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Is IAF planing limited airstrikes inside Pakistan?

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While I can understand your anger; no one likes two hundred of their compatriots killed for no rhyme or reason; situation calls for cool heads.

This is a democratic gov't. Pakistan’s FM was in India. President Zardari has said on TV that soon time would come when we would not need passport for travel to India. A very large portion of PA is already occupied in FATA against Taliban. Just think, why would Pakistan gain by take this “Panga:” with India at this point in time?

There is only one possible explanation. Anti state forces in Pakistan are under pressure. If this situation can engineer an Indo Pak confrontation; PA resources engaged in FATA operations would be moved to the Eastern border thereby providing breathing space to Taliban so that they can regroup again. I hope Indian Army planners can also see thru this ruse by the terrorists and better sense prevails.

Finally, what would be result of bombing Muridke or any other place? Is there any proof of linking Muridke with this assault on Mumbai? Killing more innocents in revenge for the killing of innocents defies logic.

Need of the time is a combined effort to eliminate the cancer of terrorism for the society, not to fight each other. Any other approach will only benefit the elements which perpetrated this crime in the first place.

Niaz Sahib, I am in complete agreement with you. Whoever has done this is a common enemy of both our countries.

If you see, most in India are already making that distinction between the Pakistani government and it's civil society who are themselves victims and the perpetrators. We do believe that Pakistan as a country is trying to distance itself from these barbarians.

Muridke symbolizes for me those common enemies.

Yes, let us wait for the evidence to come out and shared with Pakistan in good faith. I hope we turn a new corner this time.
Thankyou, exactly if some of you havn't still noticed this is all about trying to counter balance China. At the moment China is surrounded from everywhere except Pakistan, and about only 50% of Indian forces. With Pakistan removed as a threat to India, India will have upto 80% of their forces focusing on China. At the moment there is anti-china forces in Afghanistan, India, and Taiwan. If Pakistan is attacked China would definatly help Pakistan if not deploy its forces in Pakistan because they would be foolish not to. For two main reasons firstly if Pakistan is taken out China will be compleletly cut off, and secondly China and Pakistan are like brothers from different mothers.
Thankyou, exactly if some of you havn't still noticed this is all about trying to counter balance China. At the moment China is surrounded from everywhere except Pakistan, and about only 50% of Indian forces. With Pakistan removed as a threat to India, India will have upto 80% of their forces focusing on China. At the moment there is anti-china forces in Afghanistan, India, and Taiwan. If Pakistan is attacked China would definatly help Pakistan if not deploy its forces in Pakistan because they would be foolish not to. For two main reasons firstly if Pakistan is taken out China will be compleletly cut off, and secondly China and Pakistan are like brothers from different mothers.

with all due respect i would like to differ here. so far in the history of sino-pak relations, china has never send its troops to support pak. not even in '71 when pakistan was split in two. in kargil, china actually asked pak to withdraw.
No one in this thread has yet noted that any attack would be a monumental waste of resources for little to no strategic (Or even tactical for that matter) gain? That the only conceivable reason for a strike would be to appease the public, and then only long enough for the casualty reports to start flowing in? I've grown up in an age were terrorism is like the weather. It is just a law: there will be nutters with guns, and they shall blow things up. They want to kill me and my ilk, and it is my job to kill them. You do what you can to stop it, you punish after the fact, then you clean up and go on with your business.

It would also be monumentally stupid for Pakistan to support such a terrorist act, as they have absolutely nothing to gain from it, and supporting a group that would commit such an act would just lengthen and broaden the scope of the little civil war they have going already.

The Indian media is just making money off sensationalism, and politicians are trying for the same. Hell, if the US government paid any attention to FOX news and the 700 Club, it would have invaded Iran, Venezuela, Columbia, Mexico, and Pakistan by now.
I see this phrase, nothing more than some firy words. In current situation strike is not a solution for the problem India is going through, It is more of a internal failure rather than extrenal offensive.
and politicians are politicians, cold blooded creatures , emphasising only on vote bank. Be it manmohan, zradari, adavni or nawaz.
No one in this thread has yet noted that any attack would be a monumental waste of resources for little to no strategic (Or even tactical for that matter) gain? That the only conceivable reason for a strike would be to appease the public

Actually I have read my post on page 2 of this thread.
India is not going to launch airstrikes against Pakistan, or launch a limited offensive.

There will be precautionary mobilization of troops, but then it is being reported that even Pakistan is doing the same.

Most likely, India will hand over the evidence of LeT involvement in the terror attack, and wait for action from Pakistani side.

If Pakistan does not take action against the perpetrators, then it is likely that there may be dilution of diplomatic relations and possible suspension of ceasefire and peace process.
with all due respect i would like to differ here. so far in the history of sino-pak relations, china has never send its troops to support pak. not even in '71 when pakistan was split in two. in kargil, china actually asked pak to withdraw.

It was less about china and more about a threat to be wiped out from the world map why Pakistan had to withdraw support from the terrorists hiding in kargil. And that was the time of a democratic government led by NS and general Musharraf
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with all due respect i would like to differ here. so far in the history of sino-pak relations, china has never send its troops to support pak. not even in '71 when pakistan was split in two. in kargil, china actually asked pak to withdraw.

