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Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

Delusions are dangerous for one own-self and trying to create fantasy into a distorted thing.. You need to take pills if you think there was a rivalry outside of protected minority majority of the times really. I don't even want to bother with this anymore honestly it is just below me engaging in fantasy's outside of ground realities and actual occurances... I don't venture into fantasy... If you wanna believe it then be my guest

So you failed to respond to everything:

1) Your claim Russia will not engage Turkey in case of conflict: My response: Russia has a defence treaty with Iran and has been unleashing Kurdish-Socialist separatism inside Turkey for decades through Azeri republic as base, through Aliyev rulers of Baku Your response: Nothing

2) Your claim Azeris and Turkish are some hardcore allies My response: Azeris (my own group) massacred Turkish for centuries, Azeri republic was the base camp for USSR against Turkey and kinda still is, Azeris are militant shias who fought 19 wars against Turkey, last one was barely 100 years ago Your response: Nothing LMAO-ROFL-COPTER

3) Your claim Shia and Sunnis have no problem My response: Eversince the advent of Islam there have been Arab-Maghrebi, Anatolian Turk-Iranian Turk wars over Sects, your own country has massacred hundreds and thousands of Shias, your countrymen post sectarian BS here 24/7 Your response: Nothing

4) Your claim Turkics have ruled Iran My response: Turkics of Iran are native blood Medes Aryans who are as local as Persians or Kurds, genetically clustering overlapping with rest of the Iranics Your response: Nothing ROFL

5) Your claim Turkey is in Iraq and Syria and Iran did nothing My response: Turkish tiny operation against YPG favors Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey since all of these countries will suffer YPG joins hands with autonomous Kurdish republic, Erdogan literally came to Tehran seeking permission for operation Your response: Nothing ROFL


6) Your claim: Turkey can occupy Iran My response Iranian missile strikes from deep inside Iranian territory can cripple every single Turkish airbase in 15-30 mins to the point that let alone Iran itself, Hezbollah or Azeri Republic's Quvveleri can occupy Eastern Anatolia (not the first time Azeris will occupy Turkish lands). Just for short ranged, quick response IRGC is equipped with underground missile cities and ambush TEL's which can fire:

HGVs (Haj Qassem, Kheybar Shikan), Skip Glide
Emad-II, Maneuverable-Rentry vehicle MaRV, Ballastic
Dezful, Maneuverable-Rentry vehicle MaRV, MaRV, Quasi-Ballastic
Hoveyzeh LACM Cruise
Shahed-136 Loitering UCAVs
Shahed-191 Stealth UCAVS with PGM

So please bless us with your expertise and tell us how can your master "Turkic" army (with nonturkic genes) counter Iran?

Your response: Nothing!

Please tell us what happens when these missiles and munitions land on Turkish airbases which literally have no layered air defence at all. They won't even know what happens because Turkey has no long-range search radars like Iran does that can even detect a Missile launch from Iranian territory. ROFL at Indic lords here and their "strategy", no wonder your people kept getting invaded for century after century by Irano-Turkics.

"110 million people armed to the teeth"

These North-Indos with Saudi and Turkish fetishes are poison for their own country let alone for us. I never have seen such blind delusional loyalty to other nonrelated countries in any other ethnicity than these few Pakistani youngsters (not all), in the entire globe and I am a well-traveled man. Some kind of mental disease these people have to discard their own and lick others' rear bottoms 24/7. No knowledge of MENA history, genetics, culture, or military yet they come here to post their "expertise" on MENA politics which they have no clue about.

It happens in mixed densely populated societies. Some ppl who are deluded enough with identity crisis seek some foreign nonrelated tag and while some are just brilliant nobles. If a few regular Pakistani posters in the Iranian section do not show us their flags, we won't even know they are not Iranians because they behave like us, calm, noble, and thick-skinned. I bet most of them are our Irano-Turkic offshoots in South Asia. Warrior lineages who settled there and have our surnames.

The "khan" account is manned by the person behind the Saif al-Arab one. If required I can share examples where they rehash the same phrases, same content, even identical maps and charts etc.

Just report trolls to Waz, Irfan Baloch, Webmaster. Mods are brutal.

that account btw is being used by multiple ppl.
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Iran's Helis are being equipped with cruise missiles. The range of this missile is claimed to be between 200 to 400 KM. Outstanding capability

Heydar CM on Bell-214
Iran's Helis are being equipped with cruise missiles. The range of this missile is claimed to be between 200 to 400 KM. Outstanding capability
View attachment 878507
Heydar CM on Bell-214

With all these overhauls and electronic upgrades on these Helicopters, Iran should be able to have the needed experiance to manufacturer its own helicopters no? I assume the engine is the biggest roadblock?
I also assume since the helicopter fleet is so large, they never felt the need to build new ones, rather they just upgrade existing ones
With all these overhauls and electronic upgrades on these Helicopters, Iran should be able to have the needed experiance to manufacturer its own helicopters no? I assume the engine is the biggest roadblock?
I also assume since the helicopter fleet is so large, they never felt the need to build new ones, rather they just upgrade existing ones
Yes almost true.
They have mastered the electeonics/avionics of these helis. Take a look at this

These are peoduced/upgraded and integrated locally and are added to helis like 214 which lacked wings like that, small pylons to carry missiles are also added to them.
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How come they are fitted like this in pictures but never in drills, different uniforms, and weapons??


