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Those above projects always intrigued me, especially the one that seems to have a cockpit?
They halt b/c of engines.
when Iran build it's engine we can have hope to see bigger platform rather than F5 and Qaher313.
at least we have two yrs distance from bigger engines like RD-33.

They propabely build their RC models and test them.
They halt b/c of engines.
when Iran build it's engine we can have hope to see bigger platform rather than F5 and Qaher313.
at least we have two yrs distance from bigger engines like RD-33.

They said 2 years ago that in 2 years (i.e right now) they will have an engine with 4x the thrust of OWJ ready. If we have achieved that, then we are not that far behind something like RD-33.
They said 2 years ago that in 2 years (i.e right now) they will have an engine with 4x the thrust of OWJ ready. If we have achieved that, then we are not that far behind something like RD-33.

Why would Iran build the RD-33, when a 4x version of Owj would be similar to Rd-33 in terms of max thrust?

It could be that the 4xOwj project is RD-33.

There is also a heavy turbojet engine in production.

The Sofreh Mahi variants shown are probably Iran’s 6th gen fighters. The “cockpit one” resembles the United States skunk works 6th gen fighter concept.

Thus that Iran project is probably 10+ years away from production prototypes.
Why would Iran build the RD-33, when a 4x version of Owj would be similar to Rd-33 in terms of max thrust?

It could be that the 4xOwj project is RD-33.

There is also a heavy turbojet engine in production.

The Sofreh Mahi variants shown are probably Iran’s 6th gen fighters. The “cockpit one” resembles the United States skunk works 6th gen fighter concept.

Thus that Iran project is probably 10+ years away from production prototypes.

Because from my understanding, that 4x thrust engine is thought to be a turbojet and not a turbofan. That's the impression I got from the Dehghan's interview anyway.
Because from my understanding, that 4x thrust engine is thought to be a turbojet and not a turbofan. That's the impression I got from the Dehghan's interview anyway.


Iran plans to acquire MODERN FIGHTER JETS & boost missile capacity in sp ite of sanctions

Announced intention to strengthen Iran's defence capabilities also includes ac quiring fighter jets and submarines.

Iran is planning to increase its missile capacity and acquire modern fighter jets and submarines as part of ef forts to expand its defence capabilities, a senior official has said.

Mohammad Ahadi, Iran's deputy defence minister for international affairs, made the announcement in a speech to a group of foreign military attaches, the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) reported on Saturday.

"Increasing ballistic and cruise missile capacity ... and the acquisition of next-generation fighters and heavy and long-range vessels and submarines with various weapons capabilities are among the new plans of this ministry," he said in the capital, Tehran.

His comments came a day after Tehran rejected a French call for negotiations on future nuclear plans, its ballistic missile arsenal and its role in ongoing regional conflicts, in the wake of a decision by the United States to withdraw from a multinational nuclear deal with Iran and reimpose sanctions against it.

Earlier this week, Iranian lawyers asked the International Court of Justice to order the US to lift the sanctions, saying the measures - which are damaging Iran's already weak economy - violate terms of a little-known 1955 friendship treaty between the two countries.

In his address, Ahadi said the sanctions had not slowed the development of the country's arms industry.

"We have the necessary infrastructure and what we need to do is research and development, and at the same time upgrade and update the defence industry while relying on the country's very high scientific capabilities and tens of thousands of graduates in technical fields and engineering," he was quoted as saying by IRNA.

He also defended Iran's actions in Syria and Iraq, saying they were central to defeating the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (also known as ISIL or ISIS) armed group.

Iran unveils new domestic fighter jet
"If Iran and its allies ... had not stopped [the] Islamic State [of Iraq and the Levant], today the map of the region would be different and the world would face a terrible challenge."

In August, Iran unveiled a new domestic fighter jet, reportedly the first to be "100-percent indigenously made".

At the time, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the country's military strength was designed to deter enemies and create "lasting peace".

Rouhani later said that the Islamic Republic's military prowess deterred the US from attacking it.

Relations worsened between the two countries after US President Donald Trump's decision in May to pull out from the landmark nuclear deal, which was signed in 2015 between Iran and several world powers.

War games
In a separate announcement on Saturday, the head of the defence ministry's naval industries said a water jet propulsion system was in development and would be ready by March, according to semi-official news agency Tasnim.

