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Is IAF planing limited airstrikes inside Pakistan?

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does IAF planing , limited airstrikes inside pakistan?

After the horrifying acts of terrorism in mumbai, india has to show its citizens , its might , its power to protection !by striking suspected terrorists camps inside pakistan!:angry:
if it happens, what should PAF react, or PAF should let it go, like all the drone attacks?:eek:
plz open your thoughts,:tup:

If IAF manages to strike Pakistan.

Let me provide some guidelines to Pakistan's counter strike agenda.

1) Pakistan must quickly strike IAF airbase in Tajikistan, to remove the "Northern threat" (my words). The base should become a pile of dust and scrap metal. I prefer using 500 pound bombs.

2) Pakistan must hit IAF bases in Kashmir.

3) ISI should engage in sabotage in India.

All of this will most likely turn into ground warfare.

4) Pakistan must deploy it's missiles, for example Ghauri Missiles.

5) Threaten a Nuclear first strike on Mumbai and Delhi, to prevent further large scale invasion. If you haven't noticed Pakistan's economy is not in the condition for prolonged warfare.

6) Pakistan MUST guard Karachi from India's Naval forces. Using PAF and Pakistani Navy force.

7) Guard other cities as well.

In land warfare Pakistan must utilize the new Khalid Tanks immediately, no deep invasions but just enough to kick Hindu Indian a**....
I'm pretty sure that the Indians are being closely monitored right now.

Any misadventure would cost them dearly.
I'm pretty sure that the Indians are being closely monitored right now.

Any misadventure would cost them dearly.

Interesting comment, I would further like to add that the Indians are not just being watched by Pakistan but I'm sure also by China.
Interesting comment, I would further like to add that the Indians are not just being watched by Pakistan but I'm sure also by China.

China will give two hoots about Pakistan. It is you who fight their war not vice versa.
China will give two hoots about Pakistan. It is you who fight their war not vice versa.

Oh really is that what happened in 1962...Your comment has just been debunked!

Also Pakistan has fought it's own Wars for Kashmir, Kashmiri cause is a Muslim cause not a Chinese cause, do you understand!

For example 1947, 1965, and other Wars.

You apparently have some malign feelings for Pakistan.
if this happens with stick v can shove it in our enemy's a ss yet again with a different experience!! this tym coming out of their mouth!!:enjoy:

Haha i like boss hahah i will give it personaly haha :agree: :rofl:
I think if LET hand is established, we should blow out Muridke.

Not a brick should stand on a brick. Not a terrorist training there should be in one piece.

And Pakistan should mark the place for a nice accurate strike. After all they are the common enemy.
- This all starts with the 911 which was planned by the US and gave them a reason to attack Afghanistan.
- Late 2007 US starts to pressurize GOP to do more in the tribal regions, all part of the plan to spread out and thin the Pak forces.
- When Pakistan only deploys Fortier corps and not the actual Army which is still on the eastern front with India, US gets pissed and starts to do drone strikes to encourage GOP to pull out troops from the Indian border.
- They want the removal of troops from the Indian border so this way it gives Indians that extra courage and assurance if they were to attack Pakistan.
- Zardari who is now a puppet Govt. of the US is ordered to point out that the Pakistan would not use Nuclear weapons first; this also gives the GOI (Govt of India) more assurance.
- Please note that if it wasn’t for the Nuclear assets of Pakistan, there would probably be no Pakistan at this point and the Americans wouldn’t have to worry about trying to remove Pakistan from Indians worries.
- US spy agencies help out Indian spy agencies to figure out a way to attack Pakistan, to me this new Mumbai attacks is just another 911 for India, this way the Indians will have the support from all over the world to attack Pakistan if they wanted to. Just like during 911 when the US had all the support from the world to attack Afghanistan.
- At the moment India has all the evidence (fake) to attack Pakistan.
- They might do this in a way to say that they are attacking the militant hideouts, and conveniently might just accidentally hit Pakistan’s nuclear assets.

