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Iran-India to build gas pipeline through sea to save transit fee

India/Iran took more than 10 years to come on same page and now it will take more than 10 years just to sign MoU , who knows what will happen in this period

please continue with ur PIPE DREAMS, don't let our comments stop u , A pipe is all u need

@king123 ya its very simple to render a carrier in CGI, u need original one's not the hard copy of image, Bcoz ur hard copy will get wet during protection of this PIPE DREAM.
No man they are unique they have the guts to dream of PIPE DREAM.

sour grapes, eh? you losers just cant do a thing about it, it's YOUR pipe dream that a pipeline will pass through pakistan for India to get oil from Iran. that is never gonna happen

as for A/C, here it is
This is a very sensible move, the initial costs may be expensive but transit fee to Pakistan will be eliminated. If the Qatar-UAE pipeline can be linked to this, economies of scale can be achieved. I'm sure dangers to environment and impact of cyclones has been considered before putting out such a proposal. Maybe in the long-run, gas from Caspian Sea and Turkmenistan can also be connected to this pipeline route via Iranian territory, thereby completely bypassing ****** region. This may even encourage a GCC crude oil pipeline along the same route connecting to India. Didn't the Europeans go round the African continent to bypass the Ottoman Turks to reach Asia and reap the benefits of it for many centuries? It may sound like a pipe-dream today, but such things get done only if we are able to dream about it.

Also India can act as a transit point for Far Eastern countries, saving them considerable time and energy and we earn some $$$ in return.
Well any pipeline that threatens Pakistani fishing and trade routes will have to be cut down sorry

Its just common courtesy to pay transit fees , to nation who owns the damn sea :agree:

Because any leak from such a pipeline will danger the food and fishing sector in Pakistan and that is against our National Security

India is more then welcomed to take a pipeline via Pakistan and pay transit fees like most nations do we can't change Internation rule of business just becasue India wants gas now

Major problem via pakistan is security is pakistan is able to provide security to thsi pipe line taking in view current situation in Pakistan.
pakistani members are saying as if we stopped them from importing gas!!! you required gas so build a pipeline for yourself, iran is your neighbour, india's involvement comes later after iran - pak line is built. Obviously we take time because this things invlolve investment of billions of dollars and acceptance from global community as the line is on international waters.
And as far the ecological security is concerrned the pipeline will be on international waters so who gives a damn what your fishermen say or do in fact if they are found lingering suspiciously close to the pipeline i won't be surprised if they arre taken into custody by indian or iranian patrol party. In fact if ever a leakage occurs suspiciously it will directly points towards pakistani guys or americans perhaps to sabotage a bilateral agreement.

---------- Post added at 01:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 PM ----------

Major problem via pakistan is security is pakistan is able to provide security to thsi pipe line taking in view current situation in Pakistan.

Exactly, these guys cannot give proper security to their own military installations it is very funny in fact expecting them to give fool-proof security to india's oil line.they may even steal oil from the pipes :rofl:
This is indeed good news. We need gas and we need it badly. Both Iran and India benefit from this project. Also, I believe that a clear message has been sent to those trying to upset India's plans for meeting its energy needs, one hopes that they know when to get off. Of course the initial investment by India on the undersea pipeline will be heavy but once it is in operation, not only will we avoid extortionist transit fees but also avoid all those unsavory characters waiting with rucksacks full of high explosives and detonators. In other words, the security aspects are taken care of. India and Iran should now get down to formalising foolproof methods of payment by India for the gas that Iran sells us. We should be able to pay for the gas we buy without delay and no one should be able to interrupt the payment by coercing banks or other international mechanisms.
You are such a genius you crack me up.

One does not have to go deep , GENIUS.

One can just drop the charges and let them do the work.

Ha Ha Ha.. Depth charge a pipeline thousands of meters under sea.. LOL.. do you even know the maximum depth a charge can be configured for.. Its under 300 meters ...
It is a pipe dream. Under sea pipe lines cost three times the over land ones. India did not have the money for IPI, how will it manage the more expensive under sea pipe line. Remember that Iran sanctions prevent Iran to invest in this pipe line and ADB, IMF, WB etc will never finance anything with Iran name in it. Now IP(C) is being financed by China. I am sure China will not finance a pipe line going to India. Ever. Pipe dreams. Dream pipes.
People here talk like, this is the first sub sea pipeline to be ever built. Too many back sides on fire, looks like a natural gas leakage:lol:

The two longest sub sea pipelines are about 1200 KM long, India-Iran pipeline will be the biggest when built.:cheers:
Give us a heads up if you are you planning to dive 2000 mtrs below sea level to destroy the pipeline..we will send our condolences.

BTW under sea pipleine minus the transit cost will cost the less than one over land over a period of 25 yrs.

Pipeline 2000 meter under water? Man indians are inventing things no one in the world ever heard!!!

Anymore indian invention? Please come up with funnier one.
Not possible. They can not built a underwater pipeline without using Pakistan's coast line.
Pipeline 2000 meter under water? Man indians are inventing things no one in the world ever heard!!!

Anymore indian invention? Please come up with funnier one.

Do you know what is the average seabed depth, in the Arabian sea continental shelf ?
I think Pakistan and Iran pipeline are being delayed cause Pakistan may not be able to afford it as of yet.

---------- Post added at 01:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:11 PM ----------

To many jealous people here, especially Pakistanis and Bangledeshis, what a shame really.
Not possible. They can not built a underwater pipeline without using Pakistan's coast line.

Why not ..we just need to stay 12 Nautical miles from your coast line and there is not a jack you can do about it!!

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