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Iranian Azaris and their love and loyalty to motherland

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even in turkey it is no much than 10% who esteem pan-turkish thoughts. But Azeris have their own identity may some differ from Turkige ethnicity and also among iranian azeris they have a growing azeri ID..

Yes, indeed. Azeris are Azeris, and their culture substantially differs from Turks in Turkey.
Yes, indeed. Azeris are Azeris, and their culture substantially differs from Turks in Turkey.

Differ in what way? They speak Turkish, I can easily understand 90% of what they say, when I treat them like a Persian they tell me we are Turks, not persian, not azeri.
@Surenas, @atatwolf stop being retard, do not start again.

The Turkish constitution on the other hand does not recognize that there are millions of kurds living in the country. Let us not waste time discussing how many they are, but the Turkish constitution considers the entire population to be Turks (ethnicity) only and nothing else. Besides the big population of kurds, the allewits and shias which make up at least 20% of the population in Turkey is not given full rights to practice their religion. You all are aware that the kurds are forbidden to have kurdish surnames.

Kurds in Turkey are enjoying much more freedom than Persians in Iran.

I can not cover the fact that the minority rights in Iran is not acceptable even when we compare it with our more advanced neighbors. If trolls will not destroy this interesting thread we could have very informative discussion here.

Do not let these retards speak on behalf of you mate. You are the only Iranian member that i respect and trust. Speak your mind, tell us more...
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Ey pesare shire khoda, Abolfazl, Abolfazl... (Oh son of the Lion (Ali a.s.) of God, Abolfazl, Abolfazl)

Atawolf, when you understand the above you will understand that ethnicity is not more worth than the sands under your shoes...

This videoclip is mixed in Azar and Persian as always:

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Please elaborate. I didnt fully understand the question.

I didn't ask a question. I said, even the minorities of Turkey are enjoying much more freedom than, let alone the minorities but majorities of Iran.
Differ in what way? They speak Turkish, I can easily understand 90% of what they say, when I treat them like a Persian they tell me we are Turks, not persian, not azeri.

i didnot meant azeris reject compeletly their turkishness..they accept and esteem their turkishness roots but assert thier own azeri id. at the same time..at least look at the policy of azerbaijan goverenment...
Differ in what way? They speak Turkish, I can easily understand 90% of what they say, when I treat them like a Persian they tell me we are Turks, not persian, not azeri.

Their culture, their traditions, etc. Azeris are much more closer (also in genetics) to Iranians than to Turks. Name one Turkish tradition, cultural elements Azeris have?
I didn't ask a question. I said, even the minorities of Turkey are enjoying much more freedom than, let alone the minorities but majorities of Iran.

You are absolutely right, it was not a question. Pardon me for claiming so.
Although it was a statement, in the context of our discussion here which is a dialogue and not a monologue, we are looking for arguments and elaborations convincing us of each other’s perspectives. Or is this site a subforum to twitter?

What you are claiming is based upon rumours and not facts. Here is a question for you:

Are the kurdish population free to choose kurdish surenames in Turkey? This is basic human rights....

Kurdish people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Their culture, their traditions, etc. Azeris are much more closer (also in genetics) to Iranians than to Turks. Name one Turkish tradition, cultural elements Azeris have?

Azaris also celebrate Nowrouz like Persians and Kurds.
You are absolutely right, it was not a question. Pardon me for claiming so.
Although it was a statement, in the context of our discussion here which is a dialogue and not a monologue, we are looking for arguments and elaborations convincing us of each other’s perspectives. Or is this site a subforum to twitter?

What you are claiming is based upon rumours and not facts. Here is a question for you:

Are the kurdish population free to choose kurdish surenames in Turkey? This is basic human rights....

Kurdish people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What you are missing is i didn't say minorities in Turkey (as a non-believer i'm also a part of minority) are treated perfect. In fact it is far from being perfect. What i'm trying to say is despite these facts, Turkey is still much more better than Iran when it comes to human rights and freedoms. So comparing Iran and Turkey will not bring your argument into a better position, if not gone worse.

Since this is a thread about Turks in Iran. You are the one who should convince us about they are not facing with any discrimination or mistreatments.
Their culture, their traditions, etc. Azeris are much more closer (also in genetics) to Iranians than to Turks. Name one Turkish tradition, cultural elements Azeris have?
What do you mean their culture? I already asked that. Azeri are culturally and linguistically TURKIC. They systemically oust the Persian identity. Do you understand Azeri culture? Do you understand Azeri language? Even one word? I understand 90 to 100% of what they say. Only difference is that they are shia, which is a NON problem. Just look at Azerbaijan (Shia) and Turkey(Sunni). We Turks are not like Persians so we don't discriminate religions. Turk = Turk, Shia or Sunni doesn't matter.

Azeri are Oguz Turks, that is what their roots are, not Persian or something else. Officially they call themselves Azeri Turks but all Azeri I have spoken to say they were Turks.

What you are missing is i didn't say minorities in Turkey (as a non-believer i'm also a part of minority) are treated perfect. In fact it is far from being perfect. What i'm trying to say is despite these facts, Turkey is still much more better than Iran when it comes to human rights and freedoms. So comparing Iran and Turkey will not bring your argument into a better position, if not gone worse.

Since this is a thread about Turks in Iran. You are the one who should convince us about they are not facing with any discrimination or mistreatments.

Kurds that live in Turkey live on Ottoman land that they took from Roman empire. Kurds never had a state so they need to adapt to Turkey. While Azeri people had their own state and Russians and Persians robbed their land, North Azerbaijan got its independence, while South Azerbaijan is still being under occupation by Iran and they systemically discriminate against Azeri Turks on their own land.
What do you mean their culture? I already asked that. Azeri are culturally and linguistically TURKIC. They systemically oust the Persian identity.

I wasn't talking about language. I asked you; name one Turkish tradition in Azeri culture. A simple assignment. I'm waiting...
I wasn't talking about language. I asked you; name one Turkish tradition in Azeri culture. A simple assignment. I'm waiting...
Are you crazy? No offense but that is a dumb question. Azeri and Turks have same food, same family culture, same feasts, same Language, which is the most important thing and binds us. Language is really close. I can easily communicate with Azeri in Azerbaijan and Iran.

So let me return the quesiton. Do you understand one Azeri word?
Azeri and Turks have same food, same family culture, same feasts, same Language, which is the most important thing and binds us. Language is really close. I can easily communicate with Azeri in Azerbaijan and Iran.

Same food? Name one dish. Same family culture? Explain. Same feasts? Name one. I'm waiting....
Same food? Name one dish. Same family culture? Explain. Same feasts? Name one. I'm waiting....
Seriously, are you serious or just trolling? Every conversation I have with you feels like I talk to a 7 year old.

Azerbaijani cuisine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ask the Turks on this forum and ask them to compare Azeri cuisine to Turkish one. They have the same food. The other questions are just ridiculous. Azeri people, be it in Azerbaijan or Iran, say they are Turkish. Why? Because they are, their origins are Oguz Turks. First learn history before asking such questions.

Do you understand what Qovurma,Dolma, Sogan dolmasi,Balıq means?
Seriously, are you serious or just trolling? Every conversation I have with you feels like I talk to a 7 year old.

Hahaha, you are so pathetic that you can't even name ONE similar dish, feast or this supposed family culture. Stupid phuck. Azeris in Iran are culturally more Persian than Turkish. There biggest festivals, feasts and dishes are more similar to other people in Iran. I ask again:

Name on similar dish.

Name one similar feats.

Explain this similar family culture.

I'm waiting, and I'm not going to lay down before you answer my questions.
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