In one of my other posts I had said that this is all about the US keeping balance in the area, the Chinese growing economy and defense is a real threat to the US and they want to balance it. Since Pakistan is on the side of the Chinese the only other viable option is India. But Pakistan stands in the way. The US wants to remove Pakistan so India can concentrate on China alone.

Note that US has been doing this for a while, another example from the same area would be the cold war! Then the Russians seriously threatened the US and to balance that threat, was through serious damage to Russia in Afghanistan, and by making the Soviet Union to break into smaller states. They could not use India back than so they supported Pakistan. Pakistan had employed SSG troops in Afghanistan and they fought the Russians. These troops were known as the black storks and Russian was ridiculously scared about them even the spetsnaz were surprised by the efficiency of the Mujahideen who had embedded SSG troops with in them.

*Please confirm the following statements, this, I am not too sure about this one but if its true, Pakistan is in grave danger to an IAF strike.*

Also note how Pakistani F-16's are out of the country convieniantly being upgraded. This was the only serious threat to the IAF, with that gone Pakistan is all open

Also the US had asked for deployment of some of Indian troops with the ISAF forces as per the nuclear deal with the GOI in the recent past.

any how, if IAF is going to attack Pakistan. GOP should be rest assured that Chinese will go out of their way to help Pakistan, just like every single time in the Past. If this happens they might just sell pakistan some of their best jets on a loan. It might not be the FC-20 but Pakistan might get the regular J-10 version or even the J11/SU-30s...
- This all starts with the 911 which was planned by the US and gave them a reason to attack Afghanistan.
- Late 2007 US starts to pressurize GOP to do more in the tribal regions, all part of the plan to spread out and thin the Pak forces.
- When Pakistan only deploys Fortier corps and not the actual Army which is still on the eastern front with India, US gets pissed and starts to do drone strikes to encourage GOP to pull out troops from the Indian border.
- They want the removal of troops from the Indian border so this way it gives Indians that extra courage and assurance if they were to attack Pakistan.
- Zardari who is now a puppet Govt. of the US is ordered to point out that the Pakistan would not use Nuclear weapons first; this also gives the GOI (Govt of India) more assurance.
- Please note that if it wasn’t for the Nuclear assets of Pakistan, there would probably be no Pakistan at this point and the Americans wouldn’t have to worry about trying to remove Pakistan from Indians worries.
- US spy agencies help out Indian spy agencies to figure out a way to attack Pakistan, to me this new Mumbai attacks is just another 911 for India, this way the Indians will have the support from all over the world to attack Pakistan if they wanted to. Just like during 911 when the US had all the support from the world to attack Afghanistan.
- At the moment India has all the evidence (fake) to attack Pakistan.
- They might do this in a way to say that they are attacking the militant hideouts, and conveniently might just accidentally hit Pakistan’s nuclear assets.

In one of my other posts I had said that this is all about the US keeping balance in the area, the Chinese growing economy and defense is a real threat to the US and they want to balance it. Since Pakistan is on the side of the Chinese the only other viable option is India. But Pakistan stands in the way. The US wants to remove Pakistan so India can concentrate on China alone.

Note that US has been doing this for a while, another example from the same area would be the cold war! Then the Russians seriously threatened the US and to balance that threat, was through serious damage to Russia in Afghanistan, and by making the Soviet Union to break into smaller states. They could not use India back than so they supported Pakistan. Pakistan had employed SSG troops in Afghanistan and they fought the Russians. These troops were known as the black storks and Russian was ridiculously scared about them even the spetsnaz were surprised by the efficiency of the Mujahideen who had embedded SSG troops with in them.

*Please confirm the following statements, this, I am not too sure about this one but if its true, Pakistan is in grave danger to an IAF strike.*

Also note how Pakistani F-16's are out of the country convieniantly being upgraded. This was the only serious threat to the IAF, with that gone Pakistan is all open

Also the US had asked for deployment of some of Indian troops with the ISAF forces as per the nuclear deal with the GOI in the recent past.

any how, if IAF is going to attack Pakistan. GOP should be rest assured that Chinese will go out of their way to help Pakistan, just like every single time in the Past. If this happens they might just sell pakistan some of their best jets on a loan. It might not be the FC-20 but Pakistan might get the regular J-10 version or even the J11/SU-30s...
hanzo said:
you got sum balls *****.
my relatives (shah jhan rules indian).
we used to put you under our shoes.
since you only got free 50 years ago now you act superior. some nerve you got.
Logic dude......logic.

