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Iran has no strategic regional ally: ex-IRGC chief

The notion of Pakistan being out of Iranian popular culture doesnt sit well with logic.

This isnt about logic, its about perceptions of your average Iranian. You can visit and spend time in Iran or visit Iranian communities abroad if you dont want to accept what i said before. I am Iranian and i live among Iranians and what i said is how it is here among Iranians in Britain and among my friends and relatives in Iran.

What you should understand is that none of what you've written about matters to your average Iranian, especially not Iranian youth. Ordinary Iranians do not care about things like CENTO or what relations and business the regime in Iran has with foreign governments. People in Iran care about Iranian politics, ie their domestic situation. What business the regime does with countries like Pakistan or Uganda or North Korea etc isnt a topic of conversation among Iranians. Even the Iranian state media doesnt make much issue about these things. And the Persian-language blogosphere certainly does not.

If you have any understanding of Persian then just search Persian blogs to see the kinds of things Iranians talk about.

Btw, the largest number of Persian-speakers outside of Iran live in Afghanistan, then Tajikistan, and then Uzbekistan. Not in Pakistan.
Iran and Pakistan had close relations during the Shah. The Iranian revolution and the Shia resurgence alarmed Saudi Arabia particularly. The Saudi Arabia's Eastern Province has Shia majority and most of oil is also extracted from this province. This has given nightmares to Saudi ruling family. The other factor is Wahhabi theology that rejects any innovations in Islam including Ashura and visitations of tombs. The Saudi Wahhabi army invaded Karbala in 1801-02 that resulted in heavy damage of many holy Shia shrines and death of many civilians. The Wahhabis instead of accepting some Shia grievances have continued their repression in Eastern Province. The Wahhabi does not allow Shia mosques and Imambargahs while there is no Sunni Masjid in Tehran. We Pakistanis are caught in the middle and tilt towards Saudi Arabia since it provides financial aid to Pakistan.

ای ایران;1000972 said:
Btw, the largest number of Persian-speakers outside of Iran live in Afghanistan, then Tajikistan, and then Uzbekistan. Not in Pakistan.

Yes. There is a small Persian group in Pakistan.
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ای ایران;1000972 said:
This isnt about logic, its about perceptions of your average Iranian. You can visit and spend time in Iran or visit Iranian communities abroad if you dont want to accept what i said before. I am Iranian and i live among Iranians and what i said is how it is here among Iranians in Britain and among my friends and relatives in Iran.

What you should understand is that none of what you've written about matters to your average Iranian, especially not Iranian youth. Ordinary Iranians do not care about things like CENTO or what relations and business the regime in Iran has with foreign governments. People in Iran care about Iranian politics, ie their domestic situation. What business the regime does with countries like Pakistan or Uganda or North Korea etc isnt a topic of conversation among Iranians. Even the Iranian state media doesnt make much issue about these things. And the Persian-language blogosphere certainly does not.

If you have any understanding of Persian then just search Persian blogs to see the kinds of things Iranians talk about.

Btw, the largest number of Persian-speakers outside of Iran live in Afghanistan, then Tajikistan, and then Uzbekistan. Not in Pakistan.

do you even know where pakistan is or is pakistan a myth in iranian fairy tales??

why r u here and like to visit a pakistani forum anyway in the first place, if an average iranian is so ignorant about this country, go to other forum??

living in the 21st century and being ignorant about the outside world is not an option, sure your govt has to do a lot in this matter,
Iran and Pakistan had close relations during the Shah. The Iranian revolution and the Shia resurgence alarmed Saudi Arabia particularly. The Saudi Arabia's Eastern Province has Shia majority and most of oil is also extracted from this province. This has given nightmares to Saudi ruling family. The other factor is Wahhabi theology that rejects any innovations in Islam including Ashura and visitations of tombs. The Saudi Wahhabi army invaded Karbala in 1801-02 that resulted in heavy damage of many holy Shia shrines and death of many civilians. The Wahhabis instead of accepting some Shia grievances have continued their repression in Eastern Province. The Wahhabi does not allow Shia mosques and Imambargahs while there is no Sunni Masjid in Tehran.

