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Iranians and their sense of humor

Hmmm. Let's see.
During the Iran-Iraq war, Iraq was supported by about 50 countries and used a huge amount of chemicals when they were loosing.

Now let's look at First Gulf war:
Participants were from all around the world.
Iraq didn't use huge amount chemicals.
Iraq was not supported by so many countries and it's resources and military assets were drained because of war with Iran.
It's weapon's technology was far less than Yours.


I did not say Iran did not have good excuses for not doing it, just that Iran could not do it.
Regarding lap and other proverbs which you mentioned. Let me say that "We are too big to become stooges of some country". Neither it happened during USSR era not in current US era. So dont worry We know how to play this game.

Dude, just go and check your Indo-US nuclear deal and then let everyone know which lap of US is India on, left one or the right one!!!
Originally Posted by CAPTAIN AMERICA
It scared the Iranians half to death, they could not do the same thing in 8 years with 10 times the military forces.

Whatever it is, but there is one thing for sure, they were never scared of anything!
thats your assumption may be its true besides do you think US isnt afraid of Iran ?

Not at all. The USA does not think its wise for Iran to have nuclear weapons, that it will start a race for nuclear weapons by other arab countries,, it might lead to Israel using its Samson Option and destroying the middle east, but the USA is not in the least afraid of Iran.
Not at all. The USA does not think its wise for Iran to have nuclear weapons, that it will start a race for nuclear weapons by other arab countries,, it might lead to Israel using its Samson Option and destroying the middle east, but the USA is not in the least afraid of Iran.

But somehow US thinks that it is a good idea for Israel to have nuclear weapons and it will not spark the desire for Arabic countries to have nuclear weapon themselves.
But somehow US thinks that it is a good idea for Israel to have nuclear weapons and it will not spark the desire for Arabic countries to have nuclear weapon themselves.

I am not sure that is the US position, Israel development of nuclear weapons was opposed by the USA. The fact is that the USA does not a say in the matter.
I am not sure that is the US position, Israel development of nuclear weapons was opposed by the USA. The fact is that the USA does not a say in the matter.

Then what is the business of US in Iran's nuclear program? There are more leverages US could pull to stop Israeli nuclear weapon program. For one, US could have threatened to terminate of all the military aids to it if it does not stop.

If US wants a nuclear weapon free Middle Eastern, then it has to make sure that there is a nuclear free Israel.
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LOL chauism USA helped israel in its atomic programe n so did the french n u expect them to denuclearise israel? ROFL.... Ur a funny man... a funny man.
Then what is the business of US in Iran's nuclear program? There are more leverages US could pull to stop Israeli nuclear weapon program. For one, US could have threatened to terminate of all the military aids to it if it does not stop.

If US wants a nuclear weapon free Middle Eastern, then it has to make sure that there is a nuclear free Israel.

I expect in some part it had something to do with the fact the USA did not do more to prevent six million Jews dieing in the extermination camps in Germany and the fact that Arabs were trying to exterminate the six million Jews left in Israel at the time.

The Jews peacefully marched in to the gas chambers once, I dont think its ever going to happen again.

I expect the reason USA is involved in the Iran Nuclear debate is that the USA does not belive its the best thing for the middle east for Iran to have Nuclear Weapons, not just because of Israel.
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I expect in some part it had something to do with the fact the USA did not do more to prevent six million Jews dieing in the extermination camps in Germany and the fact that Arabs were trying to exterminate the six million Jews left in Israel at the time.

That is the best you can come up with???:no::no::no:

Stop whining like a baby.

If US with thousands nuclear warheads thinks that Iran with nuclear weapon could pose a threat to its security, then Iran has more legitimate concerns over a nuclear weapon capable Jewish state. Its nuclear weapon program is merely a response to what Israel is doing. So if US doesn't want to Iran to develop a nuclear weapon, then it better start talking to Israel first.

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