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Iran to execute alleged **** site developer

Offtopic, I could never understand why women dont like their husband watching **** or having a bit of fun with himself. It is insult to her?
I bet they are not doing this for fun or for sake of God.They do it for money.Yes they choose it themselves,but they are forced to do so all because of money.
Well I suppose it is one of the funner jobs out there.
Yes, they work for money, like everyone else. Very few people want to work, but obviously they need money.
So according to the simple minded here, Swedish women should migrate to muslim countries where they can be treated to the other extreme -- baby makers. You are treading into the statistics and their generations and interpretations.

Actually, I was commenting on the issue that the reason behind incrising of the reporting of sexual crimes is that laws become more solid and womens become more educated and confident. In Turkey statistics show 1-2 per 100.000 people but just in my own hometown of 100.000 people I can say that every year I can hear around more than 10 or so rape incidents that are being covered up by parents...

And If a person wants womens to migrate countries where 70 years old men can marry 13 years old girls, I would question their sanity... We don't need their concerns, I would very much live in this ''dangerous'' state rather than their ''safe heaven''...
Offtopic, I could never understand why women dont like their husband watching **** or having a bit of fun with himself. It is insult to her?

1) They think that men think that womens aren't enough woman to satisfy their needs

2) Women to have sexual frustration probaly more than men and when they see that their men spending his energy on a video... They think, Oh you can spend a hour watching this thing and you cand spend some quality time with me...

Things like that mostly anger women...
Offtopic, I could never understand why women dont like their husband watching **** or having a bit of fun with himself. It is insult to her?

few girls dont care and few do, in fact some even join you at it lol.
Actually, I was commenting on the issue that the reason behind incrising of the reporting of sexual crimes is that laws become more solid and womens become more educated and confident. In Turkey statistics show 1-2 per 100.000 people but just in my own hometown of 100.000 people I can say that every year I can hear around more than 10 or so rape incidents that are being covered up by parents...
That is true and like I said, you are treading into statistics and their generation. The wider the definition of 'rape' the greater the amount of 'rape' cases will be available. At one time it is not even 'rape' if a husband forced sex upon his wife and if it was not 'rape' then nothing 'illegal' occurred. So for the simpleminded here, all they go for is the final statistic figure, nothing else matter.

And If a person wants womens to migrate countries where 70 years old men can marry 13 years old girls, I would question their sanity... We don't need their concerns, I would very much live in this ''dangerous'' state rather than their ''safe heaven''...
Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed.
So according to the simple minded here, Swedish women should migrate to muslim countries where they can be treated to the other extreme -- baby makers. You are treading into the statistics and their generations and interpretations.

---------- Post added at 06:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:13 PM ----------

That is absurd. You should know by now that the ONLY cause for rape is a woman showing skin. Not men. But only women.

gambit you are obnoxious
not worth wasting my time on you..
before babbling your krap...i ask you..have ever been to any muslim country and lived there for some time?
if not then stlp your hate propaganda against us and stfu.
**** should be made illegal, but executing a man for making **** is just a bit too harsh. a jail sentence with penalties should be imposed. **** is everything that is wrong with our society.


Somewhere between the two extremes of women who must cover up their bodies for certain reasons lies pornography, scientists, engineers, parents, shopkeepers, and all the professions that make possible a functional society. Everybody involved themselves and some measures of exploitation of what they have, be it a skill or with his/her body. As long as there is a consensus between parties where everyone knows what they are getting for in exchange for something else, the best others can do is provide their moral approvals or disapprovals. Pornography between consenting adults is hardly as harmful as murders, rapes, abuse of children in every way, or armed robberies.

Col. Eileen Collins have the Space Shuttle control stick between her legs, a clearly phallic symbol and strategically placed at that. It is HARAM...!!!


Somewhere between the two extremes of women who must cover up their bodies for certain reasons lies pornography, scientists, engineers, parents, shopkeepers, and all the professions that make possible a functional society. Everybody involved themselves and some measures of exploitation of what they have, be it a skill or with his/her body. As long as there is a consensus between parties where everyone knows what they are getting for in exchange for something else, the best others can do is provide their moral approvals or disapprovals. Pornography between consenting adults is hardly as harmful as murders, rapes, abuse of children in every way, or armed robberies.

