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Iran has no strategic regional ally: ex-IRGC chief

Canada is a great place to criticize your country's organization from .. with attitude like this Maybe youl become a citizen soon!
ISI is the ultimate line of Defence for the state of Pakistan .. no one and specially peeps livin in west are privileged enough to question its affairs ..!!!
Sorry but i am hypocritically pro Pakistani..!


this member is probably a militant shia and is out of the country for killings many innocent people karachi. he is presently serving the spokesman of the mullah regime in our neighbour and from canada teaches us about our country.. fake flag he has..

maybe he will gain iranian citizenship more rapidly than canada's i have heard that arab, turkey and iranian citizenship is not easy to gain because of extreme nationalism..
ISI is the ultimate line of Defence for the state of Pakistan .. no one and specially peeps livin in west are privileged enough to question its affairs

Nobody should challenge somebody's patriotism. The issue is that ISI and Pakistan Army has put Pakistan hostage to Talibans. In any strategy you cannot put all your options on one battle. ISI and Pakistan Army has put future of 185 million people on whims on unpredictable Talibans. That has resulted in bad publicity and bad relations of with many countries.
this member is probably a militant shia and is out of the country for killings many innocent people karachi. he is presently serving the spokesman of the mullah regime in our neighbour and from canada teaches us about our country.. fake flag he has..

Really. Do you pass judgements on who is patriotic Pakistani ? Are you the judge, jury and executioner ? Is Pakistan's support of Taliban is so sacred that anybody that criticizes it is deemed unpatriotic ?

maybe he will gain iranian citizenship more rapidly than canada's i have heard that arab, turkey and iranian citizenship is not easy to gain because of extreme nationalism..

With that logic may be ISI, Pakistan army and their fanboys may also want to get citizenship of Afghanistan.

This poster "Into the Wild" has started posting just from today. It seems it is just another proxy for senior poster. Why do you argue behind a proxy ?
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Really ! What about Pakistan Army, ISI and their fan boys supporting barbarian Talibans ?
Of course they did not know.Even if they did what could they do?They did not have a strike crops geared towards Afghanistan which can remove Alqaida.It was duty of taliban anyway and they betrayed us and their whole country.Which is what brought them down.They treated Afghans like **** and got the result.Now please don't tell me you're patriotic.You're acting like an Iranian whore.Dont tell me you're patriotic and in the same line accuse two major institutions of Pakistan of supporting Alqaida.Yes, Pakistan supported Taliban for a while and that was major state policy and Army and ISI carried forward that policy.As soon as President M changed policy the Army and ISI Aso followed that policy and is currently fighting the taliban.
---------- Post added at 05:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:09 AM ----------

Actually at the moment those mad mullahs are quite favourable for US. They will be removed but on a certin time..!

I can understand America is the most kickass place to live and raise your career but What...:blink:
What does America have to do with my post..?
This poster "Into the Wild" has started posting just from today. It seems it is just another proxy for senior poster. Why do you argue behind a proxy ?
Let me guess you're gonna think it's my account.Dude i reply quite bluntly from my main account.I don't another account do do that.Go Ahead repot his account to mods and let's see what they do.
this member is probably a militant shia and is out of the country for killings many innocent people karachi. he is presently serving the spokesman of the mullah regime in our neighbour and from canada teaches us about our country.. fake flag he has..

