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Iran successfully fires satellite rocket

India and Iran are great allied, that is why India is busy launching Israeli satellites on Indian Rockets to spy on all muslim countries and Iran in particular. Please do not be fooled by Indians trying to pitch Pakistan against Iran. India voted for sanctions on Iran's nuclear program. That is why stop the Indian white lies, because no one is going to buy that bullshhhittttttt here.

Any idea who overhauls Iranian submarines?

Any idea who provides training to Iranian Navy?

Any idea who is developing Chabbahar (speliing) port and acquired rights to operate its naval vessels there?

India voted for sanctions on Iran's nuclear program.

and so did China and Russia, so whats your point?

I am not happy that Indian Government didnot gave green light to ISRO for Iranian satelite launch.

However I agree here that India cannot keep Iran and Israel/US happy at the same time.

This does not mean India has backstabbed Iran or vice versa.

India rejects US ban on firms dealing with Iran -DAWN - Top Stories; August 08, 2006

ArmsControlWonk: US Sanctions Indian Firms For Chem Sales

India, Iran begin naval exercise off Mumbai - SiliconIndia

New Delhi has also strengthened diplomatic and security relations with Teheran. It held naval exercises with the Iranian Navy in the Arabian Sea in March and has agreed to maintain Iran's military hardware, obtained mostly from Moscow. India will also train Iranian Navy personnel and service Iran's four Russian `Kilo' class submarines (Jane's Intelligence Review, March). In an agreement signed during President Syed Mohammed Khatami's visit to New Delhi in January, India agreed to develop a series of ports and roads linking Iran to Afghanistan and the CARs.

India, Iran begin naval exercise off Mumbai - SiliconIndia

IRAN: Indian investments are expected to amount to $5,000,000,000 in the Iranian steel and power sectors.

IRAN: Indian investments are expected to amount to $5,000,000,000 in the Iranian steel and power sectors, ESSAR STEEL, TATA STEEL CO. (TISCO) & RPG [India] - Order #: 037905. | Goliath Business News

This is only steel and power sector numbers. Calculate what will be the actual investment in all sectors.

Iran seeks $6.5b Indian investment | Deccan Chronicle

IRAN: Indian investments are expected to amount to $5,000,000,000 in the Iranian steel and power sectors.

IRAN: Indian investments are expected to amount to $5,000,000,000 in the Iranian steel and power sectors, ESSAR STEEL, TATA STEEL CO. (TISCO) & RPG [India] - Order #: 037905. | Goliath Business News

This is only steel and power sector numbers. Calculate what will be the actual investment in all sectors.

Iran seeks $6.5b Indian investment | Deccan Chronicle


well well well....i dont blame some PAKISTANI frnds to doubt my initial claim and reply with hostility. they are used to hear that AN INDIAN ALWAYS LIES. :woot:

hope more and more interaction will decrease some misunderstandings.:tup:
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Sorry to break your heart but looks like the contracts are going to China who is part of the peace gas pipeline project
:pakistan::china: what a shame India backstabbed Iran just when we were about to sign for 1.5 years India stalled ...:blink:

Iran, China Sign $1.7bln Oil Contract Jan15,2010

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran and China on Wednesday signed a 1.76 billion dollar contract for the initial development of the North Azadegan oil field in western Iran, an Iranian oil ministry official said.

Jiang Jiemin, the president of CNPC, China's largest oil and gas company, and the head of National Iranian Oil Company, Seifollah Jashnsaz, signed the contract to develop part of North Azadegan oil field.

The agreement between China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) foresees production from the field reaching 75,000 barrels a day in four years' time, the official said.

Iran hopes to earn an estimated $16bln in oil revenues over 25 years. If that timetable is maintained, Iran may award CNPC the contract for the second phase, when production is scheduled to double.

The North Azadegan oil field, located in southwestern Iran next to the Iraq border, has reserves of 6bln barrels of oil. The field is attached to southern Azadegan, the country's largest oil field, the development of which was delayed when Japan's Inpex withdrew in 2006 under US pressure.

Western oil companies have refused to invest in Iran because of US pressures.

Outline agreements have been signed with several Asian companies but the deal between CNPC and NIOC is the first major oil sector contract finalized in recent years.

CNPC this month began work on developing the Al-Ahdab oil field in Iraq following the signing of a three billon dollar contract.

This follows China's Sinopec contract in 2007 to develop the Yadavaran oilfield.

Iran, which sits on the world's second largest reserves of both oil and gas, is facing US sanctions over its civilian nuclear program.

Iranian officials have dismissed US sanctions as inefficient, saying that they are finding Asian partners instead. Several Chinese and other Asian firms are negotiating or signing up to oil and gas deals.

