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Iranian Chill Thread

Map showing two alleged Russian plans published separately by Bild (German tabloid) and the Center of Strategic Studies. Published before the Russian invasion commenced. Interestingly, so far the Russian offensive seems to be going exactly according to this map.

Seems like Russians want to secure the entire southern coast of Ukraine as well as anything east of the river Dnieper. In the south they want a land bridge all the way to Transnistria, where the people are extremely pro Russian. Whether Russia decides to annex some of this territory remains to be seen.

I believe that Ukraines best option at the moment is to reach some sort of negotiated settlement with Russia. But what do I know, according to CNN and BBC, Ukraine is winning the war right ?

Map showing two alleged Russian plans published separately by Bild (German tabloid) and the Center of Strategic Studies. Published before the Russian invasion commenced. Interestingly, so far the Russian offensive seems to be going exactly according to this map.

Seems like Russians want to secure the entire southern coast of Ukraine as well as anything east of the river Dnieper. In the south they want a land bridge all the way to Transnistria, where the people are extremely pro Russian. Whether Russia decides to annex some of this territory remains to be seen.

I believe that Ukraines best option at the moment is to reach some sort of negotiated settlement with Russia. But what do I know, according to CNN and BBC, Ukraine is winning the war right ?

View attachment 820046

The talks seem to keep failing and the Russians are just going to smash the Ukrainian military and whatever target they want until they complete their objectives.

No need to negotiate when you're the one winning. The sanctions and isolation will come anyways, might as well get done what you set out to do in the first-place.
I hope Iranians are watching western behaviour carefully. The entire Russian sport is being banned and boycotted

These are the same clowns that would go ape shit crazy whenever an Iranian athlete boycotted a zionist scum. And would do everything they could to get the entire Iranian team banned

With the support of alot of cuck “iranians” full on western propaganda

Hopefully nobody ever questions Irans boycott of the zionist entity ever again(though i doubt it)
I hope Iranians are watching western behaviour carefully. The entire Russian sport is being banned and boycotted

These are the same clowns that would go ape shit crazy whenever an Iranian athlete boycotted a zionist scum. And would do everything they could to get the entire Iranian team banned

With the support of alot of cuck “iranians” full on western propaganda

Hopefully nobody ever questions Irans boycott of the zionist entity ever again(though i doubt it)

Nothing worse than a lowlife vataan-foroosh. Unfortunately so many Iranians (mainly stupid expats) are the source of this problem since their "hearts" are still in Tehran but they'll blissfully sell Iran down river in order to make themselves more approachable to Westerners who wouldn't even give two-shits about them in the first place.
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I had a hot unsuccessful discussion with my Portugues friend about justifications of Russian actions against Ukraine..may be this from a Chinese poster will do the job::undecided:


Before I went to sleep, my wife said to me: This Russia is such a bad country, If Ukraine wants to join Nato, it is their business and freedom, Russia has no right to intervene, this is just an excuse for Russia to invade Ukraine.

So I said nothing, I just went to the kitchen and took a knife to bedside, then I said: Let’s go to sleep.

My wife looked at me with her wide eyes: What the heck are you doing, sleeping with a knife?!?!

I said: No worry, let’s go to sleep. Beside, sleeping with a knife is none of your business and it is my freedom.

My wife said: How can I sleep when you are sleeping with a knife? What if you accidentally cut me?

I said: Well, You don’t even trust your own husband, how can you expect Russia to trust Ukraine? Me sleeping with a knife is like Ukraine joining the Nato.
در مورد اوکراین ...

ما باید علیه این نئونازی های اوکراینی در این مورد کنار روسیه می موندیم ... نفوذ لیبرالهای وطن فروش در کشور فوق العاده است
as a rule we never support any action that result in change of borders
در مورد اوکراین ...

ما باید علیه این نئونازی های اوکراینی در این مورد کنار روسیه می موندیم ... نفوذ لیبرالهای وطن فروش در کشور فوق العاده است
همین چند روز پیش بود که روسیه به قطعنامه شورای امنیت برای تروریستی خوندن و تحریم کردن حوثی‌های یمن رای مثبت داد
انتظاری که از روسیه می‌رفت این بود که وتو کنه یا حداکثر خنثی رای بده. بی‌ناموس‌ها رای مثبت دادن
کنار روسیه می‌موندیم؟ هنوز یک هفته هم نگذشته مثل اینکه

اگه ذره‌ای غیرت تو وجود آقایون بود باید به قطعنامه مجمع عمومی رای مثبت می‌دادن تا روسیه حساب کار دستش بیاد که باید باج بده تا مردم براش کاری کنند

زمان قاجار هم حتی سیاست ایران انقدر منفعلانه و بی‌غیرت نبوده. ریدن به خدا​
همین الان که دارم می‌نویسم دوباره اسرائیل به جنوب سوریه حمله کرده
بعد می‌گن به خاطر خرسیه رای منفی بدیم​
همین الان که دارم می‌نویسم دوباره اسرائیل به جنوب سوریه حمله کرده
بعد می‌گن به خاطر خرسیه رای منفی بدیم​

روسیه باید حمایت بشه تا از توانش برای مقابله با بخشی از برنامه های آمریکا استفاده بشه ...
روس ها خودشون رو اروپایی می دونند و هیچ وقت آبی ازشون برای ما گرم نمی شه ...
as a rule we never support any action that result in change of borders

مثل همون بمب هسته ای ... هیچ کشوری به اندازه ی ما برای هسته ای شدن بها پرداخت نکرده ولی به خاطر همین قوانین ناشی از ترس ، شکست نهایی نصیبمون می شه ...

ماکیاولی اعتقاد داره هیچ وقت « بی طرف » نباشید چون در هر صورت ، شکست خورده اید . ، چون هر طرف ببره ، از شما بدش میاد ، اگر با هم صلح کنند ، باز سر شما بی کلاه می مونه

مثل جنگ جهانی اول و جنگ جهانی دوم ... حاصل بی طرفی کشته شدن میلیون ها ایرانی و 1/3 یا 1/2 ایرانی ها شد

همین چند روز پیش بود که روسیه به قطعنامه شورای امنیت برای تروریستی خوندن و تحریم کردن حوثی‌های یمن رای مثبت داد
انتظاری که از روسیه می‌رفت این بود که وتو کنه یا حداکثر خنثی رای بده. بی‌ناموس‌ها رای مثبت دادن
کنار روسیه می‌موندیم؟ هنوز یک هفته هم نگذشته مثل اینکه

اگه ذره‌ای غیرت تو وجود آقایون بود باید به قطعنامه مجمع عمومی رای مثبت می‌دادن تا روسیه حساب کار دستش بیاد که باید باج بده تا مردم براش کاری کنند

زمان قاجار هم حتی سیاست ایران انقدر منفعلانه و بی‌غیرت نبوده. ریدن به خدا​

دنیا بر اساس واقعیت ها می چرخه ، هر چقدر روسیه بیشتر توی این باتلاق فرو بره ، بیشتر به نفع ماست ...
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