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Iranian Chill Thread

روسیه باید حمایت بشه تا از توانش برای مقابله با بخشی از برنامه های آمریکا استفاده بشه ...
روس ها خودشون رو اروپایی می دونند و هیچ وقت آبی ازشون برای ما گرم نمی شه ...

مثل همون بمب هسته ای ... هیچ کشوری به اندازه ی ما برای هسته ای شدن بها پرداخت نکرده ولی به خاطر همین قوانین ناشی از ترس ، شکست نهایی نصیبمون می شه ...

ماکیاولی اعتقاد داره هیچ وقت « بی طرف » نباشید چون در هر صورت ، شکست خورده اید . ، چون هر طرف ببره ، از شما بدش میاد ، اگر با هم صلح کنند ، باز سر شما بی کلاه می مونه

مثل جنگ جهانی اول و جنگ جهانی دوم ... حاصل بی طرفی کشته شدن میلیون ها ایرانی و 1/3 یا 1/2 ایرانی ها شد

دنیا بر اساس واقعیت ها می چرخه ، هر چقدر روسیه بیشتر توی این باتلاق فرو بره ، بیشتر به نفع ماست ...
پس اگه در این حد قبول داری که هر چقدر روسیه بیشتر در این باتلاق فرو به نفع ما هست نباید دیگه بگی چرا از روسیه حمایت نمی‌کنیم

روسیه باید دهن‌اش سرویس بشه تا بیاد سمت ما. ما هم باید هیچ جایی ازشون پشتیبانی نکنیم

حرف‌هایی که خامنه‌ای زد هم کاملاً اشتباه بود

روسیه نه نیازی به پشتیبانی ما داره نه لیاقتش رو داره نه این چیزها حالیش هست​
پس اگه در این حد قبول داری که هر چقدر روسیه بیشتر در این باتلاق فرو به نفع ما هست نباید دیگه بگی چرا از روسیه حمایت نمی‌کنیم

روسیه باید دهن‌اش سرویس بشه تا بیاد سمت ما. ما هم باید هیچ جایی ازشون پشتیبانی نکنیم

حرف‌هایی که خامنه‌ای زد هم کاملاً اشتباه بود

روسیه نه نیازی به پشتیبانی ما داره نه لیاقتش رو داره نه این چیزها حالیش هست​

گاهی اوقات با تشویق یکی ، می تونی بیشتر جوگیرش کنی
در ضمن ، اوکراینی ها ، نئونازی های خونخواری هستند که به اصطلاح « ظالم دست کوتاه » هستند ، یعنی مشتی موجود نژاد پرست هستند که اگه فرصت کنند امثال ما رو می کشند .

ج.ا خودش رو به نئولیبرالها باخته ، تمامی سیاست های بازار آزاد و ضد طبقه ی کارگری رو می خواد برای سال آینده اجرا کنه که حتی با برجام ( سند فروش ایران و نابودی ایران ) هم پدر ملت ایران رو چنان در میاره که جریان های سال 98 پیشش شبیه جک خواهد بود ...

تنها شانس ما ، مشغول شدن آمریکا و غرب در یک جناح دیگه هست وگرنه با گندی که در سال 1402 ج.ا می زنه ، چیزی از ایران باقی نمی مونه​
UN General Assembly vote against Russia by margin of 141-5 shouldn't mean much, as numerous UN resolutions against Israel were blocked by USA over the years, and many of them solely by USA. And as we know none of those resolutions were ever implemented against Israel. So it shouldn't matter unless there is a double standard which I'm sure will/is the case.

گاهی اوقات با تشویق یکی ، می تونی بیشتر جوگیرش کنی
در ضمن ، اوکراینی ها ، نئونازی های خونخواری هستند که به اصطلاح « ظالم دست کوتاه » هستند ، یعنی مشتی موجود نژاد پرست هستند که اگه فرصت کنند امثال ما رو می کشند .

ج.ا خودش رو به نئولیبرالها باخته ، تمامی سیاست های بازار آزاد و ضد طبقه ی کارگری رو می خواد برای سال آینده اجرا کنه که حتی با برجام ( سند فروش ایران و نابودی ایران ) هم پدر ملت ایران رو چنان در میاره که جریان های سال 98 پیشش شبیه جک خواهد بود ...

