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Iran launching missiles towards ISIS positions

Yeah that is just insanity. 25 Missiles in total would've been more than enough and a strong show of force.

Haven't you learned already. If Iranian Air force did it its heroism, if sepah did it, it's terrorism and stealing money.

Damn if you do, damn if you don't. Not a fan of Irans government but to those who hate Iran, nothing Iran does will ever be painted in a good light, nothing, at all....

butthurt (((Babak))) blocked me on Twitter because I called him out several times on his bulls...
he is a joke

He's more than a joke. Like many others who comment on Iran claiming to know this and that, he's straight up delusional. I hate guys like him and many others who have this false sense of "insider" info about a given topic.
دمت گرم! صحبتهای سران داره صریح تر و قاطع تر میشه. فکر کنم بالاخره صبر نظام تموم شد.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you and finally they believe you. Seems like Iran has reached the belief stage with its missiles. They say they are "very accurate"!

Hats off to Iranian scientists.
So iran should have fired 625 missiles at a handful of targets?

What bizarre logic is that! Irregardless of how cheap Iran labor is, a Qiam Missile or Zolfighar Missile costs at least 1 million-1.5 million dollars possibly significantly more due to accuracy.

So you would have Iran spend 500+ million dollars on a symbolic attack!

How do you get from 25 to 625??? You probably misunderstood or misread!
And no they do NOT cost $1 Million USD per on a relatively small single stage solid fuel booster regardless of the accuracy especially if Iran is claiming that every thing except for a few electronics on the motherboard is domestic!

So fire a total of 25 missiles for each of the dead so one missiles for each dead Iranian for a total of 25 missiles!
. .
Iran just laying off high maintenance old stuff for a good reason, wonder if we will retire our aging arsenal on some targets in afghanistan ever, qudos to the nation with balls of bull.
Iran just laying off high maintenance old stuff for a good reason, wonder if we will retire our aging arsenal on some targets in afghanistan ever, qudos to the nation with balls of bull.
those Qiam Missiles were the latest generation and any missile from Fateh family that can reach Syria is quiet new
butthurt (((Babak))) blocked me on Twitter because I called him out several times on his bulls...
he is a joke
Babak Taghvaee the "Military expert" has tweeted about how IRGC is just stealing Iran's money and that the IRIAF's F-4s/Su-24s would have been much more effective at hitting ISIL. He fails to see that there is noway that the U.S would allow IRIAF to hit targets so close to its own forces (3 Kilometers!) especially having seen what the U.S did to the SAAF Su-22 that got to close to SDF territory while bombing ISIL. This attack by the IRGC was a great show that with all the talk about their anti-Missile capabilities, the U.S was unable to counter IRGC's missiles and UCAVs hitting only 3 kilometers away from their heavily defended illegal ground troops on Syrian soil.

Some one needs to tell him:
IRGC shames Iran's Air Force on a yearly bases! The fact that IRGC was able to build it's self Jet Powered UCAV's with an internal weapons bay and the Air Force still hasn't built a prototype MALI UAV superior to the Sh-129 tells you all you need to know!

And hitting targets 500km away with missiles is more about the message being sent or else Iran could have targeted those sites from inside Syria for a fraction of the cost of sending F-4's and Su-24's from Iran but doing that wouldn't of delivered a clear message to the people funding them for Iran's outdated Air Force doesn't really scare anyone!

IRGC gave Iran at the very least one of the top 10 most powerful Missiles Forces in the world starting with no more than a few imported Scuds all done within 30 years and with limited funding where as the IRAF still hasn't been able to reverse engineer and produce the F-14's they've had let lone build something better hell they haven't even been able to build it's self a better BVR missile than the +40 year old AiM-54's!

If the IRIAF had built and tested a single flying prototype of a true supersonic 5th generation fighter and a stealth Jet powered UCAV then they could of nagged about the IRGC getting all the funding and having all the fun. As the wise man said "As shoma harikat as khoda barikat! Fellan keh ma as bad as jang ta imrooz as NAHAJA barayeh moghabeleh ba Tahreem ha kami Ghayrat nadeedeem
And they have their own facilities, tools, spare parts that can be used and manpower and prototypes don't have to be made out of Ti they could have mixed steel, aluminum,.... & composites and worried about weight reduction, range, Hi G capability,.... later!
How do you get from 25 to 625??? You probably misunderstood or misread!
And no they do NOT cost $1 Million USD per on a relatively small single stage solid fuel booster regardless of the accuracy especially if Iran is claiming that every thing except for a few electronics on the motherboard is domestic!

So fire a total of 25 missiles for each of the dead so one missiles for each dead Iranian for a total of 25 missiles!

You lack facts and just state opinions.

Go ahead and google “scud Missile cost”

A NK Scud-C cost $3 Million and Iraq was able to procure Scud-B for 1 million.

So how on earth you expect a Qiam or Zolfghar to achieve BELOW 1 million?

Again you state opinion! With no facts!
You lack facts and just state opinions.

Go ahead and google “scud Missile cost”

A NK Scud-C cost $3 Million and Iraq was able to procure Scud-B for 1 million.

So how on earth you expect a Qiam or Zolfghar to achieve BELOW 1 million?

Again you state opinion! With no facts!
Mass production
Mass production

I hate to break this to you, but neither Qiam or Zolfighar is 100% Iranian made. It has foreign raw materials/components.

So unless you can show me proof that Zolfighar or Qiam would cost less than 1 million (quite frankly preposterous especially when you factor in maintenance costs) than you have to use widely published data on other missiles.
You lack facts and just state opinions.

Go ahead and google “scud Missile cost”

A NK Scud-C cost $3 Million and Iraq was able to procure Scud-B for 1 million.

So how on earth you expect a Qiam or Zolfghar to achieve BELOW 1 million?

Again you state opinion! With no facts!

You know nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Iran is NOT the U.S. for it to cost 1 freaking Million USD and the prices of Zolfaghar has NOTHING to do with Scuds!!!!!!!!!!! Like everything else you really don't know much for me to explain it to you! Like how simple building Solid Fuel engines are compared to liquid or how much cheaper the fuels comes out in an overall factor due to various reason!
You don't even know what the fuels are made out of!!! LOL!
I hate to break this to you, but neither Qiam or Zolfighar is 100% Iranian made. It has foreign raw materials/components.

So unless you can show me proof that Zolfighar or Qiam would cost less than 1 million (quite frankly preposterous especially when you factor in maintenance costs) than you have to use widely published data on other missiles.

Foreign raw materials??? Who told you that???

everything in it's fuel from the oxidizer on up is mined inside Iran hell IRGC even owns some of the mines themselves! Everything from the fuel to the engines to the engine casings to the body!!!!!!!! EVERYTHING in the Zolfaghar boosters are IRANIAN mined and produced!!!!!!!!

At the end of the day the entire booster of the Zolfaghar don't even cost $50K for the IRGC!

Some one needs to tell him:
IRGC shames Iran's Air Force on a yearly bases! The fact that IRGC was able to build it's self Jet Powered UCAV's with an internal weapons bay and the Air Force still hasn't built a prototype MALI UAV superior to the Sh-129 tells you all you need to know!

So if this is the case, does IRGC already work on its own fighter concept?
Maybe its the budget of the IRGC what keeps it more innovative than Irans Air force?
Some one needs to tell him:
IRGC shames Iran's Air Force on a yearly bases! The fact that IRGC was able to build it's self Jet Powered UCAV's with an internal weapons bay and the Air Force still hasn't built a prototype MALI UAV superior to the Sh-129 tells you all you need to know!
Some may say it show the difference in amount of resources they have access to
. .

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