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Pakistani Doctor, mom of 2, stabbed to death in Texas

I propose that we should have our own mosques with our unique architectural style in the Western world. (big courtyards, use of red stone)

If you keep a beard, have a mustache.
Choose between Shalwar Kameez(if going for a religious occasions like Eid) or pants/shirt.

We should also spread more awareness in Western societies about our Pakistani identity, distinguishing ourselves from the Middle East and its conflicts.

Otherwise, we'll keep getting targeted in response to random Middle Eastern wars, whether it's events like 9/11, which we had nothing to do with, or the Palestine/Israel war, which we're not involved in either.

Hate crimes against Sikhs dropped significantly when MSM ran campaigns distinguishing their unique identity. We should do the same, as our foreign policy, politics, culture, or values have little to do with the Middle East and our actions or Lackthereof have little to no impact on what happens in the ME.

Go back to the roots, Keep a Glock or a knife or pepper spray with you
All valid self defense options

I see your point but we also have to realize the majority of the people who run masjids in urban places are Pakistani.

Also there are Pakistani women who wear abayas as well as the ones who wear Shalwar Kameezes.

The reason why hate crimes dropped in the past few years was because the media was not focused on the Middle East. Now it is so everyone has to be vigilant.
I see your point but we also have to realize the majority of the people who run masjids in urban places are Pakistani.

Also there are Pakistani women who wear abayas as well as the ones who wear Shalwar Kameezes.

The reason why hate crimes dropped in the past few years was because the media was not focused on the Middle East. Now it is so everyone has to be vigilant.
No amount of educating the americans will make any difference to the mindset of the ignorant american masses...

These idiotic appeasement efforts stemming from degenerate secular/nationalist agenda is only going to divide the overall muslim community and their power and influence projection will further diminish...

If anything Pakistanis especially with the patwari and faujeet utopia in the offing at home should focus on and build upon their muslim identity in the West...
No amount of educating the americans will make any difference to the mindset of the ignorant american masses...

These idiotic appeasement efforts stemming from degenerate secular/nationalist agenda is only going to divide the overall muslim community and their power and influence projection will further diminish...

If anything Pakistanis especially with the patwari and faujeet utopia in the offing at home should focus on and build upon their muslim identity in the West...
and I have never even worn a thobe for anything but a night suit. but none of the afore mentioned steps would work for Jim Bob Cletus, who feels like avenging the those brown moozlims brining sharia law to god's nation Murica.
Eastern European Slav...can't blame the Anglo-Saxon this time.
Still looks like product of inbreeding..
Regardless, of whether you are Arab or not you are the same to them. A piece of paper showing you as an American citizen isn't going to change some hard realities, and some of us act as if it would.

It would urge all Muslims living in the states to be armed and get your conceal and carry to protect your loved ones at all costs.

Do you conceal carry?
Imagine how many children this woman would have saved
Yes and regardless of any race, religion or ethnicity.
Probably something to do with Israel-Palestine?
It's sad to see our people suffering from yet another war in the Middle East and being targeted once again for no reason

We're not jews nor are we palestinians nor arabs
Do you think Muslims would not suffer the same trials as Jews after acting like them? Most especially, the nation of Pakistan.
Otherwise, we'll keep getting targeted in response to random Middle Eastern wars, whether it's events like 9/11, which we had nothing to do with, or the Palestine/Israel war, which we're not involved in either.

Hate crimes against Sikhs dropped significantly when MSM ran campaigns distinguishing their unique identity. We should do the same, as our foreign policy, politics, culture, or values have little to do with the Middle East and our actions or Lackthereof have little to no impact on what happens in the ME.

Go back to the roots, Keep a Glock or a knife or pepper spray with you
All valid self defense options

when we will see history of 9/11 attack, the historians will say that, "US-West faced the worse in Afghan after that attack." Taliban 'defeated' US-Nato, its now the history, and we have to Live with that :-)
Do you think Muslims would not suffer the same trials as Jews after acting like them? Most especially, the nation of Pakistan.

You need help
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un

View attachment 966684

Miles Fridrich, 24, is charged with fatally stabbing Dr. Talat Khan in Conroe, Texas, Saturday. Police have not released a motive. (Facebook/Montgomery County Sheriff's Office)

A pediatrician was fatally stabbed at a picnic table outside her home in Conroe, Texas, Saturday, by a 24-year-old assailant in what some fear may have been a hate crime, according to local media.

Dr. Talat Jehan Khan, 52, was sitting in the common area of the Alys Apartment Complex when Miles Fridrich allegedly knifed her repeatedly at about 12:30 p.m., KHOU reported.

A witness told the local station that the mother-of-two had been sitting outside chatting on the phone with her dog nearby when the man "came out of nowhere" and attacked her in front of neighbors and children.

Another witness, Matthew Amador, told KPRC that he heard the sound of children screaming and rushed outside with his sword and his phone.

"The perpetrator was checking her pulse, which was really bad. I saw him checking her pulse, and then he stabbed her three times. Then as I yelled, ‘Hey,’ he turned around and looked at me then ran," Amador said. "I've never seen evil like that in my life."

Police set up a perimeter and nabbed the suspect minutes later.

Officials haven't disclosed a motive for the slaying or said whether they're probing a possible hate crime, but the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Houston said it is tracking the case closely.

"We are unsure at this moment if this was a hate crime, however, given the tragic circumstances, we are paying very close attention to the investigation," the organization said in a statement. "We will continue to monitor the situation while we launch our own investigation and continue established dialogue with law enforcement."