With all these overhauls and electronic upgrades on these Helicopters, Iran should be able to have the needed experiance to manufacturer its own helicopters no? I assume the engine is the biggest roadblock?
I also assume since the helicopter fleet is so large, they never felt the need to build new ones, rather they just upgrade existing ones
one thing i don't get is we produce , Jahesh-700 the engine if converted to turboshaft can produce around 1000shp which is good for helicopter (twice the power of bell206 mor than 1.5 time bell205 and equal to both engine of ka-226 . then why we must have problem for helicopter engine
one thing i don't get is we produce , Jahesh-700 the engine if converted to turboshaft can produce around 1000shp which is good for helicopter (twice the power of bell206 mor than 1.5 time bell205 and equal to both engine of ka-226 . then why we must have problem for helicopter engine

Because there is something in this world called money. It is required to do things in society.

I know some of you guys think Iran can build a F-18 with a 1000 toman and some cholo kaboob given to the engineers as payment. But it doesn’t work that way.

Re-engineering J-700 is not that easy since J-700 isn’t even in mass production phase. Who knows how many they can actually build and at what price and how long. Look at Owj, how many owj engines have we built? No one knows!

Also there is no guarantee this engine will be suitable for Iran in helicopter role. It’s more than just HP, it’s maintenance and climate/dust at lower level altitudes helicopter flies vs drone/fighter jet.
I don't know, could be a couple.

I think their is some embezzlement that is going on that is depriving the armed forces from more resources they could be getting. But this is probably not significant.

Budget is one thing, BUT even with a low budget, I'd still expect 65th and 55th airborne bridges, the most trained units of Iran to be in better material shape, I understand with the average rank and file to be behind, but special units should be prioritize because they will be the mostly likely to complete dangerous and important tasks. The price of a single Kaman-12 could probably equip many units with improved helmets, and combat vests. I'm not even talking cutting edge, just something from this century.

Probably negligence is another factor, I understand the lower level commanders have little means to get more resources for their men, and let's also be realistic, I'm sure if either one of us were in charge, we would work to fix this issue, so clearly this problem is due to the lack of care from the upper chain of command, why do they care so little about these Pahlevans that jump out of planes. Basically sending them to their death. Besides for show (which is actually not something you'd want to show), these units actually have little capacity in the modern battlefield.

Unfortunately only the IRGC, maybe Zanjan armoured brigade and 65th brigade are the only units with combat readiness.

IRGC ground forces have improved alot over the last few years, one must ask Artesh why it's main units are wearing Shah era-equipment. Was their not a single year from 2010 to 2022 where a priority budget could've been given to them? I would honestly figure at this point they'd be to embarrassed to show these scenes.
Any ideas?
Actually NOHED and various Artesh Rapid Reaction brigades (like 30k+ members in all those Rapid Reaction brigades) are getting new kit which includes light plate carriers, FAST helmets, NVG1001, & perhaps modernized AKs. They already have good encrypted communication equipment

Rest of Artesh looks to be split between primarily conscript & non conscript units. Higher priority non conscripts are/were often seen Ruyin-1 plate carriers & ballistic helmets, however Ruyin-1 hasn't been as widely issue as it was like a decade ago. Like IranDefense has suggested on Twitter, they should go for Ruyin-3 like Sepah uses or the standard issue border guard vest
Because there is something in this world called money. It is required to do things in society.

I know some of you guys think Iran can build a F-18 with a 1000 toman and some cholo kaboob given to the engineers as payment. But it doesn’t work that way.

Re-engineering J-700 is not that easy since J-700 isn’t even in mass production phase. Who knows how many they can actually build and at what price and how long. Look at Owj, how many owj engines have we built? No one knows!

Also there is no guarantee this engine will be suitable for Iran in helicopter role. It’s more than just HP, it’s maintenance and climate/dust at lower level altitudes helicopter flies vs drone/fighter jet.
a question if we can take a turbo jet engine and turn it into an aft-fan turbofan engine how much harder it is to convert turbo fan into turbo-shaft engine
a question if we can take a turbo jet engine and turn it into an aft-fan turbofan engine how much harder it is to convert turbo fan into turbo-shaft engine

A question: is J-700 even being mass produced? At what rate? How long does it take to build a single one?

There is a difference between unveiling an item, and mass producing it. We do not have any evidence on what the production rates of Owj or J-700 are.

Thus you cannot say it would be easier to just convert J-700 engine and use it for helicopters when it hasn’t even made its way into drones or aircraft.
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