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Iran Drops Plan to Send Human Into Space, Citing Cost

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On 12 April 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human to travel into space when he launched into orbit on the Vostok 3KA-3 spacecraft (Vostok 1)
That's 2017-1961=56 years old Russian tech, I'm sure they can help their strategic partner Iran with it's domestically made spaceship, Just like how we are helping Emirates with their Mars mission, I wonder what's holding them back?!
No we don't think so.and we didn't need it really ,the iranian concerns is job,home,...
They seem to be very angry to me.
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Easy boy... you are getting reported now.

I am not trolling... I am just trying to bring some sense of realism instead of blind patriotism.
What kind of patriot would allow his country to be taken hostage by a group of Ayatollahs? I don't think you can call this "blind patriotism", it's something else.
What kind of patriot would allow his country to be taken hostage by a group of Ayatollahs? I don't think you can name this "blind patriotism", it's something else.

I am not sure what that is, but boy are IRI's lackeys a group of trigger happy bunch. It's just impossible to have a civil discussion with them. They take it personally, as if a sense of realistic skepticism is tantamount to a declaration of war. Somehow they have convinced themselves that IRI can't and won't lie. Well it does and has done so many times. To IRI's defenders: it's not personal. You have your opinions, skeptics have theirs. Learn to respect that.
I am not sure what that is, but boy are IRI's lackeys a group of trigger happy bunch. It's just impossible to have a civil discussion with them. They take it personally, as if a sense of realistic skepticism is tantamount to a declaration of war. Somehow they have convinced themselves that IRI can't and won't lie. Well it does and has done so many times. To IRI's defenders: it's not personal. You have your opinions, skeptics have theirs. Learn to respect that.

You are a simple troll and don't deserve respect. You're making assertive comments about things you know nothing about. Like when you claimed Iran hadn't ever launched a satellite.
I am not sure what that is, but boy are IRI's lackeys a group of trigger happy bunch. It's just impossible to have a civil discussion with them. They take it personally, as if a sense of realistic skepticism is tantamount to a declaration of war. Somehow they have convinced themselves that IRI can't and won't lie. Well it does and has done so many times. To IRI's defenders: it's not personal. You have your opinions, skeptics have theirs. Learn to respect that.
Yeah, I've seen this mentality with the other Iranians before, When you criticize IRI or those Ayatollahs, They start insulting you as if IRI or those Ayatollahs are saints or angels walking the face of the earth. They seem to be fighting with each other and hate each other too.
Are you serious?! IRI can't even produce a tank (putting lipstick on a pig is not considered producing) or a design a non-derision fighter jet, and yet you believe IRI was ready to send a person to space and bring her back safely (I assume bringing the person back would have been part of the plan, but I may be wrong) by 2016?! I think IRI's advocates and stooges are in deed delusional.
Actually its well within irans capability to send a human into space on a sub orbital flight using the simorgh launcher,theoretically you might even be able to use a modified safir if you were wiling to take some risks with the pilot,the us did the same thing for its first spaceflight with Alan Shepard in the mercury capsule freedom seven using a modified redstone rocket as the launcher to fly a sub orbital.So iran could certainly do this.......thats of course provided that the iranian government has the will to do so..
Yeah, I've seen this mentality with the other Iranians before, When you criticize IRI or those Ayatollahs, They start insulting you as if IRI or those Ayatollahs are saints or angels walking the face of the earth. They seem to be fighting with each other and hate each other too.
The iranian people dont have time to come here and wast their time for nothing as I think its same for pak,turk,arab and other,the guy that fight here with each other are ciber soldiers from different country,
Actually its well within irans capability to send a human into space on a sub orbital flight using the simorgh launcher,theoretically you might even be able to use a modified safir if you were wiling to take some risks with the pilot,the us did the same thing for its first spaceflight with Alan Shepard in the mercury capsule freedom seven using a modified redstone rocket as the launcher to fly a sub orbital.So iran could certainly do this.......thats of course provided that the iranian government has the will to do so..
You gotta be kidding me, Do you really think you can send a human into space with one of these? Do you have any plans to bring him back alive too?

Yeah, I've seen this mentality with the other Iranians before, When you criticize IRI or those Ayatollahs, They start insulting you as if IRI or those Ayatollahs are saints or angels walking the face of the earth. They seem to be fighting with each other and hate each other too.
Actually I think it has more to do with being justifiably pissed off when you have a bunch of ignorant smug idiots saying things like: "see I told you so" or sentiments to that effect.
The iri like all government has its good points and its bad,but by the admittedly poor standards of governance in the region the iri is clearly head and shoulders plus above the rest of the states in the middle east,most of whom are ironically western allies.Personally I think that considering what iran has had to go through over the past nearly 40-odd years its done exceptionally well for itself.

You gotta be kidding me, Do you really think you can send a human into space with one of these? Do you have any plans to bring him back alive too?