تنها شانس ما ، مشغول شدن آمریکا و غرب در یک جناح دیگه هست وگرنه با گندی که در سال 1402 ج.ا می زنه ، چیزی از ایران باقی نمی مونه
همه اوکراینی‌ها اینطوری نیستند، دار و دسته گارد ملی‌ای که رئیس جمهور صهیونیستشون ساخته اینطوری هستند
ضمناً همه اسلاوها اینطوری هستند. از خود روسیه که بیشترین اسلاوها رو داره بگیر تا لهستان و چک و اسلواکی و صربستان و کرواسی و هر فاحشه‌خون شرق اروپایی دیگه که به ذهنت برسه. همشون شدیداً نژادپرست هستند
روسیه و انگلیس خبیث‌ترین دشمنان تاریخ ایران بودند و هستند

همین روسیه حروم زاده ۴ بار تو شورای امنیت به قطعنامه‌های علیه ما رای مثبت داد تا مجبور بشیم برجام رو با اون شرایط امضاء کنیم
همین روسیه حروم زاده موقعی که خطر زدن تاسیسات هسته‌ای ایران خیلی زیاد بود سر دادن اس-۳۰۰ بازی درآورد

همین روسیه حروم زاده قطعنامه‌ای که گذاشت تصویب بشه باعث می‌شه همه کشورها حمایت از حوثی‌های یمن رو به عنوان حمایت از تروریسم بشناسن و از این به بعد فرستادن سلاح برای یمن بسیار سخت‌تر می‌شه و اگه ایران گیر بیافته دوباره یه پرونده جدید تو شورای امنیت علیه ایران باز می‌شه جدا از پرونده هسته‌ای و می‌شه بهانه مذاکره کردن و تحریم دوباره

همین روسیه حروم زاده از زمانی که پای نجسشون به سوریه باز شد ایران رو کنار زد و سوریه رو با ترکیه و آمریکا قسمت کرد

همین روسیه حروم زاده همین الان تو برجام داره به ایران فشار میاره که توافق کن تا ما مجبور بشیم اورانیوم غنی شدمون رو دو دستی تقدیم آقایون کنیم

همین روسیه حروم زاده سال‌ها ایران رو سر نیروگاه بوشهر دوشید و مفت خوری کرد

می‌خوای باز هم برات یادآوری کنم چه گوه‌هایی خوردن؟

روسیه و غرب خودشون بلد هستند با هم دیگه مشغول بشن و هم دیگه رو جر بدن. نیازی به کاری از طرف ما کردن نیست. خودشون بیش از یک قرن پیشینه درگیری و جر دادن هم دیگه رو دارن​
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The Ukrainians are not like that, the gang of national guards created by their Zionist president is like this.
By the way, all Slavs are like that. From Russia itself, which has the most Slavs, to Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Serbia, Croatia, and every other bloodthirsty Eastern European that comes to mind. They are all extremely racist
Russia and Britain were and are the worst enemies in the history of Iran

The same bastard Russia voted in favor of the resolutions against us four times in the Security Council so that we would have to sign the UN Security Council under those conditions.
The same bastard Russia played the S-300 game when the threat to Iran's nuclear facilities was too great.

The same bastard Russia that passed the resolution will make all countries recognize the support of the Houthis of Yemen as supporting terrorism, and from now on it will be much more difficult to send weapons to Yemen, and if Iran gets stuck, a new case in the Security Council against Iran. It can be separated from the nuclear file and can be used as an excuse to negotiate and re-impose sanctions

The same bastard Russia has pushed Iran aside and divided Syria with Turkey and the United States since their unclean footsteps were opened to Syria.

This bastard Russia is currently pressuring Iran to agree that we should be forced to hand over our enriched uranium to both men.

For many years, the same bastard Russia milked Iran over the Bushehr power plant and ate it for free

Do you want me to remind you again what to eat?