the above iranian post seem to show those people who are crazy about islamic iran and like to praise these people, shame on you guys, look how iranians think about your country in the first place
Ties between Pakistan and Iran have been soured due to Iranian mullahs contant rehotric of "export the revolution" which gave rise to millitant Shia'ism in Pakistan and skirmishes with state authorities. As well Iran's support of rival pro-India Northern Allaince faction which caused an immense financial and diplomatic drain on Pakistan to maintain parity by strengthening its favoured Talibans.

Pakistan had been interfering in Afghanistan long before the Taliban was around and long before Iran started supporting the Northern Alliance. Pakistan had desired to install Gulbuddin Hekmatyar as the Afghan President in 1992 after the collapse of the Najibullah government but since Hekmatyar was unable to capture Kabul the Pakistanis ditched him and began supporting the Taliban from 1994 onwards. Iran only began to involve itself after the 1998 capture and murder of Iranian diplomats and other Iranian nationals by the Taliban.
the above iranian post seem to show those people who are crazy about islamic iran and like to praise these people, shame on you guys, look how iranians think about your country in the first place

Iran and Afghanistan should be close friends of Pakistan. It is the Taliban loving ISI and Army which has created another generation of Afghans that hate Pakistan. Tajikistan now has Indian base thanks to Talibans and their attack on Tajiks, Dari-speakers. The all -istan of Central Asia are natural friends of Pakistan but now Pakistan is not respected in Central Asia. ISI and Army has put all their eggs in one basket and have limited Pakistan's options. Talibans are poster child of Pakistan.
Iran and Afghanistan should be close friends of Pakistan. It is the Taliban loving ISI and Army which has created another generation of Afghans that hate Pakistan. Tajikistan now has Indian base thanks to Talibans and their attack on Tajiks, Dari-speakers. The all -istan of Central Asia are natural friends of Pakistan but now Pakistan is not respected in Central Asia. ISI and Army has put all their eggs in one basket and have limited Pakistan's options. Talibans are poster child of Pakistan.

man i am talking about iran which is the topic and not central asia, where did central asia come from, people here and general pakistanis r crazy about the islamic regime of iran and they have "spiritual love" for iranian people, please awake from this fake brotherhood. your actions are being reciprocated in the opposite manner by "average iranians", they think of us as poor people and terrorists, OK???
do you even know where pakistan is or is pakistan a myth in iranian fairy tales??

why r u here and like to visit a pakistani forum anyway in the first place, if an average iranian is so ignorant about this country, go to other forum??

living in the 21st century and being ignorant about the outside world is not an option, sure your govt has to do a lot in this matter,

Yaar, he is coming here to see what Pakistanis think about Iran.
Many Shah era disporsa of Iranians "fashionably" act ignorant about Pakistan. The shah tried to erase Iran's histroical and religious identity and carve a new one out of Cyrus legacy and western ideals. He also advanced the calender by 1000 or so years.

Kawa chala hans ke chaal apne bhe bhool gaya. This resulted in a ignorant by choice pro-shah disporsa. We cant blame him for his ill logic.

On the lighter side, ask this question to any Pakistani and he is mostly likely to fail. The national anthem of Pakistan is not written in Urdu but in Persian. At time the anthem was written, Urdu was not picked up as national language and Persian was widely spoken language among the Muslim artist and intellactuals.[Edit: I have only heard this from people deeply into poetry. The current version of anthem is heavily persianized urdu]
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Pakistan should have no diplomatic relations with Iran until the mad mullahs are gone to hell.Let's hope US Brings change there soon.Any regime which can resort to making a Embassy which is diplomatic place hostage cannot be trusted.Singing into Gas Pipeline deal with Iran we're only making ourselves vulnerable to Iran's blackmailing.It is much better to have good relations with India then with Iran as we share common culture.
please awake from this fake brotherhood. your actions are being reciprocated in the opposite manner by "average iranians", they think of us as poor people and terrorists, OK???

