Then why sign agreements, why inaugurate Pakistani half of the IP pipeline which Zardari did?
If you transgress on your agreements, of course the Iranians will be p!ssed.
It is not good to be under any kind of international sanctions.
It makes your hands and knees weak.
iran is down on its knees.
And every Tom, Shankar, Abdullah and Zardari are trying to fork the guy already on his knees.
Indians are robbing Iran,
So is every EU country, and so is China.
Iranians are letting every one fork them due to the pin-headed Mulah supreme council who have no forking idea about 21st century.
Zardari too, forked Iranian name (he couldn't do more) in the last days of his party's power, and just before elections, as a jack@rse scheme of getting more votes from the Pakistani-twitters and Pakistani twatters who suck up to Iranian Mullahs.
that's all.
Everyone knew Zardari is playing games, And Shahbaz Sharif pointed that out the very next day.
Iranians too do not have much ground to stand on.
They knew Zardari is forking them,
This is why
they can just issue empty bharaks (Punajbi movie style) and slogans and shouts and screams.
You are playing like a broken record.
If it was that straight forward to tax the richie rich, it would have been done long time ago.