In a last case, Iran signed gas deals worth $14 billion with Malaysia's SKS Group in early December, including a contract to build an LNG plant.

Following US pressures on companies to stop business with Tehran, many western companies decided to do a balancing act. They tried to maintain their presence in Iran, which is rich in oil and gas, but not getting into big deals that could endanger their interests in the US.

Yet, after oil giants in the West witnessed that their absence in big deals has provided Chinese, Indian and Russian companies with excellent opportunities to sign up to an increasing number of energy projects and earn billions of dollars, many western firms are increasingly showing interest to invest or expand work in Iran.

Some European countries have also recently voiced interest in investment in Iran's energy sector after a gas deal was signed between Iran and Switzerland regardless of US sanctions.

The National Iranian Gas Export Company and Switzerland's Elektrizitaetsgesellschaft Laufenburg signed a 25-year deal in March for the delivery of 5.5 billion cubic meters of gas per year.

The biggest recent deal, worth €100m ($147m, £80m), was signed by Steiner Prematechnik Gastec, the German engineering company, this year to build equipment for three gas conversion plants in Iran.

Washington and its Western allies accuse Iran of trying to develop nuclear weapons under the cover of a civilian nuclear program, while they have never presented any corroborative document to substantiate their allegations. Iran denies the charges and insists that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only.

Tehran stresses that the country has always pursued a civilian path to provide power to the growing number of Iranian population, whose fossil fuel would eventually run dry.

Despite the rules enshrined in the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) entitling every member state, including Iran, to the right of uranium enrichment, Tehran is now under three rounds of UN Security Council sanctions for turning down West's illegitimate calls to give up its right of uranium enrichment.

Tehran has dismissed West's demands as politically tainted and illogical, stressing that sanctions and pressures merely consolidate Iranians' national resolve to continue the path.

The UN sanctions address individuals and companies involved in nuclear- and arms-related activities without banning daily trade and non-nuclear investment.

But the US has imposed unilateral restrictions in particular on financial transactions and big investments.

Political observers believe that the United States has remained at loggerheads with Iran over the independent and home-grown nature of Tehran's nuclear technology, which gives the Islamic Republic the potential to turn into a world power and a role model for other third-world countries. Washington has laid much pressure on Iran to make it give up the most sensitive and advanced part of the technology, which is uranium enrichment, a process used for producing nuclear fuel for power plants.

Washington's push for additional UN penalties contradicts the report by 16 US intelligence bodies that endorsed the civilian nature of Iran's programs. Following the US National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) and similar reports by the IAEA head - one in November and the other one in February - which praised Iran's truthfulness about key aspects of its past nuclear activities and announced settlement of outstanding issues with Tehran, any effort to impose further sanctions on Iran seems to be completely irrational.
IRAN: Indian investments are expected to amount to $5,000,000,000 in the Iranian steel and power sectors.

IRAN: Indian investments are expected to amount to $5,000,000,000 in the Iranian steel and power sectors, ESSAR STEEL, TATA STEEL CO. (TISCO) & RPG [India] - Order #: 037905. | Goliath Business News

This is only steel and power sector numbers. Calculate what will be the actual investment in all sectors.

Iran seeks $6.5b Indian investment | Deccan Chronicle


What has this post got anything in relevance with the topic? Again resorting to **** measuring contest? I've reported the post for removal. Period!
Sorry to break your heart but looks like the contracts are going to China who is part of the peace gas pipeline project
:pakistan::china: what a shame India backstabbed Iran just when we were about to sign for 1.5 years India stalled ...:blink:

Iran, China Sign $1.7bln Oil Contract Jan15,2010

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran and China on Wednesday signed a 1.76 billion dollar contract for the initial development of the North Azadegan oil field in western Iran, an Iranian oil ministry official said.

Jiang Jiemin, the president of CNPC, China's largest oil and gas company, and the head of National Iranian Oil Company, Seifollah Jashnsaz, signed the contract to develop part of North Azadegan oil field.

The agreement between China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) foresees production from the field reaching 75,000 barrels a day in four years' time, the official said.

Iran hopes to earn an estimated $16bln in oil revenues over 25 years. If that timetable is maintained, Iran may award CNPC the contract for the second phase, when production is scheduled to double.

The North Azadegan oil field, located in southwestern Iran next to the Iraq border, has reserves of 6bln barrels of oil. The field is attached to southern Azadegan, the country's largest oil field, the development of which was delayed when Japan's Inpex withdrew in 2006 under US pressure.

Western oil companies have refused to invest in Iran because of US pressures.

Outline agreements have been signed with several Asian companies but the deal between CNPC and NIOC is the first major oil sector contract finalized in recent years.

CNPC this month began work on developing the Al-Ahdab oil field in Iraq following the signing of a three billon dollar contract.

