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Turkey could be on the brink of dictatorship

So uhave excuse for everything the west did and never call it undemocratic, while whatever we do becomes a threat to democracy. If erdogan is voted again and again by ppl, it means he is doing what the majority demands.
Look, I'd be president too, if I kicked out my main opponent, I'd shut down the TV channels, jail any journalist who criticized me, and of course I'd have full control of the justice system.
Greece is not a bridge between east and west, it is the west.
Militarily belongs to west, geopolitically perhaps, culturally and historically nope.
Look, I'd be president too, if I kicked out my main opponent, I'd shut down the TV channels, jail any journalist who criticized me, and of course I'd have full control of the justice system.

Militarily belongs to west, geopolitically perhaps, culturally and historically nope.

And still he cannot win Istanbul elections, so either he controls everything including elections or he doesnt. Id say Turkey is much more democratic tban Egypt where an open dictator rules and yet everyone is ok because he is a puppet.

Turkey could be on the brink of dictatorship​

President Erdogan could tip his country over the edge​

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, or rather his shadow, has made the cover of this week’s issue of the Economist in a decidedly unflattering way, as a leader that has taken his country “to the brink of disaster.”

As the introduction to the financial paper’s report on the state of the country ahead of presidential and parliamentary elections states, “Mr Erdogan’s behavior as the election approaches could push what is today a deeply flawed democracy over the edge into a full-blown dictatorship.”

The Economist says Erdogan’s now 20-year-old reign was initially beneficial to Turkey: he mended the economy, neutralized the country’s meddling generals and secured, in 2005, the formal opening of accession talks to the EU, while putting his islamist agenda, which had alarmed the long-dominant secularist heirs to Kemal Ataturk, the Turkish Republic’s founder, mostly to the side.

But, as the paper points out, “the longer Mr Erdogan has been in power, the more autocratic he has grown.” Moving on from Prime Minister to President, he turned that mostly ceremonial post into a really powerful one in the service of an autocracy. “Approaching his third decade in power, he sits in a vast palace snapping orders at courtiers too frightened to tell him when he is wrong. His increasingly eccentric beliefs swiftly become public policy,” the article says.

Erdogan once likened democracy to a tram journey: when you reach your destination, you get off. His treatment of mayor of Istanbul, Ekrem Imamoglu, whom the Economist calls the “most plausible rival” for the presidency is indicative. A 2-year prison term and a ban from politics for calling election officials who had annulled his first election “idiots” have taken Imamoglu out of the presidential race if the conviction is not annulled or overturned and have cast doubt that the election will be fair or free, the Economist says.

Internationally, Erdogan could cause trouble for Greece and Cyprus by “foment[ing] fiercer territorial quarrels; he could “create further confusion and strife in Syria”; he could “allow the 5m migrants and refugees in Turkey to set sail for southern Europe.” And he could continue to block the accession of Finaland and Sweden into NATO.

Yet, the Economist contends, Erdogan cannot afford to make a total break with the West, because he needs investments and he needs armaments. But, the article argues, it is time for a firmer stance by western powers, beginning with the US. “Mr Erdogan is a bully who sees timidity as a reason to press his advantage and toughness as an incentive to mend fences,” the Economist says.

Again, its normal..absolute power is addictive and corrupts the soul the longer you remain in power. In fact, i actually believe its the case for the vast majority of us humans. The longer you stay in power in a flawed system the more authoritarian you become and you start seeing yourself as someone who cant be challenged and superior to everyone. Its a normal human trait i believe. From Putin to Erdogan to Assad, to even Xi Jinping in China etc. Once you gain absolute power, its very very very difficult not to get addicted to it and to leave honorably by your own will when your time comes. VERY VERY few people can do so voluntarily. Erdogan is not the first nor will he be the last to be honest. Nothing new here
Only a system with strong institutions who can act as a counter balance to a leader can avoid this sort of leader to step down when he needs to, instead of them getting rid of/jailing all their opponents, amassing more power into their own hands, trampling state institutions under their authority and modifying constitution/changing terms limits to remain in power etc.

Those are flimsy things. What matters is how the people are getting treated. @Foinikas also pointed out some pertinent things, like corruption and nepotism.

I google about protestors killed in turkey and on the top i got the gezi park protests all the way back in 2013 where 22 (or maybe more) people died.

I google about protestors killed in iran and I got this
View attachment 912859

Now some of these website may well be anti Iranian, but they are at best exaggerating, not making the entire thing up. You know better than non-iranians about the recent protests.
Iranian regime isnt much different. They will trample anyone who goes agianst the regime as well. However, at least they do change their figureheads. Though khamenei is the absolute one with the authority/power here. And its a taboo to go against him or even dare think of criticising him, since he's almost seen as GOD representative on earth. Lol
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while whatever we do becomes a threat to democracy
"We"? Who's "we"? Turks? You said you're a Pakistani.

Muslims? This has nothing to do with Muslims.

Then who's we?

gain, its normal..absolute power is addictive and corrupts the soul the longer you remain in power. In fact, i actually believe its the case for the vast majority of us humans. The longer you stay in power in a flawed system the more authoritarian you become and you start seeing yourself as someone who cant be challenged and superior to everyone. Its a normal human trait i believe. From Putin to Erdogan to Assad, to even Xi Jinping in China etc. Once you gain absolute power, its very very very difficult not to get addicted to it and to leave honorably by your own will when your time comes. VERY VERY few people can do so voluntarily. Erdogan is not the first nor will he be the last to be honest. Nothing new here
There have been countless monarchs in history who ruled for decades and decades and were never corrupted. They remained humble,pious,honorable and benevolent.