Earlier this week, Iranian state media reported the launch of military exercises involving some 150,000 volunteer Basij militia members, led by Iran's Revolutionary Guards, who vowed to protect Iran from "foreign threats".

"The motto of these war games is unity ... and to declare that, when it comes to adversity and threats from foreigners, we all join to defend the [Islamic Republic's] system," Basij commander Gholam-Hossein Gheibparvar was quoted by IRNA as saying.

The exercises come in advance of massive annual rallies planned for later this month to mark the start of the Iran-Iraq war, which raged from 1980 to 1988.
Because from my understanding, that 4x thrust engine is thought to be a turbojet and not a turbofan. That's the impression I got from the Dehghan's interview anyway.

Um you don’t use a turbojet in a fighter aircraft you use a turbofan.

An you are probably talking about an interview a few years ago that said they are working on heavy turbojet and turbofan engine. Lastly Dehghan is no longer a DM.

Furthermore, DMs don’t get information on ALL projects. It’s a ministry position and thus a temporary position. So many projects are withheld unless it is deemed the DM should know about it.

The DM position is overrated in my opinion.
Um you don’t use a turbojet in a fighter aircraft you use a turbofan.

An you are probably talking about an interview a few years ago that said they are working on heavy turbojet and turbofan engine. Lastly Dehghan is no longer a DM.

Furthermore, DMs don’t get information on ALL projects.

What do you think the OWJ is? It is a turbojet. Of course you can use a turbojet in a fighter, obviously a turbofan is more efficient/effective but turbojet is easier to make. Anyway, point was that the 4x thrust engine seemed to be a referring to a turbojet.
The fact he is not longer DM is irrelevant. When he gave the interview, he was obviously being informed on these projects. Do you seriously think the DM would not have been up to speed with all these major engine developments? Fighter jet engines ARE major developments and he would have definitely been informed.
They said 2 years ago that in 2 years (i.e right now) they will have an engine with 4x the thrust of OWJ ready. If we have achieved that, then we are not that far behind something like RD-33.
from where this two yrs come ????
I find exact former ministry of defense head interview in Aug 2016
in 5:35 he clearly said 3 yrs and that is speculation.
Although I think if we pour enough money and resource for this project we can hear good news soon.
So ideally, this is what I would like for Iran's airforce in the coming years.

I'm guessing that Iran will wait until 2020 when the UN embargoes which prevent Iran from purchasing fighter jets comes to an end. According to rumors, Russia & Iran have already signed an agreement for a large number of brand new fighter jets with technology transfers. Some say the number could be as high as 200 but realistically it will probably be 50-70 new jets ? maybe 100 ?

In any case, I would like to see Iran get rid of their aging F-4 jets. I would also like to see Iran upgrade their F-5's to Kowsar standard & build a few squadrons of Kowsar, ideally 4, to supplement the airforce. The F-14's will probably remain but honestly they probably won't last more than another 20 years. The SU-30 & other derivatives of the SU-27 will most likely be the Iranian airforces backbone. I would also like to see Iran acquire help from Russia to upgrade their MIG-29's. Ideally I would also like to see Iran purchase a few more squadrons of the MIG-29 or perhaps a single seat derivative of the SU-27? On top of that it would be nice to see Iran buy a few squadrons of the MIG-25 for heavy bombing runs ? it would also be a dream for Iran to purchase a few squadrons of the SU-57, however I'm not sure about that.

Aside from Iran purchasing fighter jets, Iran needs new helicopters. I want to see the Shahed 216 ? A large purchase of Russian jets with technology transfers ?


Iran plans to acquire MODERN FIGHTER JETS & boost missile capacity in sp ite of sanctions

Announced intention to strengthen Iran's defence capabilities also includes ac quiring fighter jets and submarines.

Iran is planning to increase its missile capacity and acquire modern fighter jets and submarines as part of ef forts to expand its defence capabilities, a senior official has said.

Mohammad Ahadi, Iran's deputy defence minister for international affairs, made the announcement in a speech to a group of foreign military attaches, the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) reported on Saturday.

"Increasing ballistic and cruise missile capacity ... and the acquisition of next-generation fighters and heavy and long-range vessels and submarines with various weapons capabilities are among the new plans of this ministry," he said in the capital, Tehran.

His comments came a day after Tehran rejected a French call for negotiations on future nuclear plans, its ballistic missile arsenal and its role in ongoing regional conflicts, in the wake of a decision by the United States to withdraw from a multinational nuclear deal with Iran and reimpose sanctions against it.

