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Iranian Azaris and their love and loyalty to motherland

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Yeah, blame it on the Kurds. Even 'real' Turks I know are showing such behavior.

Well, since Europe is the first destination of terrorist sympathiser scums who is known as a "Turkish" citizens, whom money is going to PKK in order to terrorize Turkey even more, who considers being a Turk an insult but suddenly becoming a Turk right after they got arrested and since the Kurds are playing 'a very important' role in the crime statics of Turkey, i believe i have right not to trust the accuracy of those reports. But that doesn't mean there is no troublemaker Turks in Europe. So yes you might know some 'real' Turks who likes to cause trouble.
The reason why I repeated my question; whether Turkish constitution recognizes none Turkish ethnic groups cultural and linguistic rights, is not about me wanting to blabber. It is quite relevant to the core of our discussion here. A constitution consists of fundamental principles according to which a state is governed. The executive branch of the state, namely the government, are to regulate and manage interactions within the society and amongst its citizens in accordance to the definitions of the constitution. Does the Turkish constitution recognize minorities and their languages and cultural rights? The Turkish constitution refers to all the inhabitants of Turkey as turks. Kurds and others are not recognized. That is not the case in Iran’s constitution.

Ir.Tab has pretty much answered your concerns about Constitution of Turkey in his post #46. We are expecting a more democratic and secular constitution, which protects the rights of all of the citizens regardless his ethnicity or religion, soon.

As for the Kurds in Turkey, there has been many reforms in the last decade in order to adress the Kurdish problem, hence there is no discrimination against Kurds, they are being represented in parliament, they are free to hug and kiss the terrorirsts in front of the media, who were trying to kill soldiers and civillians just couple of days ago and managed to get away with it -at least for now- But we haven't solved all of the problems yet and we are workin on them while Iran is too busy with banning flights during Islamic prayer.

As you can see, we shouldn't even waste our times on comparing human rights and freedoms of a totalitarion theocratic police-state, with a secular democratic republic, no?

In response to your remark about hanging people from cranes its good for you to know that capital punishment in Iran is enforced for crimes related to murder, rape, adultery, pedophilia, sodomy, drug trafficking, armed robbery, kidnapping, terrorism, and treason. The question whether capital punishment is humane or not is another discussion which is not relevant to this thread.

Actually it is highly relevant to this thread and there are many questions regarding those executions, but as an Iranian it is your job not mine, but apparently you are not willing to do so.

In 2010 Iranian authorities recorded 252 executions, but rights groups believe many more were executed without official acknowledgement. Most of those executed had been convicted of drug-related offenses following flawed trials in revolutionary courts. The number of executions increased even further following the entry into force in late December 2010 of an amended anti-narcotics law, drafted by the Expediency Council and approved by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.Since then Iran has executed more than 400 prisoners—including 67 drug offenders in January 2011 alone—according to rights groups. Authorities have refused to acknowledge more than half these executions.

Crimes punishable by death include murder, rape, trafficking and possessing drugs, armed robbery, espionage, sodomy, adultery, and apostasy. On September 3 the semi-official Iranian Students News Agency announced the execution of six men in the southwestern city of Ahvaz. Three of the men were convicted under Iran’s anti-sodomy laws.

Iran leads the world in the execution of juvenile offenders, individuals who committed a crime before turning 18-years-old. The Iranian state executed at least three children in 2011, one of them in public. Iranian law allows capital punishment for persons who have reached puberty, defined as nine-years-old for girls and fifteen for boys. There are currently more than a hundred juvenile offenders on death row.

Authorities have executed at least 30 individuals on the charge of moharebeh (“enmity against God”) since January 2010, allegedly for their ties to armed or terrorist groups. During the early morning hours of January 24, 2011, authorities in Tehran’s Evin prison hanged Jafar Kazemi and Mohammad Ali Haj-Aghai for their alleged ties to the banned Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) opposition group. Ali Saremi, who admitted to sympathizing with the MEK’s ideological aspirations, was also hanged in Evin prison on December 28, 2010, for the crime of moharebeh.

As of October 2011 at least 16 Kurds were on death row, many of them for alleged national security crimes and moharebeh.