Russia and the West know how to deal with each other and push each other. There is no need for us to do anything. They themselves have more than a century of history of conflict and quarreling​
Two devils( NATO & RUSS) should be in conflict to check, neutralize one another and the world.
. .
Two devils( NATO & RUSS) should be in conflict to check, neutralize one another and the world.
Amen to that. It's just not our business to support either one of them.
The more they kill each other and the more NATO and Russia get engaged in conflicts with each other, the better it is for us.
This dude is worse than Bani-Sadr. How he hasn’t been imprisioned is beyond me.

I think he is mentally unstable at this point. Mahmoud was one of the worst things to happen to Iran.

The dude was a Zionist/American agent this whole time and fooled many in the Republic. Very scary.
You think maybe he wasn't but is possibly working in their interests now?

I mean if Mossad and CIA and others can infiltrate into high levels, surely it's possible

What an absolute waste of 110$ a barrel that guy was.
You think maybe he wasn't but is possibly working in their interests now?

I mean if Mossad and CIA and others can infiltrate into high levels, surely it's possible

What an absolute waste of 110$ a barrel that guy was.

No, he always was. He did a power grab against another CIA parallel project (green revolution). Quite genius, but CIA was betting on the green guys easier control. Mahmoud wanted to be like the Shah semi independent secular “Persian” Iran (non Islam).

Then the establishment found out real quick his second term he was trying to consolidate power and he lost favor with the establishment and the Supreme Leader.

Then once he was booted out he showed the colors he had all the time, I mean worst case they would execute him. He’s just an old man kissing the West *** at this point any chance he gets. No threat anymore. Just another Rafsanjani like loser.
The status in future will not change. So yes, it adds a point to the discussion.

By the way and just to set the record straight, application of the term status quo is not restricted to the present time. It can be used in reference to a present, past or future status. As exemplified by the expression status quo ante.

- - - - -

I hope Iranians are watching western behaviour carefully. The entire Russian sport is being banned and boycotted

These are the same clowns that would go ape shit crazy whenever an Iranian athlete boycotted a zionist scum. And would do everything they could to get the entire Iranian team banned

With the support of alot of cuck “iranians” full on western propaganda

Hopefully nobody ever questions Irans boycott of the zionist entity ever again(though i doubt it)

Read more here:


Here's a talented young chess player who decided to leave Iran for France, criticizing what he termed politicization of sports by Iranian authorities, in particular how they would enjoin national chess players not to compete with Isra"e"lis... Ironically, the French regime won't allow him to face a Russian counterpart today.

A telling illustration of why the accusation against the Islamic Republic that it is is unduly politicizing sports is entirely bogus, since the same western regimes that keep pushing this narrative, are themselves leaders in politicizing any and all forms of sporting events.

- - - - -

This dude is worse than Bani-Sadr. How he hasn’t been imprisioned is beyond me.

I think he is mentally unstable at this point. Mahmoud was one of the worst things to happen to Iran.

The dude was a Zionist/American agent this whole time and fooled many in the Republic. Very scary.
No, he always was. He did a power grab against another CIA parallel project (green revolution). Quite genius, but CIA was betting on the green guys easier control. Mahmoud wanted to be like the Shah semi independent secular “Persian” Iran (non Islam).

Then the establishment found out real quick his second term he was trying to consolidate power and he lost favor with the establishment and the Supreme Leader.

Then once he was booted out he showed the colors he had all the time, I mean worst case they would execute him. He’s just an old man kissing the West *** at this point any chance he gets. No threat anymore. Just another Rafsanjani like loser.

Ahmadinejad's antics may be bordering on treason nowadays, but that doesn't necessarily imply he is a CIA asset (a suggestion like this requires more evidence to be considered realistic), nor that US policy vis a vis Iran has been particularly astute, in fact it has been a failure.

What's far more probable, is that Ahmadinejad revealed himself to be an opportunist above all. It is true that his seemingly flawless and fervent dedication to immutable ideological tenets proved to have been either faked or a temporary state of mind on his part. But, it is also clear that prior to his relative falling out with Hazrate Agha over the Mashai affair, Ahmadinejad was working in support of the Islamic Revolution, hence why the revolutionary core of the establishment used to back him.

