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Iraq leaning towards Iran, Turkey 'becoming hostile'

Actually he was fine with it. Muqtda leader of Mahdi army(and who"studied" in Iran for years) is the one generally responsible for preventing longer US military presence.

You're absolutely right. Just because the US invaded Iraq that doesn't give Iran the right to interfere in Iraqi affairs.
See might be Iran or Turkey try to get some of the Iraqi piece of cake for there own but you people for whom you try so hard in Iraq all that terrorists money media you did for the sake of whom don't tell for the sake of God since Al Saud don't care about God or religion then for whom killing all the poor Muslims in my country either Sunni or Shi3a can you answer???.
Forget this guy, I seen his comments. he is just an anti Iranian.

anyway Iran is very active in Iraq in biulding power plants for our brother there. we will make sure they be never run by some shia killer like sadam again.
Who are you to speak for the Iraqis?
Iraq is a diverse country:
Majority of Iraqis Don't want Iran to have a strong influence on Iraqi internal affairs and external relations.
Kurds, Arab Sunnis and majority of Shi3s.
The fact is that in Iraq if Shi3a organizations or parties becomes hostile towards Iran they get"liquidated" by other pro-Iranian militias.
No one is against good relations, but NO one in the region will accept Iraq as a satellite state of Iran.
absolutely you worked hard to make diverse country.
Forget this guy, I seen his comments. he is just an anti Iranian.

That's simply the response I expected from an Iranian who likes to spur overwhelming thoughts about his country, yet can't seem to prove a thing.

Good riddance with you.
That's simply the response I expected from an Iranian who likes to spur overwhelming thoughts about his country, yet can't seem to prove a thing.

Good riddance with you.

First, you will have to approach with facts to expect others doing the same. You said "Mess iran is causing in balochistan...." in your previous post. Do you have evidence to support this? It is you who started anti-Iranian non-evidental assertions here to incite others against iran.
Thəorətic Muslim;2855496 said:
Hey, Who the Fu<k are you? We liberated the country :angel: we get first dibs. ;)
Now what country that you liberated.

Th&#601;or&#601;tic Muslim;2855514 said:
Yes Yes it was. We will not allow Iraq to become the B!t<h of some other country. Its our B!t<h
first. You can have it when the oil runs out.
Why don't you shut the *** up and keep your dirty mouth away we're not kids like you talking dirty like that upon my country show some respect you *****.
First, you will have to approach with facts to expect others doing the same. You said "Mess iran is causing in balochistan...." in your previous post. Do you have evidence to support this? It is you who started anti-Iranian non-evidental assertions here to incite others against iran.

Once again, listen to me carefully this time. If PGK teaches himself that he lives in London, not Iran, and what civilization with proper debating means, then I'll think about putting forth a proper discussion with him.

I do not argue with the likes of those who have no respect.
Once again, listen to me carefully this time. If PGK teaches himself that he lives in London, not Iran, and what civilization with proper debating means, then I'll think about putting forth a proper discussion with him.

I do not argue with the likes of those who have no respect.

Your opinion. Fine. Reply to the rest of my post (regarding UAE) and why you blamed Iran in the first place?
First, you will have to approach with facts to expect others doing the same. You said "Mess iran is causing in balochistan...." in your previous post. Do you have evidence to support this? It is you who started anti-Iranian non-evidental assertions here to incite others against iran.

You are wasting your time with that thing. come one man.
the guy will end up saying Iran is responsible for global warming in a minute.
Who are you to speak for the Iraqis?
Iraq is a diverse country:
Majority of Iraqis Don't want Iran to have a strong influence on Iraqi internal affairs and external relations.
Kurds, Arab Sunnis and majority of Shi3s.
The fact is that in Iraq if Shi3a organizations or parties becomes hostile towards Iran they get"liquidated" by other pro-Iranian militias.
No one is against good relations, but NO one in the region will accept Iraq as a satellite state of Iran.
OMG, you can't read for sh it.

I said they choose their politicians into power, not me and you. Those politicians are the ones representing them. If Maliki wants Iran's help and support than it means Iraqis also want that. If they don't, they will simply kick him out of power in the next elections or choose somebody that's against Iran. Most Iraqis are shia and automatically most politicians will be shia. Most of these political figures are close to iran for the sole reason that you wahabis, as well as saddam type goons, scare the **** out of them. All these suicide bombers that you send from saudi arabia are destroying the country. The best way to get support in Iraq is to stop sending saudis to blow **** up.
How hypocritical that Persian God King calls me "wahabi, anti-Iranian, anti-Shia lover" on my profile page for the simple reasons of telling him to behave in a civilized manner.

Your opinion. Fine. Reply to the rest of my post (regarding UAE) and why you blamed Iran in the first place?

I must've missed your comments about UAE.

Also, I'd like to point out S-19, If I was anti-Iranian, I wouldn't have made this thread. I am anti-ignorants.
I thought it is the Kurds (pkk) who were killing turkish people? :disagree:

Friend, i honestly dont get the impression that u know anything about PKK apart from some propaganda which they need to do just to recruit new people however their main mission, its purpose for existince is something way different than they say.

I will tell u a secret, they were created by the state itself, later it got out of controll but that is a long story, whats important here is their true mission, and believe me its nothing to do with anti-Turkey, ill tell u another secret u dont here from media, most of the time they are indirectly serving Turkeys interests! But the Masses dont know.
But your policies are based on sectarianism, and that will lead to the separation of Iraq, it will cease to exist as one country and divided in to 3 small weak countries atleast. Shia part under influence of Iran , Kurdish region will come under full controll of Turkey and Sunni Arabs will be under Saudis.. Unfortunately for Iraq it seems that this is going to become a reality.
Well that's what the west want and you Turkey, Saudi, and Qatar while look @ Iranian how they deal with Iraqi politicians they meat and talk to all @ same level, any way if that's happen the biggest loser going to be our poor brother the Iraqi Suni.
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