While considering the sheer number of Kurds being accounted as a minority in Turkey I think it is a massive issue. With a population of around 12-25 million, depending on source references, its not a iny miny mainy moe problem. On the other hand Iran is not a democratic or overall human right champion either. I am not claiming that. On the issue of ethnical human rights, Iran is better positioned.

Agreed, that is why we are working so hard, and being so much patient as a nation during this process.
If Iranians are so concerned about minority rights, they should stop occupying south-Azerbaijan and stop their sectarian agenda.
If Iranians are so concerned about minority rights, they should stop occupying south-Azerbaijan and stop their sectarian agenda.

occupying what ? only thing i see is occupied is soviet made azarbaijan... those hassanovs and aliyovs need to be either sent to russia or to mongolia... and azarbaijan return to its motherland.

we should help the kurds to get their own country in turkey btw
occupying what ? only thing i see is occupied is soviet made azarbaijan... those hassanovs and aliyovs need to be either sent to russia or to mongolia... and azarbaijan return to its motherland.

we should help the kurds to get their own country in turkey btw
Kurds never had a country. On the other hand Azerbaijan was a country and you Persians cooperated with Kafir Russia to divide Azeri land between you and Russia. Russia gave Azeri back because of circumstances but Persians are still occupying south-Azerbijan. Azeribijan president speaks the truth!! Aliyev is a great man, don't take his name in your mouth again.
Kurds never had a country. On the other hand Azerbaijan was a country and you Persians cooperated with Kafir Russia to divide Azeri land between you and Russia. Russia gave Azeri back because of circumstances but Persians are still occupying south-Azerbijan. Azeribijan president speaks the truth!! Aliyev is a great man, don't take his name in your mouth again.
i dnt care about kafir... its something for you muslim torks.
btw ugly wolf... your history is weak ... where do they teach you history ?

Treaty of Gulistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The treaty confirmed inclusion of modern day Azerbaijan, Daghestan and Eastern Georgia into the Russian Empire.

The absolute majority of Iranian Azari will shed tears and humbly salute imam Hussein’s name when they hear and see such ceremonies shown in the video clip. As so would any other Shia muslim. No matter if you are Persian, Turk, Afghan, Pakistani, Azari, Arab or whatever.. This is the universal bond of shiism.
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The absolute majority of Iranian Azari will shed tears and humbly salute imam Husseins name when they hearand see such cemonies shown in the videoclip. As so woul any other Shia muslim. Nomatter if you are Persian, Turk, Afghan, Pakistani, Azari, Arab or whatever.. This is the universal bond of shiism.

Is Azerbaijan not Shii? If it is true what you say Iran would be close to Azerbaijan which is NOT true. Same counts for Azeri in Iran. They are closer to Azerbaijan then Iran.
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Ya Hussein mola jaan..zende baad Iran zamin

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Is Azerbaijan not Shii? If it is true what you say Iran would be close to Azerbaijan which is NOT true. Same counts for Azeri in Iran. They are closer to Azerbaijan then Iran.

Are you 12 years old or what? Give me mature and logical arguments or dont bother yourself posting in this thread. You have been trolling a lot!

Republic of Azerbaijan which Iran lost to Russia has been under russian and Soviet atheist propoganda rule for many years. Can you do the rest of the math?
Are you 12 years old or what? Give me mature and logical arguments or dont bother yourself posting in this thread. You have been trolling a lot!

Republic of Azerbaijan which Iran lost to Russia has been under russian and Soviet atheist propoganda rule for many years. Can you do the rest of the math?
Is Azerbaijan still under Russian influence? not any more. Atheism has nothing to do with fuss between Azerbaijan and Iran. Azerbaijan is not atheistic, they are religious just as Turkey and Iran. I only wanted to point out Shiism is not that strong as you think. Azerbaijan is a clear proof of that. Turkic brotherhood is stronger bond than all those sectarian ideologies

Aliyev is a great man. He understands that Shiism or Sunnism doesn't matter. He is a great leader and Iran should take him as a role model. Secterian conflict only destroys the neighborhood.
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