maybe he will gain iranian citizenship more rapidly than canada's i have heard that arab, turkey and iranian citizenship is not easy to gain because of extreme nationalism..
Yeah I don't think he is Pakistani at all.He criticizes our state institutions all the time.He always leave no chance to suck up to Iranians.In his mind Iran is perfect state and he would probably like Pakistan to be police state like Iran as well.Thanks god he is in Canada not in Pakistan.
I'm not going to debate with you about politics- Ahmadinejad, Hashemi, Mojtaba or any other things you said- although I'm totally disagree with you and sure you are misinformed. Talking about that people in a foreigner forum which most of the member even don't heard about them and also off the topic, I think it's kinda rudeness.
But I will answer your question about democracy :
you said :"the council made of half religious and half lawers. the religious chosen by the leader , the lawers chosen by the chief of justice. the chief of justice chosen by the spiritual leader." but I don't know why you forgot to continue by adding that all of them need the Parliament vote? making it simple for you: the indirect elected deputy nominate some religion experts and some lawyers to the house of representative to vote for or against them. I can't see any dictatorship here.
This assembly have to confirm the compatibility of the regulations passed by the parliament with constitution and Islamic law, something like concail d'etat in France. And also it check the accountability of the nominates for any election; something that happens by the different means in all elections in each country by it's owns way. I'm sure it's a reasonable thing and by considering that they are nominated and elected by Iranian representatives and also they use the criteria in the voted constitution, I'm pretty sure, this is the will of Nation.
1. The things in IRI have changed but in a good way and towards progress. You need to study the history of revolution instead of listening to the rumors.
2. Don't be afraid, my friend telling a way worse things that you wrote here, It's about 20 years that I'm debating with him and he is right now in Sharif university, the best university in Iran. Actually now he wrote his ideas in the students wallpapers each day! and nothing have happened to him.
3.Democracy is not the human goal, it's just a political taught that found his way to practice. It has some advantages and some disadvantages and many different shapes all over the world. And also has many unanswered critiques even in west, for instance, many believes it's the governance of fool and lie. :what:
hey i am not less Iranian than you
so stop the propaganda everything said not in the way the guy you are a fan is bullshit from foreign country. in France they don't know anything about our country: media are zero knowledge and even what you say as rumors don't exist here.

conseil d'etat is just an advise like conseil constitutionnel. why two ones? it is because everything was done so the two powers are independant. And De Gaulle said : "not like in USA lawers should not rule the country, people should lead the country". that's something hard to understand for some people but most Iranians think like this too.

About parliament in Iran Ahmadinejad said a few days ago and it was making noise that he direspected the parliament laws ;) he said that when a law is not Islamic in his point of view it is not a law which he respects. The two laws he was speaking about should i remind you what it was?
There are many acts of disrecpect like Ahmadinejad had the quota of fired, left, not accepted ministers which was meaning he was rejected as president. but the constitution was not respected. again.
you call it a progress LOL

About justice chief, Khamenei is the one who names and accepts dismiss . there is a confusion in your mind with the other members of justice executives i guess.

lol what a joke. i am from a famous martyr family who made this country and you are teaching me the history of revolution.

yes as you can see people hanged and Khamenei calling for killing the protesters ... this is fair .

stop say West West West... is it in your dream?
Democracy the word is greek but the idea exists before the greek. in china for instance like many other points it partially existed.
And most important: democracy is the idea that they are the people who lead the country who lead their destiny.
You asked me to see the revolution?
What a joke ! revolution was against the dictatorship it was the goal among islamic morality (it explains the constitution, even it is not perfect, but as i say with a dictator like Khamenei is direspected) that to give the power to people

Sadly about parliament as you were speaking about
Deputies? reform candidates in many parts are not allowed
should i remind you who decides someone to be able to be candidate?

which all explaining why the parliament is conservative when the majority of Iranian people is pro reform
You're acting like an Iranian whore.

That is good expression. So anybody that supports Taliban could also be called Taliban whore. Since you don't know Pakistan independent movement you don't know aims and goals of Pakistan. It included close and brotherly relation with Muslim countries. The whores are those people who claim to be patriotic but have betrayed these aims.
Since you don't know Pakistan independent movement you don't know aims and goals of Pakistan. It included close and brotherly relation with Muslim countries. The whores are those people who claim to be patriotic but have betrayed these aims.
You assume things yourself and no Pakistan was not built to act as a whore of Muslim Countries who could not care less about us and why should they everyone work for their national interest not for someone's national interest.Pakistan was built for Subcontinent Muslims and today Pakistan is for Pakistanis.
It is apparent that Iranians or Saudis don't have much consideration/respect for us. They probably still view us as a "conquered people" looking to connect with their "old masters". It doesn't make any sense to "suck up" to any of these folks like we usually do. Fine we may be poor, but even amongst that poverty and difficulty we managed to become a nuclear power, not them. And given a bit of time with stable conditions and sane policies, no doubt we will begin to emerge as a far more powerful economy than their's as well.
We dont want any strategic partnership with Iran. Iran is even worse than Israel when it comes to relation. Countries which have reasonable relation with iran can be counted on finger tips and you dont need to use your second hand.
hey i am not less Iranian than you
so stop the propaganda everything said not in the way the guy you are a fan is bullshit from foreign country. in France they don't know anything about our country: media are zero knowledge and even what you say as rumors don't exist here.