Khan was a devout Muslim who had moved from Seattle to the greater Houston area with her 14-year-old daughter in July and worked at Texas Children's Pediatrics, according to her family.

The slain doctor's older brother, Wajahat Nyaz, said she had made the move to the south for the weather. "She wanted to go somewhere it was sunny," he said. He added that everything in her life revolved around her son and daughter and her patients.

Khan's niece, Mahnoor Mangrio, said the family is devastated.

"This is an immeasurable loss for our family, completely unexpected," Mangrio told KHOU. "She’s a Muslim, strong in her faith, those are identifiable traits about her. She’s extremely loving, kind."

A lawyer for Fridrich couldn't immediately be identified. He's being held at the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office on one count of first-degree murder.

The Conroe Police Department and the Montgomery County District Attorney didn't immediately return requests for comment.

@Maula Jatt @PakSarZameen47 @Menace2Society @Pakstallion @Vapnope @Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox 1 @N.Siddiqui @Norwegian @TNT @Imad.Khan @Dalit @ziaulislam @EternalMortal @lastofthepatriots @WarKa DaNG @Warking @Talwar e Pakistan @WinterFangs @kingQamaR @Menace2Society @Indus Pakistan @Ghazwa-e-Hind @Norwegian @PakFactor @akramishaqkhan @Zornix @pakpride00090 @Abid123 @Goritoes @SecularNationalist @PakistaniandProud @PAKISTANFOREVER @Dual Wielder @Great Janjua @ahaider97 @PakFactor @Sayfullah @SaadH @villageidiot @Olympus81 @Mobius 1 @General Dong @Genghis khan1 @alphapak @RealNapster @Kharral @Mobius 1 @Goenitz @Muhammad Saftain Anjum @AA_ @Mobius 1 @Great Janjua @The Accountant @PakSword @villageidiot @Kharral @SaadH @Goenitz @PakFactor @Tamerlane @ARMalik @Khan_21 @Yousafzai_M @NaqsheYaar @NooriNuth @SaadH @Kharral @AA_ @SaadH @Tamerlane @villageidiot @waz @PakSword @Mugen @Tamerlane @PakAlp @HerbertPervert @Path-Finder @Tamerlane @Drexluddin Khan Spiveyzai @AlKardai @waz @Areesh @hatehs @Path-Finder @HerbertPervert @Dr. Strangelove @Sayfullah @Clutch @Bleek @mangochutney @FuturePAF @Cash GK @Black.Mamba @SD 10 @ThunderCat @K_Bin_W @Gomig-21 @Falcon29 @Swati(Khyber)
So sad , RIP .
when we will see history of 9/11 attack, the historians will say that, "US-West faced the worse in Afghan after that attack." Taliban 'defeated' US-Nato, its now the history, and we have to Live with that :-)
Hiding in caves, using human shields for 20 plus years and boring the enemy to death is not defeating anyone

US only lost around 2000 odd soldiers

We lost 70k civilians, thousands of LEA's, drone strikes devastated our tribal areas, our economic losses amounted to 170 Billion $ (not counting lost opportunity), our entertainment industry died down during that era, 2 generations of Afghan refugees, a whole generation of Pakistanis suffering from PTSD

Even though we had nothing to do with 9/11 or al Qaeda

In the end US was much better off than us in everyway whatever history write it as
Even though we had nothing to do with 9/11 or al Qaeda

In the end US was much better off than us in everyway whatever history write it as

US-west are fighting with themselves :-)
Mental health is collapsing in American society. Not surprising when your govt is run by parasites who hoard all the money for their own profit and to commit genocide overseas while they take away social services, allow crime to be rampant, let infrastructure rot and then constantly lie to you and gaslight you to the point where you start acting crazy.

Just because CCP is a dictatorship; hides, fudges, and lies about all critical statistics; censors, threatens, controls and terrorizes the society; controls the in and outflow of information; keeps a large swath of the country and events in those places in dark and unknown to the rest of the world; does not practice the rule of law, freedom of expression, assembly and protest; applies (often unsuccessfully) draconian measures to prevent its corrupt and uncorrupt officials, businessmen and the rich from running away into the US and the West; commits genocide and ethnic cleansing on its own minority using the world's most sophisticated oppression and global propaganda machinery; entirely controls the print, visual and internet media as a party institution; builds tofu-dreg infrastructure that is mostly good for a photo-op and then crumbles afterwards due to bad quality and neglect; shoves away its homeless, mentally-ill and disturbed millions out of the cities and from the public eye... does not mean it really what it claims it is.
You are confused and think I need help?

Just because CCP is a dictatorship; hides, fudges, and lies about all critical statistics; censors, threatens, controls and terrorizes the society; controls the in and outflow of information; keeps a large swath of the country and events in those places in dark and unknown to the rest of the world; does not practice the rule of law, freedom of expression, assembly and protest; applies (often unsuccessfully) draconian measures to prevent its corrupt and uncorrupt officials, businessmen and the rich from running away into the US and the West; commits genocide and ethnic cleansing on its own minority using the world's most sophisticated oppression and global propaganda machinery; entirely controls the print, visual and internet media as a party institution; builds tofu-dreg infrastructure that is mostly good for a photo-op and then crumbles afterwards due to bad quality and neglect; shoves away its homeless, mentally-ill and disturbed millions out of the cities and from the public eye... does not mean it really what it claims it is.
You forgot to add /end-rant
If this was an American murdered in Pakistan, you will hear 100x more noise about it.
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