This follows China's Sinopec contract in 2007 to develop the Yadavaran oilfield.

Iran, which sits on the world's second largest reserves of both oil and gas, is facing US sanctions over its civilian nuclear program.

Iranian officials have dismissed US sanctions as inefficient, saying that they are finding Asian partners instead. Several Chinese and other Asian firms are negotiating or signing up to oil and gas deals.

In a last case, Iran signed gas deals worth $14 billion with Malaysia's SKS Group in early December, including a contract to build an LNG plant.

Following US pressures on companies to stop business with Tehran, many western companies decided to do a balancing act. They tried to maintain their presence in Iran, which is rich in oil and gas, but not getting into big deals that could endanger their interests in the US.

Yet, after oil giants in the West witnessed that their absence in big deals has provided Chinese, Indian and Russian companies with excellent opportunities to sign up to an increasing number of energy projects and earn billions of dollars, many western firms are increasingly showing interest to invest or expand work in Iran.

Some European countries have also recently voiced interest in investment in Iran's energy sector after a gas deal was signed between Iran and Switzerland regardless of US sanctions.

The National Iranian Gas Export Company and Switzerland's Elektrizitaetsgesellschaft Laufenburg signed a 25-year deal in March for the delivery of 5.5 billion cubic meters of gas per year.

The biggest recent deal, worth €100m ($147m, £80m), was signed by Steiner Prematechnik Gastec, the German engineering company, this year to build equipment for three gas conversion plants in Iran.

Washington and its Western allies accuse Iran of trying to develop nuclear weapons under the cover of a civilian nuclear program, while they have never presented any corroborative document to substantiate their allegations. Iran denies the charges and insists that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only.

Tehran stresses that the country has always pursued a civilian path to provide power to the growing number of Iranian population, whose fossil fuel would eventually run dry.

Despite the rules enshrined in the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) entitling every member state, including Iran, to the right of uranium enrichment, Tehran is now under three rounds of UN Security Council sanctions for turning down West's illegitimate calls to give up its right of uranium enrichment.

Tehran has dismissed West's demands as politically tainted and illogical, stressing that sanctions and pressures merely consolidate Iranians' national resolve to continue the path.

The UN sanctions address individuals and companies involved in nuclear- and arms-related activities without banning daily trade and non-nuclear investment.

But the US has imposed unilateral restrictions in particular on financial transactions and big investments.

Political observers believe that the United States has remained at loggerheads with Iran over the independent and home-grown nature of Tehran's nuclear technology, which gives the Islamic Republic the potential to turn into a world power and a role model for other third-world countries. Washington has laid much pressure on Iran to make it give up the most sensitive and advanced part of the technology, which is uranium enrichment, a process used for producing nuclear fuel for power plants.

Washington's push for additional UN penalties contradicts the report by 16 US intelligence bodies that endorsed the civilian nature of Iran's programs. Following the US National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) and similar reports by the IAEA head - one in November and the other one in February - which praised Iran's truthfulness about key aspects of its past nuclear activities and announced settlement of outstanding issues with Tehran, any effort to impose further sanctions on Iran seems to be completely irrational.

alrite we are backstabbers....happy? now come hang us......well i dont think theres something called backsttabing involved here.....

its made clear that india cant trust pakistan for its opportunist attitude. its just we dont wanna play into hands of some terrorised nation.

and regarding india-iran alliance, read above posts.
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Iran never forgets - :no: they were there preparing chicken kebobs for you guys and rolling the persian carpet and Indians voted against Iran all those years of cooperation ...

Just sold out ... in matter of weeks

I really hope to find a iranian person's prespective what they think of India gov snub
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Iran never forgets - :no: they were there preparing chicken kebobs for you guys and rolling the persian carpet and Indians voted against Iran all those years of cooperation ...

Just sold out ... in matter of weeks

I really hope to find a iranian person's prespective what they think of India gov snub

ya dude..a typical losers answer..expected.......well they r now signing it with china......temme did china signed in favour or against?

answer and then proceed.

and for more frustration to u......

India can join Iran-Pak gas pipeline later: Pak


not enough..some more.


"We have not pulled out of the project. We have certain concerns which need to be addressed before we can join the project," a senior Petroleum Ministry official said.

Iran has, however, left scope for India joining the project at a later date.

"We are committed to continue to dialogue (with Iran and Pakistan) on the pipeline project," Petroleum Secretary R S Pandey said without elaborating.
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well to make things clear. india isnt pakistan to play in hands of the enemy.

india will put every step cautiously before signing such a high profile deal......

neways, there isnt shortage for india.....its Turk-Isreal-India gas negotiation.

and once all hiccups are over, a branch from karachi wud be directed towards india.....

ever seen india been part of 2 pipeline projects.....

well wait and watch..U guys needa learn diplomacy from india.:thinktank:
I didn't read all the Indians' posts. But it's the same lies as usual.