The us sent someone into space in a smaller,more primitive machine and managed to bring him back fairly easily because it was a sub orbital,I suggest you google this,so I have no doubt that if 1960s usa using a modified 1940s rocket could do it then I think iran with the benefit of 50+ years of technological developments could probably "muddle thru" ok
Oh and heres a pic of the one the us used


And heres the capsule freedom seven....tiny isnt it?,in actuality you could probably get away with just a fairing and a pressure suit and a parachute for the astronaut instead of a capsule if you were willing to tolerate some risks.
Lol funny iran thought they could send a person into space. Our space program is leaps and bounds more advanced than the irani one yet we can't send a human into space before 2023.
Sad to hear this, If we had the capacity we could have sent that idiot Ahmadinejad and the rest of them into space, heading for the sun.

Antarinejad was already sent into space.... the Alians just sent him back. Here is an actual picture:

in ke in do ta mozoo be ham rabti nadashtan doroste, vali chand ta link behet midam la aghal titresho bekhoon.
اون طوری که امارات روی صنعت فضاییش برنامه ریخته تا چند سال آینده ایران رو میذاره تو جیبش.
آینده دنیا تو فضاست عزیز من. از اینترنت و تلویزیون و ماهواره کوچیک ارتباطی بگیر تا هواشناسی و جاسوسی و موشک های قاره پیما و کشف مریخ و افتخارات ملی برای کشورمون. هرچقدر هزینه بشه ارزش داره. شما خودت متخصصی میدونی که برای حرکت موشک و کشتی های قاره پیما نیاز شدید به یک سیستم مشابه جی پی اس یا گلوناس داریم تا موقع جنگ اگر دشمن این ارتباطات رو قطع کرد لااقل بتونیم از خودمون دفاع کنیم.
درآمدهای ناشی از این صنعت فوق العاده است. مثال التماس کشورها رو ببین به خاطر داشتن یه شبکه تو خط
هر جور خایه مالی روسیه و آمریکا و اروپا رو میکنن. چرا ما نه؟ خداوکیلی چرا؟ چرا باید دانشمند ما به امارات پناهنده بشه؟ این ننگ نیست؟
داداش من نمی دونم ملت چه تصوری از این صنعت ما دارن؟ من اینجا جلو این خارجی ها هیچی نمی گم که این عربستانیه پفیوز ابرومون رو نبره، ولی تو این صنعت ما که کار مهندسی انجام نمی شه، چیزی تو دانشگاه ها درس می دن تو صنعت ما به کار نمی یاد. تو صنعت ما از مهندس به عنوان کنترلر استفاده می شه تا وسیله حل مسائل. به مشت دانشگاه آزادی بی سواد هم همه جا ریختن شده قوز بالا قوز. نه کارگرها تخصص دارن، نه مهندسا سواد دارن، نه کسی سر جای خودشه. تو پتروشیمی مهندس دانشگاه آزادی نشسته پای کلدباکس نه سر در میاره وسیله چه جور کار می کنه نه از نقشه های فنی چیزی می فهمه نه هیچی. فقط می دونه که اگه فشار بالا رفت دستگاه رو خاموش کنه. تو کارخونه قطعه خودروسازی، سرپرست بخش کنترل کیفیت لیسانس ادبیات عرب داره, کارگر هم آموزش ندیده قطعه رو حین خود کنترل کیفیت خراب می کنه. همین مهندس ها هم به این خاطر تو این صنعتن که کنترل تو این صنعت عهد بوقی ما نیمه اتوماتیکه، اگه تمام اتوماتیک بود همین مهندس ها رو هم نمی خواست. کار ها هم تو این مملکت الله توکلیه به جای اینکه بشینن درست برنامه ریزی کنن می گن توکلت الی الله، انشاالله چیزی نمی شه و همینجوری کار خودشون رو می کنن تا اینکه روز حادثه به چه کنم چه کنم می افتن. صنایع که از دانشگاه ها استفاده نمی کنن, این علمی هم که تو دانشگاه های ما تولید می شه به درد صنعت خودمون نمی خوره، اگه دانشگاه ها بخوان رو مسائل صنعتی خودمون تمرکز کنن رتبه علمی و رنک دانشگاه ها میاد پایین سر و صدا بلند می شه که ای داد رتبه تولید علم ما از عربستان عقب افتاده. یه مشت مدیر نالایق هم تو مملکت ریخته هر جا بزاریشون گند می زنن بهش، بعدش چی کار می کنن؟ ورشون می دارن میزارنشون یه جای دیگه که که به جای قبلیشون هم ربطی نداره تا اونجا رو هم گند بزنن. مشکل هم سر یه دولت دو دولت هم نیست، اگه از روز اول به جای باند بازی چند تا مدیر به کار بخور گذاشته بودن سر کار الان اینجور نمی شد. دو راه بیشتر هم برا حل این وضع نیست, یا باید مثل روسیه قید رتبه علمی و رنک دانشگاه ها رو بزنیم رو مسائل صنعتی خودمون تمرکز کنیم یا این که صنایع رو وارد بازار آزاد جهانی کنیم تا از ترس ورشکست نشدن یه گوهی بخورن. امارات هم که هم جمعیتش یک دهم مائه هم جی دی پی اش تقریبا اندازه مائه پس پول دارن، رفته کمپانی های اروپایی و ناسا رو آورده تو پروژه ش مدیریت شون هم بهتره مطمئن باش موفق می شه. وقتی هم شدن اعتماد به نفس و غرور ملی شون بالا می ره و غرور ملی ما رو هم میشکنن
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