of North Africa and the Middle East in a joint venture with the GCC, would in time create the opportunities to slow down migration, and give European firms lower wage labor forces to help them stay more competitive.

Investing in India would just create another large power that would want to push its own agenda, at the expense of the west, and not really one that would not be willing to contain China on behalf of the west.
Proud of a terrorist attack on India? Cool.

Well, you guys think India is behind the TTP. So I guess thats how we retaliated. 😀
Whenever Indians boast about bravery, I think of the 2008 Mumbai disaster. Their big city was a mess for four long days. It's like watching the school's loudest kid getting pushed around and just crying. They talk so much, but where was the action? And what's really funny? They were too scared to even snap back at a smaller country like Pakistan. I guess talking big is easier than acting big. Now, when they try to act tough, it just seems like a bad joke.

It’s a hard reality check, but sometimes, people need to be reminded of their past to stay grounded.

@pallab hazarika
@Skull and Bones
@Frank Martin
Tumhare yahan roz ka hai ye, humare yahan band ho gaya kabka.

Whenever Indians boast about bravery, I think of the 2008 Mumbai disaster. Their big city was a mess for four long days. It's like watching the school's loudest kid getting pushed around and just crying. They talk so much, but where was the action? And what's really funny? They were too scared to even snap back at a smaller country like Pakistan. I guess talking big is easier than acting big. Now, when they try to act tough, it just seems like a bad joke.

It’s a hard reality check, but sometimes, people need to be reminded of their past to stay grounded.

@pallab hazarika
@Skull and Bones
@Frank Martin
Pakistan screwed multiple countries from U.S, to NATO and let's not forget India in Afghanistan to secure our strategic interests

What's India done, shot a Sikh?
These people's biggest achievement is killing a Sikh in Canada, while not even having the balls to admit it🤣😭
These people's biggest achievement is killing a Sikh in Canada, while not even having the balls to admit it🤣😭

Well we kill Muslims in Pakistan on a routine basis as well, but never admit anything... so it's not about India's lack of balls but Pakistan's lack of intelligence
Whenever Indians boast about bravery, I think of the 2008 Mumbai disaster. Their big city was a mess for four long days. It's like watching the school's loudest kid getting pushed around and just crying. They talk so much, but where was the action? And what's really funny? They were too scared to even snap back at a smaller country like Pakistan. I guess talking big is easier than acting big. Now, when they try to act tough, it just seems like a bad joke.

It’s a hard reality check, but sometimes, people need to be reminded of their past to stay grounded.

@pallab hazarika
@Skull and Bones
@Frank Martin
You right. We ain’t brave buddy. Please be a good boy and tell this to your Huqumat and Awaam both so that they stop blaming us for all the terrorism happening in the land of pure as we speak 👍
Whenever Indians boast about bravery, I think of the 2008 Mumbai disaster. Their big city was a mess for four long days. It's like watching the school's loudest kid getting pushed around and just crying. They talk so much, but where was the action? And what's really funny? They were too scared to even snap back at a smaller country like Pakistan. I guess talking big is easier than acting big. Now, when they try to act tough, it just seems like a bad joke.

It’s a hard reality check, but sometimes, people need to be reminded of their past to stay grounded.

@pallab hazarika
@Skull and Bones
@Frank Martin
This is the most dumb comment I have read in a long time. This is not India of 2008 nor it is Pakistan of 2008. Pakistan army knows that and hence not resorting to any such misadventures anymore. They have, it would seem, a better sense of each country's relative position in the present world than this dumb poster.
For the west, they would be better served funneling FDI into the countries on their periphery from which illegal immigration comes, to deal with two birds with one stone. For the US, investment into Latin America would also push back on Chinese influence.

For Europe, investment into some parts of Africa, as well as most of North Africa and the Middle East in a joint venture with the GCC, would in time create the opportunities to slow down migration, and give European firms lower wage labor forces to help them stay more competitive.

Investing in India would just create another large power that would want to push its own agenda, at the expense of the west, and not really one that would not be willing to contain China on behalf of the west.

At least USA is doing it. Mexico is the biggest beneficiary of the outflow from China

That’s the thing. Speaking strictly from a geopolitical viewpoint, the western world likely turned the other cheek at everything these guys were doing until pajeet acted like a pajeet and his head became too big for the turban. You revealed yourself before reaching the point of no return. G20 isn’t like the G7 or G2.

With this act, Indians have given the west to think twice about fully abandoning Pakistan.

Let’s see how the morons in GHQ play this.

India needs the West against China and vice-versa. No one is involving Pakistan anymore. Hence the heart burn among the Pakistani elite.
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At least USA is doing it. Mexico is the biggest beneficiary of the outflow from China

India needs the West against China and vice-versa. No one is involving Pakistan anymore. Hence the heart burn among the Pakistani elite.
As an American, I’m glad our companies are investing in neighboring countries. It’s good the Pakistani elite are getting some heartburn, they need to stop looking for shortcuts (especially those that benefit just them at the expense of the majority of the population).
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