Iran and Inida are not allies. Our relationship is very ordinary and does not compare to those with the likes of China, Germany, Dubai and even Italy. Now, according the the Indians they are building the chahbahar port and a road/railway to the Afghan border (as if we can't do that ourselves). And they claim that will give them some military or strategic access to be used against others. I say if they are stupid enough to think that, let them come. They can build me a bigger garage while they're at it.

It is strictly forbidden in the Iranian constitution to allow any foreign troops to be stationed on Iranian soil. And the reason for that is because most Iranians consider it profoundly insulting to have their country be used as a tool for some other people's agenda. Our soil is sacred and not some toilet paper in the hands of others. But I guess I can't expect most Indians to understand that concept...

I remember when Khatami was invited to their parade, all the indians were working themselves into a frenzy with the rumors of basing their military in Eastern Iran in order to lean on Pakistan and potentially open a secondary front in case of war. So I went to their site and told them if they think Iran will allow them to use its soil to be used against Pakistan, they're crazy.

What bothers me is how easily some Pakistanis are taken in by these rumors, hearsays and outright lies without bothering to seek any concrete evidence or attempting to critically evaluate the situation.
I didn't read all the Indians' posts. But it's the same lies as usual.

Iran and Inida are not allies. Our relationship is very ordinary and does not compare to those with the likes of China, Germany, Dubai and even Italy. Now, according the the Indians they are building the chahbahar port and a road/railway to the Afghan border (as if we can't do that ourselves). And they claim that will give them some military or strategic access to be used against others. I say if they are stupid enough to think that, let them come. They can build me a bigger garage while they're at it.

It is strictly forbidden in the Iranian constitution to allow any foreign troops to be stationed on Iranian soil. And the reason for that is because most Iranians consider it profoundly insulting to have their country be used as a tool for some other people's agenda. Our soil is sacred and not some toilet paper in the hands of others. But I guess I can't expect most Indians to understand that concept...

I remember when Khatami was invited to their parade, all the indians were working themselves into a frenzy with the rumors of basing their military in Eastern Iran in order to lean on Pakistan and potentially open a secondary front in case of war. So I went to their site and told them if they think Iran will allow them to use its soil to be used against Pakistan, they're crazy.

What bothers me is how easily some Pakistanis are taken in by these rumors, hearsays and outright lies without bothering to seek any concrete evidence or attempting to critically evaluate the situation.
^ but iranian relations with pakistan is also not very good, every now and then your president doesnt stop blaming pakistan for its internal problems. indians can use the iranian emotions against pakistan, not forgetting some iranians think about greater persia fantasy which includes balochistan province.
I didn't read all the Indians' posts. But it's the same lies as usual.

Iran and Inida are not allies. Our relationship is very ordinary and does not compare to those with the likes of China, Germany, Dubai and even Italy. Now, according the the Indians they are building the chahbahar port and a road/railway to the Afghan border (as if we can't do that ourselves). And they claim that will give them some military or strategic access to be used against others. I say if they are stupid enough to think that, let them come. They can build me a bigger garage while they're at it.

It is strictly forbidden in the Iranian constitution to allow any foreign troops to be stationed on Iranian soil. And the reason for that is because most Iranians consider it profoundly insulting to have their country be used as a tool for some other people's agenda. Our soil is sacred and not some toilet paper in the hands of others. But I guess I can't expect most Indians to understand that concept...

I remember when Khatami was invited to their parade, all the indians were working themselves into a frenzy with the rumors of basing their military in Eastern Iran in order to lean on Pakistan and potentially open a secondary front in case of war. So I went to their site and told them if they think Iran will allow them to use its soil to be used against Pakistan, they're crazy.

What bothers me is how easily some Pakistanis are taken in by these rumors, hearsays and outright lies without bothering to seek any concrete evidence or attempting to critically evaluate the situation.

well hope u werent in ur mothers womb even when india iran and others were part of the NON-ALIGNED movement.ask ur ancestors what was it all about and how did countries unlike pakistan and china werent lobbied under superpowers.

i understand iran's anger with old ally india when they are closing their relations with isreal. but understand enemy's friend isnt an enemy always.....

and rest of ur skepticals thots of india using iran for military.....i wud say i dont know.no one knows. in india iran is seen as a old friend and different from fundamantalist muslims.we see iran a progressive country rite for being india's friend. u can say same as turkey.

well as of all the sentiments of ur, i respect it....but i pleade u to get some facts right. plz go thru indian involvement in iran historically.

i understand things have gone cold after india's closeness to isreal and USA but new relations are infants and olt ties are ripe.

plz think rationally.
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