Iran's policies during Ahmadinejad's first presidential term were definitely detrimental to the US and the zionists and so he could not have been an infiltrated agent of the enemy. The moment Ahmadinejad's ego began conflicting with the principles of the Revolution however - namely, with the institution of Velayat, he was sidelined just enough to be politically neutralized. Which is why he is now desperately seeking attention, and this explains his current u-turns and bizarre undertakings such as granting interviews to foreign anti-Iran and anti-Resistance media, making outlandish statements which run counter to Iranian state policy and so on.

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در مورد اوکراین ...

ما باید علیه این نئونازی های اوکراینی در این مورد کنار روسیه می موندیم ... نفوذ لیبرالهای وطن فروش در کشور فوق العاده است

Iran did the right thing. UN General Assembly votes weigh little in international politics. By abstaining, Iran both refused to condemn Russia - which puts her among a select group of only 40 out of 193 members of the UNGA well-inspired and brave enough not to toe the US line, while at the same time refraining from formally dismissing basic principles of international law - which in a forum like the United Nations, is of particular importance for a country like Iran, a victim of violations herself and threatened with illegal acts of aggression by the US on a regular basis. Even China, Russia's major strategic partner, abstained rather than outright voting against the resolution. This really is proper diplomacy.

As for suggestions that Iran should have voted to condemn Russia on the grounds that Moscow refused to veto the UN Security Council resolution against Yemen's Ansarallah, such a move would have been impulsive. Although UNSC resolutions do carry weight, when it comes to Ansarallah (Houthis), this Resistance movement that was already being treated as a pariah by almost every UN member state, and only Islamic Iran has been supporting them materially. So in effect, this particular resolution by the Security Council will hardly change anything on the ground. More importantly though, Russia and Iran are partners, and partners (even strategic allies at times) can have opposite views on specific dossiers.

Expecting Moscow to side with Ansarallah in every aspect (including not so game-changing votes at the UN) would be like Russia expecting Iran to support the Serbian autonomous republic of Bosnia in its spat against the Sarajevo central government. Russia as a sovereign state is pursuing its own interests (which include trying to draw as much benefit as possible from US allies like the UAE, while attempting to pull these away from Washington's orbit). And so does Iran. The art of diplomacy consists in conciliating these positions and meeting halfway to ensure that bilateral dealings will benefit the respective national interests of both sides to the maximum conceivable extent. Which is precisely what the well versed diplomatic apparatuses of the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran have been engaging in.

Comparisons between the Islamic Republic on the one hand - the first political system in the past 230 years under which Iran didn't lose nor concede a single inch of territory, one of the most independent and probably the single most independent state on earth, which made Iran strong enough to challenge the world's only superpower (again a first after many centuries), and the Qajar dynasty on the other hand are simply not permissible from a sober point of view.
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One week into the Russian special operation in the Ukraine – update​

14611 Views March 02, 2022

So we are a week in and I think it is time to take short pause and see what happened over the last 7 days.
  • The Russian attack began, as predicted, mostly by strikes with standoff weapons. 24 hour hours later the Ukie air force and navy ceased to exist. In this initial phase, few Ukrainian units were directly engaged.
  • The bulk of the Nazi forces is in Donbass and it took the LDNR forces several days to break through the Nazi defenses, but eventually they did it in two directions. At the same time, while the heavy combats between the Nazi forces in the Donbass and the LDNR forces were taking place, the Russian launched a two pronged offensive from the north and south to envelop the Nazi force concentrations. Interestingly, in spite of the fact that the two Russian forces have not reached each other and in spite of the existing no man’s land between them, the Ukronazis are not making any serious efforts to break through since they must realize that the entire area between the two Russian forces is a big “free fire zone” for Russian artillery, CAS aircraft and attack helicopters. For all practical purposes the entire Nazi concentration of course in the Donbass is now locked into an operational cauldron.
  • The same is true for the Nazi forces in Mariupol. For them, it’s curtain down, show over.
  • There is a large Nazi force left in only one location: Odessa. It appears that the Russians want to encircle it and then take a final decision on how to deal with this city.
  • Kiev is a total mess, the Russians did not even try to enter the city yet, but the crazy rumors combined with terrified Ukronazis will make this one a particularly difficult situation to resolve. I personally hope that the Russians stay as they are, block the city on all sides, open a humanitarian corridor and wait until the time is right.
  • On the informational war, the West gave Russia a thorough thrashing: RT and Sputnik are banned everywhere, absolutely insane rumors are circulating (see example below), I know for fact that some US colleges have banned their computers from accessing any .ru or .su websites – yes entire domain names are being shut down – Russian diplomats get assaulted (in one of the 3Bs statelets if I remember correctly).
  • The western PSYOP onslaught is so powerful that even some people in Russia are fearful and sincerely worry “what will happen to us next?!”.
  • Western IT companies are disconnecting, throttling, while “private” western crackers are unleashing DDoS attack on pretty much all the main Russian websites, not only informational ones, but also those who are used to run the civilian infrastructure of Russia. I am not impressed by how much (or little) Russian PR people did to prepare for this which was easy to see coming. Here, again, the West so far is winning, but a huge margin.
  • The western society is displaying its hatred of all things Russian in every way it can: hundereds and maybe thousands of students are summarily expelled from western colleges (which used to be bastions of freedom). In a Swiss city the child of a friend of mine was beat up in school for being an “evil Russian”. Artists are expelled, others pressured to condemn their own country and president, western presstitutes and politicians unceasingly vomit at Russia, Russians and everything Russian!
Which tells me how truly impotent and frustrated they are :-)


