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Iran's 'laughable' fighter jet caught out in Photoshop blunder

shopped magazine cover, let's arrest them too


photoshop or not..she'z hot...
You must be kidding right?
Why do you guys post every single trash you see on net in here?
This is a poorly edited image which has not used even Photoshop, even Microsoft Paint is too much for it and god know who created it.This is used by a cheap unknown website for a news article and no one has claimed it has flied over mountains!

Thread closed.Don't post every ridiculous nonsense you encounter on internet here.
It will be deleted in few minutes.

Sunshine don't try and suppress news, this is news worthy it is about the Qaher 313 and how an Iranian news agency photoshopped an image showing it flying over a mountain. This is completely unprofessional.

Major news networks have given coverage to this story.

Iran Stealth Jet Fighter In Fake Photoshop Blunder | Photos

Iran's Fake Super-Stealth Jet Takes to the Fake Skies, Now with Nice Photoshop - Global - The Atlantic Wire

Iran's 'fake' fighter jet spotted in the air (with a little help from Photoshop) | Mail Online

Iran's Fake Super-Stealth Jet Takes to the Fake Skies, Now with Nice Photoshop - Yahoo! News

Don't try and suppress the news and closing the thread isn't going to help. By the way understand nobody is trying to "bash" Iran point is Iranian media has engaged in deception by photoshopping images and making outlandish claims about Iran's technological claims.

That's the point, don't photoshop and alter images and lie to people. At least give credit to Adobe Engineers for helping.
If Pakistani media did this we would be talking about it, if Indian media the same, Chinese media the same, Japan media, American media, Israeli media, any media of a noteworthy country did this about a major event such as a stealth fighter we would discuss it here, so no exception is given to Iran.

I don't understand why you guys can't handle that. Grow up.
must be amusing for iranians(no offence).
Nothing personal, but Iran should put more emphasis on doing their stuffs right rather than showing it on media for mass consumption.
Under all the restrictions and sanctions, Iran is still making good efforts towards self sufficiency, which must be appreciated.

As for the new aircraft, what i fail to understand is that like all fighter jets, shouldn't the cockpit have a prominent HUD screen.

Nothing personal, but Iran should put more emphasis on doing their stuffs right rather than showing it on media for mass consumption.

Agreed, but you see it's apart of the psy-ops strategy, its to make enemies think of growing and threatening capabilities, its apart of deterrence mechanism. Puffer fish...
Sunshine don't try and suppress news, this is news worthy it is about the Qaher 313 and how an Iranian news agency photoshopped an image showing it flying over a mountain. This is completely unprofessional.

Major news networks have given coverage to this story.

Iran Stealth Jet Fighter In Fake Photoshop Blunder | Photos

Iran's Fake Super-Stealth Jet Takes to the Fake Skies, Now with Nice Photoshop - Global - The Atlantic Wire

Iran's 'fake' fighter jet spotted in the air (with a little help from Photoshop) | Mail Online

Iran's Fake Super-Stealth Jet Takes to the Fake Skies, Now with Nice Photoshop - Yahoo! News

Don't try and suppress the news and closing the thread isn't going to help. By the way understand nobody is trying to "bash" Iran point is Iranian media has engaged in deception by photoshopping images and making outlandish claims about Iran's technological claims.

That's the point, don't photoshop and alter images and lie to people. At least give credit to Adobe Engineers for helping.

Not everyone here is fooled by these jokes.
If you see the source that the pic came from, Khouz News, the site itself says that it's just a design and is not real.

طرØ*/ پرواز جنگنده قاهر برفراز دماوند

The title says: 'Design : Ghaher's fly over Damavand'.

Yet you insist and try to pretend you are the wise guy here.And you complained to other mods to undelete this ridiculous thread? Are we dealing with a group of 5 year old kids here?Grow up please, not everything posted on internet is real.
iran might be playing Photoshop psyops never knew what tricks the ayatollahs have under their sleeve.
dprk have launched a nuke missile this is where iran should take advantage as the world eyes are on dprk and test their wepeons behind the scenes. diversion.
Not everyone here is fooled by these jokes.
If you see the source that the pic came from, Khouz News, the site itself says that it's just a design and is not real.

طرØ*/ پرواز جنگنده قاهر برفراز دماوند

The title says: 'Design : Ghaher's fly over Damavand'.

Yet you insist and try to pretend you are the wise guy here.And you complained to other mods to undelete this ridiculous thread? Are we dealing with a group of 5 year old kids here?Grow up please, not everything posted on internet is real.

Era_923 A1Kaid was one of the Americans who voted for G.W.Bush.

"I guess it's OK to call the secretary of education here 'buddy.' That means friend." --George W. Bush, Philadelphia, Jan. 8, 2009

and if u had any doubts he voted for him twice.

"You know, I'm the President during this period of time, but I think when the history of this period is written, people will realize a lot of the decisions that were made on Wall Street took place over a decade or so, before I arrived in President, during I arrived in President." --George W. Bush, ABC News interview, Dec. 1, 2008

and if he could he would have voted for him the 3rd time

"I want to share with you an interesting program -- for two reasons, one, it's interesting, and two, my wife thought of it -- or has actually been involved with it; she didn't think of it. But she thought of it for this speech." --George W. Bush, discussing a company that improves access to clean water in Africa, Washington D.C., Oct. 21, 2008

if one can vote for this twice you shouldn't be questioning his intelligence.

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