Earlier this week, Iranian lawyers asked the International Court of Justice to order the US to lift the sanctions, saying the measures - which are damaging Iran's already weak economy - violate terms of a little-known 1955 friendship treaty between the two countries.

In his address, Ahadi said the sanctions had not slowed the development of the country's arms industry.

"We have the necessary infrastructure and what we need to do is research and development, and at the same time upgrade and update the defence industry while relying on the country's very high scientific capabilities and tens of thousands of graduates in technical fields and engineering," he was quoted as saying by IRNA.

He also defended Iran's actions in Syria and Iraq, saying they were central to defeating the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (also known as ISIL or ISIS) armed group.

Iran unveils new domestic fighter jet
"If Iran and its allies ... had not stopped [the] Islamic State [of Iraq and the Levant], today the map of the region would be different and the world would face a terrible challenge."

In August, Iran unveiled a new domestic fighter jet, reportedly the first to be "100-percent indigenously made".

At the time, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the country's military strength was designed to deter enemies and create "lasting peace".

Rouhani later said that the Islamic Republic's military prowess deterred the US from attacking it.

Relations worsened between the two countries after US President Donald Trump's decision in May to pull out from the landmark nuclear deal, which was signed in 2015 between Iran and several world powers.

War games
In a separate announcement on Saturday, the head of the defence ministry's naval industries said a water jet propulsion system was in development and would be ready by March, according to semi-official news agency Tasnim.

Earlier this week, Iranian state media reported the launch of military exercises involving some 150,000 volunteer Basij militia members, led by Iran's Revolutionary Guards, who vowed to protect Iran from "foreign threats".

"The motto of these war games is unity ... and to declare that, when it comes to adversity and threats from foreigners, we all join to defend the [Islamic Republic's] system," Basij commander Gholam-Hossein Gheibparvar was quoted by IRNA as saying.

The exercises come in advance of massive annual rallies planned for later this month to mark the start of the Iran-Iraq war, which raged from 1980 to 1988.
Delta wing project



and other designs


The problem is engine we don't have powerful engines to move for bigger platforms also F5 is good platform and we can put it as base and start point for making bigger platform.
I think they don't have plan to make new F5s they just build one to prove technology and move for another step to build bigger jet.

Iran never claimed that the Sofreh Mahi project was anything other than a UAV project

In terms of design they look nice (Delta wing version would need adjustments in design for a supersonic version & the other one needs better designed intakes)
And they would be good only IF the aircraft was large enough 65ft-70ft long with large enough weapons bay & preferably with engines that had combined dry thrust of 30,000lbf or more and combined max thrust of almost 50,000lbf

If it was me I would 1st build a weapons bay capable of carrying 8 1000lb ordinance (1ft in diameter x 15ft long) and then I would design a low RCS Delta wing fighter around the weapons bay

In terms of propulsion if in the past decade Iran had put most of it's focused on building an improved version of the J-79 or better yet the AL-21's today we wouldn't have propulsion problems at all!

In particular the J-79's that is a singe spool engine that Iran has worked with for a long time and it is an engine that has a lot of room for improvements

For example:
1.The J-79's Turbine inlet temperature is under 1800F degrees & by comparison an RD-33 runs at 2500F degrees
So the J-79 combustion chambers leave room for upgrades allowing you to make adjustments in design and materials allowing you to reduce the size of your combustion chamber, your spool axels & you turbines... for more efficient or more powerful engines
2.The J79 has a 3 section compressor and with simply increasing the diameters of the front compressors while reducing the length of your blades and making some design adjustments with the purpose of allowing for limited low bypass turbojet engines will further increase efficacy
3. Designing an outer casing to allow for limited bypass over you high pressure compressors will further increase efficiency (when cold air is passed over your compressors and heated up over your combustion chamber and afterburners this will not only increase thrust by it's self but when fed to your afterburner the increase oxygen will allow you to better burn fuel with your afterburners for a more efficient and or more powerful afterburners
4. Building far more efficient ball brings than ones produce in the late 60's by the Americans should be well within Iran's capabilities
So if they had focused on these 4 improvements on the J-79 we would of had an engine that would have been sufficient even for our F-14's

And if Iran had made these upgrades to the twin spool AL-21's or had build a twin spool version of the J-79 we would of had an engine that would have been sufficient for decades to come!
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