That being said, here is the good news: Today, one of our favorite trolls managed to bypass moderation and post this (see comment).
What is important here is to realize that whether this guy does it for money in a NATO troll farm or with utter sincerity, he is about to get a really big, probably huge, mental shock.
Right now, the entire western narrative hangs on this kind of nonsense: Russia is about to be totally defeated, the Ukie army and people have won on all fronts, and Ze, backed by NATO, the EU, the US and the entire planet is about to deliver his conditions for a Russian capitulation.
The maps?
All fakes.
The local reports?
All fakes too.

So far, that has worked pretty well. But here are the stone cold fact about the Ukie military:
  • Air Force: gone
  • Navy: gone
  • Long range, standoff capabilities: gone
  • Air defenses: gone
  • Regular ground forces: no less than 65% (some say up to 80%) of the Ukie military is surrounded and condemned
  • Assorted Nazi units: I don’t have the figures, but A LOT of them are now either in the Donbass cauldron or in Mariupol. They will mostly not be taken prisoner, except for the leaders who will be tried and sentenced for their innumerable crimes.
So, in terms of the Russian goals, here is how I would score this:
  • Ukrainian disarmament: mostly already done, the Ukraine has nothing to threaten Russia with
  • Ukrainian denazification: only at the early start, but conditions are excellent and I am confident that most of the hardcore Nazis will soon be dead
One more thing I forgot to mention about the “no man’s land” west of the Donbass operational cauldron. It is shown in the map below where the black and yellow lines touch (and add about 5-10km on each side)


The Donbass operational cauldron

It’s not only that only small groups, maybe civilian cars at high speed can get out, it also means that the entire Nazi force in the Donbass is not getting resupplied. Not by air, not by sea and not by road.
Right now, amazingly, the Ukronazis are STILL shelling the LDNR, today 5 civilians were murdered by Ukie selling near Donetsk. So they are not even trying to break out, I suppose they know the score and with their supplies running out (many destroyed by heavy bombs) their lifespan is now counted in days.
Please keep in mind that while this force is surrounded, it did have SEVEN YEARS to dig in deep and place tons of concrete over their bunkers. But like the Ligne Maginot, while the LDNR were pinning down the Ukies, the Russian enveloped them from behind.
So one of two things will now happen.
  1. Either the Russians will convince the Ukie commanders to surrender and evacuate safely or
  2. Russia will start using her really having guns (MLRS, TOS-1, heavy artillery like the 240mm self-propelled gun-mortar 2S4 Tyulpan or the 203mm self-propelled howitzer 2S7M Malka) and even fuel-air explosives like this one: (I know, it’s from CNN, but in this case, it is helpful)
In other words, the real magnitude of the Ukrainian defeat will become impossible to conceal in just a few days. Then the narrative will shift from the “invincible Ukie Volkssturn” to “Russian atrocities”.
That narrative will also probably stick since the western free press makes the original Nazi press look outright diverse and objective. But idiots such as the troll above will be very, very butthurt. I expect their “oy veh!!!!” to reach high heavens and heroic Ukies will be replaced by no less heroic celebrities sobbing over Ukie babies.
On a strategic level, the Empire of Lies did successfully force Russia to openly intervene. That is a fact and that is a defeat with the Russians will have to ponder over for many years. I will repeat, here are two, alas very real, western victories:
  • Forcing Russia to openly intervene
  • Very effectively controlling the narrative
But don’t get too upset too soon. For one thing, the authorities in Russia have FINALLY declared both Dozhd and Meduza as foreign agents and it seems these two zioliberal sewers are finally being shut down. Seeing how Medvedev is trying to repaint himself as a patriot, I think that the Atlantic Integrationists are now realizing that they were stupid to listen to the western propaganda. I have not followed the Russian 6th column at all, so I don’t know if they are still hoping that “Putin” (for them it is all about him, personally) will “lose” or whether they will chose to wrap themselves into the “too little, too late, I could have done better” flag. Frankly, I don’t really care.
Next, they will start seeing Russian 5th columnists and assorted “liberal” their signatures away from their “open letters” or, better, emigrating to the EU or Israel. I sincerely wish them a happy flight and I hope that upon leaving Putin’s Mordor and arriving in the Free West they will all burn their Russian passports (on camera if they want).

