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Iran nuclear deal reached

Mate, it is very simple.

1.Iran ignores all EU and US demands and faces further sanctions and isolation and our currency keeps devaluating.

2.Iran pays attention to the demands of the EU+US and as a result the Toman regains abit of its power back and the economy prospers.

there is no third option really, it is either surrender, or give into their demands with a bit of face saving. Unfortunately, during the 8 years we still didnt learn our lesson yet and we still think that some imaginery nation will help us at the UNSC in blocking resolutions or some imaginery country will sell us top quality military hardware.

Why cant we learn our lesson ?

That's why I said my last paragraph...

I am not the one who needs to learn a leeson.
those stupids who have defamed a country by their own idiotic acts are the ones who need to learn lessons. They could have signed a much better deal with 5+1 even now but they failed. In addition they are the ones who needed to be careful not to bring a country to headland.
Obviously, There is a third option. If instead of supporting some jacka$$ backstabbers like hamas, ... they tried to have a normal relation with all civilized countries of the world, there would not be so much of pressure on the country to give up anything.

with all due respect , i really cant disagree more .

I know why you are saying so, anyway I have respect for you since I know that what you really feel and why you are not mentioning it here. ;)
That's why I said my last paragraph...
I am not the one who needs to learn a leeson.
those stupids who have defamed a country by their own idiotic acts are the ones who need to learn lessons. They could have signed a much better deal with 5+1 even now but they failed. In addition they are the ones who needed to be careful not to bring a country to headland.
Obviously, There is a third option. If instead of supporting some jacka$$ backstabbers like hamas, ... they tried to have a normal relation with all civilized countries of the world, there would not be so much of pressure on the country to give up anything.
Man, i am saying the same stuff. The pofyooz's who are in the decision makings have screwed it up, and the pofyooz's that i am referring to are the hardline idiots like Jalili who went to negotiate for the sake of negotiating. Reformists in Iran (like zarif) who have a sense of patriotism and humanity want to undo some of the damages created by the hardline cavemen. That is why i also think the problem of our country are the osoolgarayan.

first : some traitors who living in other countries has no right to talk about Iran ... the last time your kind were in power , Iran get invaded and get occupied in less than 24 hours and half of our population get killed due starvation for two times ( WW 1 and WW 2 ) .... your kind should shout up and answer your crimes before opening their mouth ... your era was most shameful era in past 400 year for Iran ... and we still paying for your traitor actions ...

@ Uhuhu
Well , I made a mistake but still , there a problem , why they didn't mention Uo2 and used oxide instead !?
IMO they did this for other purpose ...

and there is problem here ... what if we do all this thing and 6 month latter ( after winter !!!! ) they resume their sanction and increase it !?

they did this even 1 hour after this deal get signed ....

they are playing with us , now , our bazaar have an stability in it ( a bitter stability ) but if we caught in their games , 6 month letter we will face another economic shock ....
IMO they have plane for their second shock ...

at least those guys should mention that if west make another excuse , IRan would resign from NPT .... but they had no balls for something like this ....
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About time you guys gave up on your nuclear ambitions. How long did you let Iran suffer and falter? Ruined currency, rapid inflation, all sorts of economic perils, isolating yourself in the international arena, being not able to trade your oil, not able to deal in $ or gold.

What was the point of this silly stance all these years when in the end out of deep economic respite you signed the agreement, essentially giving up on all what you stood for?

Kinda makes you angry to see the civilians suffer for something not fruitful and downright leading to a country's tipping point economically.

But now is Iran's opportunity to not give into religious ideologies and stand up for your country.
Man, i am saying the same stuff. The pofyooz's who are in the decision makings have screwed it up, and the pofyooz's that i am referring to are the hardline idiots like Jalili who went to negotiate for the sake of negotiating. Reformists in Iran (like zarif) who have a sense of patriotism and humanity want to undo some of the damages created by the hardline cavemen. That is why i also think the problem of our country are the osoolgarayan.