Yes i agree with you. You are right that china didn't send its troops to support Pakistan but hey definately provided immence technical support. Also dn't you think this is a little different, back in '71 or even in Kargil, China didn't have enemies in Afghnistan and Taiwan was preety cool. So what ever happens I really hope that there is no war between the two countries, the boom India had seen recently would slow down if there was a war and economies of both countries would plumet.

If we know enough that war is not the solutions I am quite sure think tanks from both countries know that too, but if US wants Pakistan removed as a threat than it will happen no matter what the two countries decide. I really hope they can decide for them selves and not for the US.

Even us Canadians believe that the Iraq story was too crazy to be true so we didn't send our troops there. But the Afghanistan one was very nicely put together and as part of NATO we had to send some troops there. And just recently our mission has changed from peacekeeping to actually attack and defend, initially our Gov't didn't wana send troops so the US stoped buying our lumber, reduced the amount of electricity they used from us and even threatned us with the Mad Cow Disease that it had started again, plus the newly elected govt was too pro-american so we ended up sending more troops.
Here it is what i think, if India launches air strikes( which it wont for obvious reasons) even Zardari would not be able to stop PA to retaliate. If he does, that means there might be serious repercussions so no leader would commit such a suecide by letting Indians strike while we do nothing about it and please by no means compare this situation with the drones. There is a hell of a difference between the two.

There is however a slightest possibility that India tries to engage Pakistan by the definition of Cold start doctrine, we have to keep that in mind because India has the failures of 2002 right infront of them so this time there might be a change of strategy as defined in the cold start and we should be prepared for the same.

From where in God's created earth did china come into the equation. Guys come on seriously(to Pakistanis) don't just make a fun of the Pakistan armed forces everytime by bringing China into the equation, seriously it doesn't help one bit. Have some faith in your own capabilities. China wasn't there when kargil happened. Remember China is a growing economy, it wont risk all for Pakistan.
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It was less about china and more about a threat to be wiped out from the world map why Pakistan had to withdraw support from the terrorists hiding in kargil. And that was the time of a democratic government led by NS and general Musharraf

You really like to use the words like wiping Pakistan off the map right? Like its some ****? Let me wipe you from here. I have had enough of you. If little kids cant control their frustration or understand the situation - one has no place here.
Most likely, India will hand over the evidence of LeT involvement in the terror attack, and wait for action from Pakistani side.

What if LET is clearly implicated, will Pakistan after years of investment in grooming millitantant group like Let let go of it?

Does it have the will to deport senior Let commanders in case it is proved beyond doubt that Let was involved.

I highly doubt that Pakistan will do any of the aforementioned things, how can you expect it to? It Its generals and government can't even agree on a historic decision.

At best I think Pakistan will put up a horse and pony show, allow Let to go underground and claim that they are searching for the leadership. They have invested too much into organisations like Let. The question is wht will India do?

If Pakistan does not take action against the perpetrators, then it is likely that there may be dilution of diplomatic relations and possible suspension of ceasefire and peace process.

I think it will be much more than that. The nation is enraged. Expect lot of covert activities within Pakistan. A minister's head has rolled a CM's head is to follow don't you think one way or the other Pakistan will have to bear the cost of this..

There is however a slightest possibility that India tries to engage Pakistan by the definition of Cold start doctrine, we have to keep that in mind because India has the failures of 2002 right infront of them so this time there might be a change of strategy as defined in the cold start and we should be prepared for the same.

You are Naive to think that success comes from all guns blazing. What would Parakram achieved except for few odd miles of barren land and thousands dead. The motive of Parakram was to send the message"India is willing to use disproportionate force in a asymmetircal conflict". The message has clearly got though Pakistani ears. Mushy came live on television denouncing terrorism, 2002 onwards Kashmiri militance (confined to Kashmir) has become a joke. Our Public diplomacy worked overtime to project the right image. To sum it up Parakram achieved what it wanted(ironically which it would not have achieved had it gone all guns blazing).

You really like to use the words like wiping Pakistan off the map right? Like its some ****? Let me wipe you from here. I have had enough of you. If little kids cant control their frustration or understand the situation - one has no place here.

LOL :rofl:

where is NEO
What if LET is clearly implicated, will Pakistan after years of investment in grooming millitantant group like Let let go of it?

Does it have the will to deport senior Let commanders in case it is proved beyond doubt that Let was involved.

I highly doubt that Pakistan will do any of the aforementioned things, how can you expect it to? It Its generals and government can't even agree on a historic decision.

At best I think Pakistan will put up a horse and pony show, allow Let to go underground and claim that they are searching for the leadership. They have invested too much into organisations like Let. The question is wht will India do?

I think it will be much more than that. The nation is enraged. Expect lot of covert activities within Pakistan. A minister's head has rolled a CM's head is to follow don't you think one way or the other Pakistan will have to bear the cost of this..


I want to say something against this person but let me stand even above that action... Here. Just watch the movie and you will understand...

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