So, what’s my “final intermediate conclusion” after week 1?

The West gave Russia a bloody nose by forcing her intervention, thereby crushing any chance for the EU to get decolonized in the next decade or more.
The West gave Russia an even bloodier nose by very effectively controlling the narrative.
But what’s next?
Russia will/has disarm(ed) and will soon denazify the Ukraine, that is a given.
But what after that? Please remember that this is NOT about the Ukraine, this is about the entire future security architecture of Europe.
I will just say this: while, no, Russia won’t invade the EU or even Poland, the Russian war to push back NATO has only begun, it will last MANY MONTHS so be prepared for this. MONTHS.
Please ready yourself for a long and difficult struggle.


Ukrainian Crisis through the Prism of the Islamic Republic of Iran: From “Birth Pangs of a New Middle East” to a C-Section of a New Europe​

13096 Views March 01, 2022

by Mansoureh Tajik for the Saker Blog

If I were to sum up the events of Ukraine in one short sentence, I would say: In the fall of Ukraine, the metaphorical west has fallen once again and cannot get up. The proof for this simple assessment should be sought in the answer to a larger contextual question: How does one actualize one’s dream of time travel floating between past, present, and future in order to change events at will and in a manner that the sum total of all outcomes results in maintaining the illusion of a “super-power” status? In other words, how does one successfully nurture one’s god complex? In reality, one does not and one cannot.

Yet, in a world of fiction, in an alternate universe of Westopia “sidewise in time,” some are creating industrial-scale alternate realities, alternate histories, and alternate personalities in well-crafted memes and flicks broadcast 24/7 through virtual channels while imposing a blockade on news of facts on the ground. Is it effective? No, it is not. The bubbles burst as soon as they are created and the cost of spins has become enormous. Why then do they keep on doing this? For two reasons: 1) because they can; 2) because they have no other real, tangible, and effective alternatives. Grasping at tiny twigs while one is sucked into a whirlpool is not effective but hope springs eternal.

Great many articles are providing good details and real time reports about what is actually happening in Ukraine and the Russian operations. In this article, I hope to brief the readers of this blog on how people in Iran are generally viewing the Ukrainian crisis and what sort of stance might emerge out of this particular perspective as far as the Resistance camp is concerned.

Cesarean Section of a New Europe

Tangible and measurable regional geopolitical shifts supported by facts on the ground are now slapping nations right, left, and center into choosing one of three options: 1) Both legs in Western boat; 2) Both legs in an Eastern boat; 3) Both legs in one’s own independent boat. Being motivated by either fear or greed and having a leg in one boat and the other in another, especially when the boats are each moving different directions, is a hazardous for one’s national health. Ouch. It is no longer an option.