I have met hundreds of Iranians in school, university and work in Canada over the years. The Pakistanis have great friendship for Iranians since we have common religion, culture and history. People like who do not know history have created Taliban and Al-Qaeda. May be you have to wake up. The whole post 1970 history of Pakistan has been disaster since the military took over and started ethnic politics instead of common Muslim bond. The same ethnic politics is now being exported to Afghanistan by supporting Pashtun against Tajiks. It is ISI and Pakistan army and their buddies Taliban and Al-Qaeeda who should be blamed.
Iran and Pakistan had close relations there is no Sunni Masjid in Tehran.

False. I could provide you with names of those that I personally know with their localities/location in Tehran.

One of the interesting aspects of this forum is that many of the misconceptions people have about Iran come to light hence making it informative for an Iranian. I am not addressing you, Nahraf, for I have actually heard the same about Tehran from many others from Pakistan.

Also, the mosque separation concept is not as strong in Iran as it is in neighboring countries where religious communities are much more mixed. One is generally freely able to pray in any mosque in Iran let alone Tehran.

I try to understand this mosque issue from Pakistanis from my own experience there. I understand that in some parts of Pakistan there are even different mosques for further Sunni'ite denominations-- Deobandi mosques, Ahl-Hadis mosques etc. For example, when I was in Karachi, my Pakistani driver would drive to a more distant mosque even though there was one at walking distance because of similar issues (He said the nearer mosque's Imam was "Brelwii" and he did not wish to pray behind him). The issue of him being right or wrong isn't the case point here. Generally, this would be unheard of in Iran where mosque identification is not so prevalent. There are more specific Sunn'ite mosques and centres however but they are largely concentrated in the South-eastern and some North-western portions of Iran which reflects the religious demographics of Iran.

I'm sorry if I have affected anyone's religious sensitives here. That was not my intention at all.
Yes. There is a small Persian group in Pakistan.

Urdu is a spin off from Persian.
Baluchi, Dari and all the NWFP languages are dialect of Persian.
I never said native Persian but largest community of different Persian dialect speakers outside Iran. We have almost all all the central asian dialects spoken in NWFP area creating an immense diversity of Persian language not seen anywhere else. I have a chart of popular Persian dialect by speaker density. Not sure where i saved it, let me search for it.
Yaar, he is coming here to see what Pakistanis think about Iran.
Many Shah era disporsa of Iranians "fashionably" act ignorant about Pakistan. The shah tried to erase Iran's histroical and religious identity and carve a new one out of Cyrus legacy and western ideals. He also advanced the calender by 1000 or so years.

Kawa chala hans ke chaal apne bhe bhool gaya. This resulted in a ignorant by choice pro-shah disporsa. We cant blame him for his ill logic.

On the lighter side, ask this question to any Pakistani and he is mostly likely to fail. The national anthem of Pakistan is not written in Urdu but in Persian. At time the anthem was written, Urdu was not picked up as national language and Persian was widely spoken language among the Muslim artist and intellactuals.

I totally agree. There are some Pakistanis here who don't know our history and why Pakistan was created. They just are ignorant and brain washed by Zionist media.
Yet ISI and Pakistan Army have great love for Talibans and Al Qaeeda.
Look i don't know where you're getting this bullcrap from.Pakistan never supported AQ.Pakistan only supported Taliban and that was government policy of then Interior Minister Naseerullah Babar (PPP Government) Babar Actually asked ISI to ditch Hekmatyar and support Taliban and that support was not because of religious like you support Iranians just for religions brotherhood..it was more of a proxy government for us.Dirty Politics Power Game to be precise..I hate Wahabi mullahs much more then Iranian Mullahs>I Just dont like mullhas period.You're brotherhood dream is just that - dream.World does not work that way.
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