Col. Eileen Collins have the Space Shuttle control stick between her legs, a clearly phallic symbol and strategically placed at that. It is HARAM...!!!

that is not haram, now you are just preaching. no matter how you put it pornography is prostitution at the end of the day and prostitution is morally wrong at the end of the day. One man's action affects the society as a whole.
where 70
years old men can marry 13 years old girls, I would question their sanity... We don't need their concerns, I would very much live in this ''dangerous'' state rather than their ''safe heaven''...

listen lady...before you make such obnoxious claims...try crawling out from under you rock and travel to these countries and meet the people who marry a 15 yo at 70 yo...
btw didnt playboy boss marty many women 3rd or less of his age?
didnt pamella sandersen kept many teenage toyboys when she was over 45?
why not make issue of that instead of picking on muslims all the time.
Poverty makes people do odd things...
when you are hungry you dont see if the man asking you to be his wife is 70 yo..and you are 15
all you see is a person who can feed you and give you shelter...

people from rich countries can sit on their high chairs and sink us in their spit all the time while they are totally ignorant of ground realities.
listen lady...before you make such obnoxious claims...try crawling out from under you rock and travel to these countries and meet the people who marry a 15 yo at 70 yo...
btw didnt playboy boss marty many women 3rd or less of his age?
didnt pamella sandersen kept many teenage toyboys when she was over 45?
why not make issue of that instead of picking on muslims all the time.
Poverty makes people do odd things...
when you are hungry you dont see if the man asking you to be his wife is 70 yo..and you are 15
all you see is a person who can feed you and give you shelter...

people from rich countries can sit on their high chairs and sink us in their spit all the time while they are totally ignorant of ground realities.

People can do whatever they want as long as they are not hurting others... What you just told us are te extreme and very very rare in these countries... I hav nothng agains Islam more than I have for Judahism or Christianity. Actually if a man/woman are honest religous people, I would trust them more than most people but people are not that good and religion can be abused easily. Thats why there are women on this earth who cannot even show their eyes to world or there are untouchables in India that treated less than human. Religon can be abused more easily than drugs...

I am from Turkey, Turkey was one of the poorest countries in this world 10 years ago. I accep that I was the daughter of rich family and propably know nothing of les fortunetes peoples life but that does not change human equlity. If you see justified critism of violetion of human rights as ''people from rich countries can sit on their high chairs and sink us in their spit all the time while they are totally ignorant of ground realities'' You really need to understand human dignity more.

What we are discussing is freedom to do whatever a person wants to do without hurting others. This has nothing to do with being rich or not.
that is not haram, now you are just preaching. no matter how you put it pornography is prostitution at the end of the day and prostitution is morally wrong at the end of the day. One man's action affects the society as a whole.
Can you tell me why prostitution is morally wrong, (preferably without brining my female family members into discussion).

If you are for strict monogamy, then from there it is wrong. Anything less, it is a slippery slope.
Can you tell me why prostitution is morally wrong, (preferably without brining my female family members into discussion).

If you are for strict monogamy, then from there it is wrong. Anything less, it is a slippery slope.

a child of a prostitute would likely be a prostitute and the cycle goes on. Prositution shouldnt be a last resort i am certain there are other jobs, most women that get into prostitution get in it for the easy quick money. I said it earlier an action of an individual affects the society as a whole.
that is not haram, now you are just preaching. no matter how you put it pornography is prostitution at the end of the day and prostitution is morally wrong at the end of the day. One man's action affects the society as a whole.
Fine. Some anarchists argue the same against capitalism: That anytime there is an exchange of goods and services for money, such is prostitution.

If you have a problem with consenting adults doing something you morally disapproved, confine your distaste to the moral realm, not the legal. Argue and persuade others so they can develop their own internal compulsions against, but not force.
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