In July 2006, during a massive bombardment of Lebanon by Israeli regime occupying Palestine, many Lebanese communities were destroyed in their entirety and thousands of civilians were killed with direct military and financial support from the regimes occupying the United States, Western Europe, and Saudi Arabia. Deliberately trying to prolong their major assault on Lebanon in the hope they could “finish” Hizbullah, then U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said:
  • “I have no interest in diplomacy for the sake of returning Lebanon and Israel to the status quo ante. I think it would be a mistake. What we are seeing here, in a sense, is the growing – the birth pangs of a new Middle East and, whatever we do, we have to be certain that we’re pushing forward to the new Middle East, not going back to the old one.”[1]​

Amen. In fact, a new “middle east” was born and it was renamed West Asia in favor of the Resistance from the shores of Persian Gulf and Red Sea to offshores of the Mediterranean. Ms. Rice had midwifed for the United States of America “Labor Pains of a Stillborn Foreign Policy”[2] as Robert Scheer characterized things.

Nevertheless, she dispensed some verbal nuggets that could be used to apply to Ukraine today. One thing is for sure, Ukraine cannot return to status quo ante and what we are witnessing is a C-section of a new Europe and whatever the countries involved do, they have to be certain they are pushing forward to a new Europe and not going back to the old one. A better European country is, for certain, a country that is not a servile follower of the US in its own region or elsewhere around the globe.

United States Mafia Regime the Root Cause of Ukrainian Crisis

One of the most significant factors that has led to the current crisis in Ukraine is the fact that the power-holders of the “west” are consistently and habitually untrustworthy pledge-breakers. The current crises in Ukraine are just a symptom of that chronic disease.

Ayatullah Khamenei delivered a speech on the occasion of the Prophetic Mission, or Bi’that of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) on March 1, 2022. In that speech, the Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran could not have been more frank in his characterization of the current crisis in Ukraine. Excerpts from his speech are quite straight forward. As always, he pulled no punches:

  1. “Basically, the regime of the United States of America is a regime that creates crises and feeds on those crises. The United States feeds on diverse crises created all over the world. [United States of] America is a mafia regime and Ukraine, too, is a victim of this policy of crisis creation. [United States of] America brought Ukraine to this point by infiltrating into the internal affairs of that country, inciting uprisings against its governments by velvet movements or color revolutions, by presence of US senators in the gatherings of oppositional groups and by creating, toppling this government and replacing it with that government. Naturally, they led to this point. We, of course, are against wars and destruction anywhere. This is our fixed policy.”
  2. “Regarding the events in Ukraine, [too] we are for halting the war but the solution to every crisis is possible only if its root causes become known. The root cause of the crisis in Ukraine is the policies of the [United States of] America and the West. One must know these and evaluate and judge the events based on them.”[3]
Last Friday, Hujjatul-Islam Khatami, the leader of the Friday Prayers in Tehran, had echoed similar views to a large crowd of participants and pointed to the US and some European countries as the main culprits of the crisis in Ukraine. He said,

  1. “The system’s position about Ukraine has been expressed by the officials but our overall policy regarding similar issues is that we invite all countries that are involved to refrain from escalating and enter into dialogue. Our main concern is that innocent people might get killed. In this event, NATO provocation with [the US] America as its main axis has made the condition more complicated in the region. This is a direct result of [the US] America’s meddling and prying all over the world; it falsely considers itself a superpower while it is not a superpower. On the other hand, in this narrative, the European countries are constantly beating the drums of war as if they see their bread in this war.”[4]
In his most recent speech, Sayyed Hassan Nasrullah, too, echoed exactly the same sentiment. He said,

  1. “The Western countries did everything except direct confrontation against Russia. From surrounding to sanctions to closing of the skies and ports to sending arms to Ukraine to opening all doors to import rebel forces to Ukraine… but when [the US] America attacked Afghanistan, you know very well how they behaved. When they attacked Iraq, what happened? How did they treat [the US] America? Frankly, how did they actually regarded all the wars [the US] America created? How have they been approaching the aggressions of Zionist regime against Gaza and the war of aggression and sanctions against Yemen for years now and all these destructions and killings they have created? So, a comparison between current stand by the west with that against [the US] America’s wars show a double standard.”[5]
Hard Lessons and Warnings to Others Counting on the US/West Support