- Yes I too believe limited air strikes is out of the question. If such an air strike is to be made, it must be made in an area not defended by air defenses, and few routes, if any, from India are not guarded by air defenses. Indians wouldn't risk loosing air planes in limited air strikes over Pakistani territory while not even trying to fight Pakistan forces.

- If India does attack, initially China I believe would provide only technical support. In case NATO forces do also try to get involved (unlikely), I'm sure that China will get much more actively involved. China does not want to be locked from all sides.
india impends Pakistan of terrible consequences

ISLAMABAD (updated on: November 29, 2008, 19:49 PST): India has threatened of dire consequences to Pakistan after Mumbai terror attacks and the coming 48 hours are very important, sources said on Saturday.

The war can not benefit any side but if India imposed war Pakistan will go to the last limit for its defence, the sources said.

They are hiding their failure behind the belligerent attitude against Pakistan the sources added.
Pakistan to move troops if Indian tensions worsen

ISLAMABAD (updated on: November 29, 2008, 23:22 PST): Pakistan would divert troops to its border with India and away from fighting militants on the Afghan frontier, if tensions erupt in the wake of the attacks on Mumbai, a senior security official said on Saturday.

The next two days would prove crucial to relations between the nuclear-armed rivals, a second official said, after India blamed "elements" from Pakistan for the coordinated assault on its financial capital that killed 195 people.

"If something happens on that front, the war on terror won't be our priority," the senior security officer told journalists at a briefing.

"We'll take out everything from the western border. We won't leave anything there."

The warning will alarm the United States and other governments with troops in Afghanistan, as Pakistan currently has around 100,000 troops in the border areas, and the army is fighting militants in several tribal regions.

The senior officer described the communication received from New Delhi notifying Pakistan of suspicions of a Pakistani link to the attacks on Mumbai as "well within limits".

But a second more junior, but also high-ranking, officer said Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee had been aggressive and the Indian accusations had implied that Pakistani agencies were somehow involved.

"I can say with my authority under my command that there's no involvement of any Pakistani institution in any manner," the high-ranking officer said.

"It's not an ideal situation for a country to go to war. Coercion is there and it's going up and it needs to be neutralised."

Indian suspicions are focused on Lashkar-e-Taiba, one of several militant groups fighting the Indian army in Indian occupied Kashmir.
I think if LET hand is established, we should blow out Muridke.

Not a brick should stand on a brick. Not a terrorist training there should be in one piece.

And Pakistan should mark the place for a nice accurate strike. After all they are the common enemy.

While I can understand your anger; no one likes two hundred of their compatriots killed for no rhyme or reason; situation calls for cool heads.

This is a democratic gov't. Pakistan’s FM was in India. President Zardari has said on TV that soon time would come when we would not need passport for travel to India. A very large portion of PA is already occupied in FATA against Taliban. Just think, why would Pakistan gain by take this “Panga:” with India at this point in time?

There is only one possible explanation. Anti state forces in Pakistan are under pressure. If this situation can engineer an Indo Pak confrontation; PA resources engaged in FATA operations would be moved to the Eastern border thereby providing breathing space to Taliban so that they can regroup again. I hope Indian Army planners can also see thru this ruse by the terrorists and better sense prevails.

Finally, what would be result of bombing Muridke or any other place? Is there any proof of linking Muridke with this assault on Mumbai? Killing more innocents in revenge for the killing of innocents defies logic.

Need of the time is a combined effort to eliminate the cancer of terrorism for the society, not to fight each other. Any other approach will only benefit the elements which perpetrated this crime in the first place.
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