Id say Turkey is much more democratic tban Egypt where an open dictator rules and yet everyone is ok because he is a puppet.
Here we go again with the Muslim Brotherhood fanboy...

Let's take a look at Turkey:


Greece is not a bridge between east and west, it is the west.
Greece has been the bridge of the West and East for thousands of years. Even before Turkic tribes settled in Central Asia.

Like Akritas said,geopolitically,culturally and historically we've always been something between West and East.
So uhave excuse for everything the west did and never call it undemocratic, while whatever we do becomes a threat to democracy. If erdogan is voted again and again by ppl, it means he is doing what the majority demands. Greece is not a bridge between east and west, it is the west.
I disagree with the last statement. They are basically christian Turks at this point. The culture is very similiar.

Militarily belongs to west, geopolitically perhaps, culturally and historically nope.
I don't know who you're referring to but he was talking out of his ***. There's no conceivable way for Turkey to leave NATO

What is the benefit of staying in this unholy alliance, the alliance that has stained its hands with blood of innocent Syrians? Except for alienating Turkey among its neighbors? You are aware of NATO role in trasnferring European terrorists from France to UK into Syria.

Maybe your dictators thought that Syria will be torn into pieces and you would be able to steal Syrian lands. But as we know already, it backfired.

Erdogan was going to be replaced by someone in calibre of El-Sisi. From our point of view, saving a dead pawn of west was equal to making a new political balance. A new order.

Sane people are still stating their thoughts in Turkey, a soft transition of power without coup and with votes of people of Turkey can change everything. Who knows, maybe one day, i grow fond Turkey.

Btw, he was one of the leaders of left-wing nationalist Patriotic Party.
A strong democratic Turkey threatens weaker democracies like Greece and Armenia.
@LegionnairE listen to this guy.

@LegionnairE listen to this guy.

Some clueless ultra religious politician. Why would an Iranian missile pass over Turkey to strike Israel? The AN/TPY-2 Radar in Malatya is placed there for the protection of Europe not Israel.

These Allahu Akbar screamers only talk. You'll never see them take any concrete steps against Israel.

What is the benefit of staying in this unholy alliance, the alliance that has stained its hands with blood of innocent Syrians? Except for alienating Turkey among its neighbors? You are aware of NATO role in trasnferring European terrorists from France to UK into Syria.

Maybe your dictators thought that Syria will be torn into pieces and you would be able to steal Syrian lands. But as we know already, it backfired.

Erdogan was going to be replaced by someone in calibre of El-Sisi. From our point of view, saving a dead pawn of west was equal to making a new political balance. A new order.

Sane people are still stating their thoughts in Turkey, a soft transition of power without coup and with votes of people of Turkey can change everything. Who knows, maybe one day, i grow fond Turkey.

Btw, he was one of the leaders of left-wing nationalist Patriotic Party.
NATO membership is protecting Turkey from a direct American attack. Also nuclear weapons stored in İncirlik is a good deterrent for a nuclear attack. We make NATO standard weapons and we sell them to NATO allies. Iran couldn't understand this.
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Some clueless ultra religious politician. Why would an Iranian missile pass over Turkey to strike Israel? The AN/TPY-2 Radar in Malatya is placed there for the protection of Europe not Israel.
Do you know how does a radar work? No wonder you were ridiculing a military achievement.

Obviously, you don't know the guy. They are nationalist, not that religious.

NATO membership is protecting Turkey from a direct American attack.
You are making me suspicious of quality of Turkish education system. NATO is the military arm of USA.

It is supposed to militarily control and/or colonize countries like Germany and Italy. Turkey was their pawn to destroy a list of countries including Libya and Syria. Turkey is their passage into this region. It is not supposed to protect Turkey but to use it against its neighbors. Shutting down the Russian airplane and/or assassination of Russian ambassador left Turkey open to Russian nuclear attack. Don't be stupid, the hosting country cannot use those nuclear warheads without US approval.

We make NATO standard weapons and we sell them to NATO allies. Iran couldn't understand this.
They are basically christian Turks at this point.
Or half of you are islamized Greeks?

A strong democratic Turkey threatens weaker democracies like Greece and Armenia.
Did you start drinking?
Or half of you are islamized Greeks?
It doesn't matter what Turkey is. Do you speak lots of Turkish words? yes. Eat Turkish food? yes. Make the same dumb mistakes we're making? yes. Weird obsession with history and past glories? Yes.

Don't pretend that those 400 years didn't mean anything. Celarly it was something special 🥰
Obviously, you don't know the guy. They are nationalist, not that religious.
You don't know what the fvck you're talking about
It is supposed to militarily control and/or colonize countries like Germany and Italy. Turkey was their pawn to destroy a list of countries including Libya and Syria. Turkey is their passage into this region. It is not supposed to protect Turkey but to use it against its neighbors. Shutting down the Russian airplane and/or assassination of Russian ambassador left Turkey open to Russian nuclear attack. Don't be stupid, the hosting country cannot use those nuclear warheads without US approval.
I know but it works both ways. They can't openly attack us.

Keep laughing. Turkish arms sales turns a healthy profit and funds our national defense. Iran's defense exports are basically "0"
Don't pretend that those 400 years didn't mean anything.
It meant nothing to me,other people care more for me now 🙄
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