The way you respond to others is exactly like this: B/S , propaganda ,B/S , propaganda ,B/S....... :rofl:
Come on boy, as I get it here, everyone who got opposite opinion, in your mind is a B/S or propaganda machine. :blah: by the way, you look more like a propaganda machine to me than anybody else, because instead of reasoning you are focusing in some irrelevant points to distract the subject and shouting some hatred slogans against politicians in Iran. Sure every politicians got his weakness and strength and each person got his opinion about them but how it is related to the IRI system of governing? De Gaulle have been known as dictator to many french citizens(look at the events before and after may 1968). Is France a dictatorship because of De Gaulle?

conseil d'etat is just an advise like conseil constitutionnel. why two ones? it is because everything was done so the two powers are independant. And De Gaulle said : "not like in USA lawers should not rule the country, people should lead the country". that's something hard to understand for some people but most Iranians think like this too.
My bad, when I wrote conseil d'etat I meant conseil constitutionnel, but the point is not going to change. C.C. by some slightly difference is the same institutiion as conseil Gardian in Iran.

About parliament in Iran Ahmadinejad said a few days ago and it was making noise that he direspected the parliament laws ;) he said that when a law is not Islamic in his point of view it is not a law which he respects. The two laws he was speaking about should i remind you what it was?
There are many acts of disrecpect like Ahmadinejad had the quota of fired, left, not accepted ministers which was meaning he was rejected as president. but the constitution was not respected. again.
you call it a progress LOL

irrelevant, and what's the point? The Guardian council and supreme leader and almost all the politician condemned his statement. And yes comparing to the first days of revolution we've got so much progression, It's not ideal but progression is fast and can not be denied.

About justice chief, Khamenei is the one who names and accepts dismiss . there is a confusion in your mind with the other members of justice executives i guess.

I think it was misunderstanding what I wrote was about Guardian council not chief of justice. The justice administration in Islamic taught should be in the hand of Islamic experts else it became TAGHOOT. You could be against it and reasoning about an alternative system but I think it's better than being in the hand of president like united state or some other countries because it is to some extent against separation of powers.

lol what a joke. i am from a famous martyr family who made this country and you are teaching me the history of revolution.

yes as you can see people hanged and Khamenei calling for killing the protesters ... this is fair.

Being from a martyr family couldn't teach you the history and you need indeed to study it badly.
The hanged persons were from terrorist movements and no one had hanged till now because of protest. that's why I think you need to not listen to any rumor!
stop say West West West... is it in your dream?
Democracy the word is greek but the idea exists before the greek. in china for instance like many other points it partially existed.
And most important: democracy is the idea that they are the people who lead the country who lead their destiny.
You asked me to see the revolution?
What a joke ! revolution was against the dictatorship it was the goal among islamic morality (it explains the constitution, even it is not perfect, but as i say with a dictator like Khamenei is direspected) that to give the power to people
As I wrote before the democracy is a way of ruling, like communism, socialism, kingdom and all other systems. Being ancient does not make it the goal of the humanity. It has its pros and its cons. Now a days political experts are trying to change the general introduction that you stated in the way that lessening the cons. that makes so many shape of democracy in the world. Do not forget Churchill's famous dictum: "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."
Sadly about parliament as you were speaking about
Deputies? reform candidates in many parts are not allowed
should i remind you who decides someone to be able to be candidate?

