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Iran equips vessels with 2,000-km-range anti ship cruise missiles

big missile wouldn't want to be in the receiving end of that

it would cut the Israeli Sa'ar 5 in half

Iran must not put the focus in Israel, Israel has lost already against Iran, Iran must put the focus in big bullies. This 2000km auto limit demoralize me, not because it s a foolish number for a country with prestige is iran, is because some decision makers wants to keep Iran jsut a regional superpower...
Iran must not put the focus in Israel, Israel has lost already against Iran, Iran must put the focus in big bullies. This 2000km auto limit demoralize me, not because it s a foolish number for a country with prestige is iran, is because some decision makers wants to keep Iran jsut a regional superpower...
that is an anti ship missile not a weapon for israel
2,000 km? It says 2,000 km on the original post.
Why would you need an anti-ship missile with a 2,000 km range? That's basically from one side of Europe to the other.
Why would you need an anti-ship missile with a 2,000 km range? That's basically from one side of Europe to the other.
What a stupid question.
What a stupid question.
Is it a ballistic missile or an anti-ship missile?
Why would you need an anti-ship missile with a 2,000 km range? That's basically from one side of Europe to the other.
For indian ocean
What a stupid question.

What else do you expect from a known troll?
Why would you need an anti-ship missile with a 2,000 km range? That's basically from one side of Europe to the other.
to attack Somalian pirates yachts or a certain country ships in eastern Mediterranean
Why would you need an anti-ship missile with a 2,000 km range? That's basically from one side of Europe to the other.
That helps us to hit target much further than our shores so enemies' AC can not approach our coast which limits & reduced their combat range. Besides what is wrong with anti-ship missile with such a range?
Is it a ballistic missile or an anti-ship missile?
It says in the title "anti ship cruise missile":rolleyes:
It says in the title "anti ship cruise missile":rolleyes:
Yes it does. It also says "2000 km range". With that range it can be classified as a ballistic missile! O_O
Iran and NK are examples of how far in military technology can go in isolated countries when they are sovereign and free to develop themselves, without USA master restraints, corruptions and briberies.
Yes it does. It also says "2000 km range". With that range it can be classified as a ballistic missile! O_O
that more related to flight characteristic not the range
Yes it does. It also says "2000 km range". With that range it can be classified as a ballistic missile! O_O
What does range got to do, with flight path? Tomahawk has a range of 1500 miles or 2400 Km and its a cruise missile.
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