It behooves various nations who have chosen to put both legs in the boat piloted by the US mafia regime to pay strict attention to what is currently happening in Ukraine. This goes for Westoxicated people within these nations as well. Ayatullah Khamenei pointed out to two specific hard lessons (warnings): 1) the degree to which the US is untrustworthy; 2) the degree to which people of a nation support their leaders. He said,

  1. “Two specific warnings exist in the issue of Ukraine that one can observe. One of these warnings is that the support of western powers of nations that are their puppet is nothing but a mirage. It is not real. This, all governments must know. The governments that feel reassured by [the US] America and Europe must look at Ukraine and Afghanistan. Both the president of Ukraine and the deserter president of Afghanistan said they trusted [the US] America and the western powers but they were left on their own. Therefore, you can’t trust these people. This is the first hard lesson and warning.”
  2. “The second warning and hard lesson is that people are the most important supporter of governments. If the people of Ukraine had come to the scene, the condition of the government and the people of Ukraine had not turned out this way. The people did not come to the scene because they did not accept the government. This is just like the time [the US] America attacked Iraq during the Saddam rule and people did not defend and pulled away until [the US] took over. But this very Iraq, when the ISIS attacked, people entered the scene and were able to ward off the ISIS.”[3]
Last week, Vadym Prystaiko, the Ukrainian Ambassador to England, had this to say in a video interview (see here) part of which I transcribed as follows:

  1. “We had two times more nuclear than France, Great Britain, and China together. Now, we exchanged it for the promise to come to help. And there is just not that this help is not coming but one of those who signed this agreement, Russia, now it is threatening us. This is a great lesson for us but also a great lesson for nations who are threshold nations like North Korea and Iran, who are trying to defend themselves building their nuclear shield. Europeans, Westerns trying to tell them, ‘Guys, let’s not do it. Let’s denuclearize in exchange we will defend you, protect you. Sign some agreement.’ How would these nations look at this?”
In great act of defiance and to show his solid revolutionary resolve and iron will, the brave Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky unfollowed world leaders on Twitter. He showed them.

[1] Aljazeera News Agencies, “Rice sees bombs as birth pangs,” July 22, 2006. Accessed online at https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2006/7/22/rice-sees-bombs-as-birth-pangs
[2] Robert Scheer (2006). “Labour Pains of a Stillborn Foreign Policy,” From Truthdig: Drilling beneath the headlines, July 26, 2006; Accessed online at: https://www.truthdig.com/articles/robert-scheer-labor-pains-of-a-stillborn-foreign-policy/
[3] Ayatullah Khamenei, “[US] American is a regime existing on crises that has made Ukraine another of its victims,” Fars News Agency, 1400/12/10 [March 1, 2022] @ 10:27 am. Accessed online at: http://fna.ir/77cho
[4] Tasnim News Agency, “The crisis in Ukraine is the direct result of the US meddling.” Esfand 6, 1400 (February 25, 2022) @ 13:35; Accessed online at: https://tn.ai/2671563
[5] Fars News Agency, “The US is the main responsible party for the events in Ukraine,” Sayyed Hasan Nasrullah Speech, Esfand 10, 1400 (March 1, 2022) @ 12:44 pm; Accessed online at: http://fna.ir/77cmb

As for suggestions that Iran should have voted to condemn Russia on the grounds that Moscow refused to veto the UN Security Council resolution against Yemen's Ansarallah, such a move would have been impulsive. Although UNSC resolutions carry more weight than UNGA ones, when it comes to Ansarallah (Houthis), they were already being treated as complete pariahs by almost every state, and no other than Islamic Iran was supporting them materially. So in effect, this particular resolution by the Security Council will hardly change anything on the ground. More importantly though, Russia and Iran are partners, and partners (even strategic allies at times) can have opposite views on specific dossiers.
I have to strongly disagree with you here, Salar. UNSC resolutions are binding and this particular resolution can be used as a ground for condemning Iran over "confiscated arms sent by Iran" at the UNSC later. So, one may interpret it as Russia planting the seeds for the West to put pressure on Iran after the nuclear case is closed until 2025. By making this move, Russia is putting Iran at a very vulnerable position.

UNSC resolutions are of tremendous importance. This could also lead to an unprecedented escalation in Yemen.

And Russia didn't even abstain. She voted in favor of it. This is important.
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