which all explaining why the parliament is conservative when the majority of Iranian people is pro reform
That's your opinion and respectable. In my point of view, when the majority of Iranian were pro reformists they had gotten the majority in the Parliament and it can happen again if they could gain the respects of the people again.
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The way you respond to others is exactly like this: B/S , propaganda ,B/S , propaganda ,B/S....... :rofl:
Come on boy, as I get it here, everyone who got opposite opinion, in your mind is a B/S or propaganda machine. :blah: by the way, you look more like a propaganda machine to me than anybody else, because instead of reasoning you are focusing in some irrelevant points to distract the subject and shouting some hatred slogans against politicians in Iran. Sure every politicians got his weakness and strength and each person got his opinion about them but how it is related to the IRI system of governing? De Gaulle have been known as dictator to many french citizens(look at the events before and after may 1968). Is France a dictatorship because of De Gaulle?
Again the necessity to say propaganda :what:
About De Gaulle > when you don't know it is better to shut up. Nobody here is saying De Gaulle was a dictator. Stop reading your anti West fantasm. Just try to learn, not to imagine.
For your information some people love De Gaulle some people don't like because conservative > but everyone here agrees he is the liberator of France and he was the one who could put France in UNO strategic position + stop the occupation of american troups because he convinced France was an ally
The name you can read the most for roads streets and so, the airport and so: De Gaulle.

My bad, when I wrote conseil d'etat I meant conseil constitutionnel, but the point is not going to change. C.C. by some slightly difference is the same institutiion as conseil Gardian in Iran.
lol still you didn't understand what i explained to you
anyway people in conseil are not named the same way at all than the Iranian council: they are not elected undirectly onlyu by one
but ALL the powers:
the parliament elect few ones, president elect few, senate elects few: the three powers which are totally independant

irrelevant, and what's the point? The Guardian council and supreme leader and almost all the politician condemned his statement. And yes comparing to the first days of revolution we've got so much progression, It's not ideal but progression is fast and can not be denied.
so what? say me what is the progression?
the creation of the pressure group? the young people killed in the streets? the innocent people hanged?

I think it was misunderstanding what I wrote was about Guardian council not chief of justice. The justice administration in Islamic taught should be in the hand of Islamic experts else it became TAGHOOT. You could be against it and reasoning about an alternative system but I think it's better than being in the hand of president like united state or some other countries because it is to some extent against separation of powers.
constitution can be fine when he is someone honest as leader
but it can be a bad system when there is someone not fair

Being from a martyr family couldn't teach you the history and you need indeed to study it badly.
The hanged persons were from terrorist movements and no one had hanged till now because of protest. that's why I think you need to not listen to any rumor!
propaganda rumor ... blabla ... what a kiddish behavior.
but seems you are here to put the Ahmadinejad/khamenei propaganda: people who were in the streets didn't put bombs or killed people. they were hanged for a fake appartenance to an organization: so easy to a stupid tribunal that cheats on the advocates to say whatever they want: from LArijani to the Ahmadinejad friends in the ministers, what a great model we have
i see in any democracy people (if the death penalty is accepted, which i didn't think is islamic, but it is my point of view) cannot be hanged when they didn't kill people.
The fact you using the same words than Ahmadinejad/Khamenei shows why you come here
And yes being a martyr family i know the value of the revolution. You don't know at all, shown by your own words. The islamic values were most important for us. Today is an insult to Islam in my country :( when you cheat elections, when you kill innocent people, you are not muslim
As I wrote before the democracy is a way of ruling, like communism, socialism, kingdom and all other systems. Being ancient does not make it the goal of the humanity. It has its pros and its cons. Now a days political experts are trying to change the general introduction that you stated in the way that lessening the cons. that makes so many shape of democracy in the world. Do not forget Churchill's famous dictum: "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."

That's your opinion and respectable. In my point of view, when the majority of Iranian were pro reformists they had gotten the majority in the Parliament and it can happen again if they could gain the respects of the people again.
democracy compared to kingdom, communism, socialism???
are you ok?
again democracy means people lead their destiny: it can be in any system: communist, socialist, even a modern kingdom like north europe, and so on
democracy is not a system it is a principle, a human idea not a system o governance.

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