do you know that who was the one who accompanied Ahmadinejad in general council when he was talking those BS? >>Mr. Zarif
Do you know who is the one who said to Le monde that no political prison have been executed in Iran so far? >>Mr. Zarif
I am not fooling myself. you can do so if you want. there is no real difference between reformists and conservatives in Iran as what you think. They all agree about the current system of Iran and their fights are not genuine and it is only for gaining more and more money and power.
I thought you knew it but it seems that you don't know that:
"Mullahs have no patriotism sentiments at all."
It is a real fact.
do you know that who was the one who accompanied Ahmadinejad in general council when he was talking those BS? >>Mr. Zarif
Do you know who is the one who said to Le monde that no political prison have been executed in Iran so far? >>Mr. Zarif
I am not fooling myself. you can do so if you want. there is no real difference between reformists and conservatives in Iran as what you think. They all agree about the current system of Iran and their fights are not genuine and it is only for gaining more and more money and power.
I thought you knew it but it seems that you don't know that:
"Mullahs have no patriotism sentiments at all."
It is a real fact.
Zarif was Irans representative to the UN so it is logical he would accompany the IR president. other then Zarif i agree with what you said.
Man, i am saying the same stuff. The pofyooz's who are in the decision makings have screwed it up, and the pofyooz's that i am referring to are the hardline idiots like Jalili who went to negotiate for the sake of negotiating. Reformists in Iran (like zarif) who have a sense of patriotism and humanity want to undo some of the damages created by the hardline cavemen. That is why i also think the problem of our country are the osoolgarayan.

and before you , west even didn't give you reformer to having 3 centrifuge .... and if I remember , sanction begin in your era and because you accept Additional protocol and did anything ...

this treaty final step is additional protocol and accepting it , will damage Iran sovereignty ... and your kind already begin to make pressure on majils for accepting it ....

lets see how wast will gift you after all of this ....... we only need to wait for 6 months ....

and both of you should watch your mouth ... If I begin to answer you in the same manner , then you will get proper answer that will shout up you .... this is your way to discuss , when you can't answer anything , you will begin to insult ...

first : some traitors who living in other countries has no right to talk about Iran ... the last time your kind were in power , Iran get invaded and get occupied in less than 24 hours and half of our population get killed due starvation for two times ( WW 1 and WW 2 ) .... your kind should shout up and answer your crimes before opening their mouth ... your era was most shameful era in past 400 year for Iran ... and we still paying for your traitor actions ...

First of all, people like me were not in power during WWs, so educate yourself before opening your mouth. They were in power between 1320-1332 of Shamsi calendar and also a short time after constitutional revolution, and they were the ones who nationalized oil industry, if they did not do so, you and your beloved arabs were dying out of hunger by now.
I know why you are burning inside of yourself, since your leader has been behind of this embarrassing agreement. So as your beloved villian president has said before:
"pour the water where it burns, do not pour it on other places"
First of all, people like me were not in power during WWs, so educate yourself before opening your mouth. They were in power between 1320-1332 of Shamsi calendar and also a short time after constitutional revolution, and they were the ones who nationalized oil industry, if they did not do so, you and your beloved arabs were dying out of hunger by now.
I know why you are burning inside of yourself, since your leader has been behind of this embarrassing agreement. So as your beloved villian president has said before:
"pour the water where it burns, do not pour it on other places"

your kind were in power ... and then fled to USA , Britiania .... to their true fathers ...
Listen asshole, Iran is too much of a great nation to be put under pressure or be turned into a second North Korea or Libya so those scenarios must be avoided through diplomacy.

Also Asshole, do you know that even with the deal being struck Iran is still currently enriching Uranium for its needs ? hehe, now you can go and suck on Netanyahus balls, maybe you will have the honour to be a settler in a Palestinian village or something.

Dumb ****.

Yeah all that bravado was seen when Iran signed the deal to lift your sanctions. Your Uranium enrichment rate is not sufficient enough for a nuclear power plant, sure carry on and live in that delusion. Face it, you guys went on your knees, the sanctions worked and you guys gave up.

Please I'm not an Israeli but your next door neighbour to the east. Rant on, wont change the fact that all your history lead upto you giving up on your " dreams " and falling in line with the international community. It is a good thing for Iran, and I am happy for the people, but you seem to a be a right winger. You guys are a lost cause, heck all right wingers are a lost cause to their respective countries.
Yeah all that bravado was seen when Iran signed the deal to lift your sanctions. Your Uranium enrichment rate is not sufficient enough for a nuclear power plant, sure carry on and live in that delusion. Face it, you guys went on your knees, the sanctions worked and you guys gave up.

Please I'm not an Israeli but your next door neighbour to the east. Rant on, wont change the fact that all your history lead upto you giving up on your " dreams " and falling in line with the international community. It is a good thing for Iran, and I am happy for the people, but you seem to a be a right winger. You guys are a lost cause, heck all right wingers are a lost cause to their respective countries.

all of our eastern neighbor should be worry about themselves ....
you had 8 years of Iran's history, wasn't that enough?

compare to your 16 years ... not ... oh sorry , I thought you are reformer ...

compare to your 56 years , no it was not enough ...
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