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Iran Disputes Israeli Arms Claim

Iranian weapons shipment no 'tiebreaker' - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

The photos showing Israeli soldiers seizing control of the Klos-C weapons vessel, and the sounds of congratulatory slaps on the backs of the country’s top brass, are reminiscent of the heated race to obtain “the victory photo” during the second Lebanon war in 2006. Military analyst Ofer Shelah, a member of the Knesset and of its Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, wrote in an articlepublished in 2011 in the Israeli daily Maariv that “a force of paratroopers was sent to the village of Bint Jbeil to fly the Israeli flag over one of the houses, to snap a picture and to withdraw.”
“The victory photo,” explained Shelah, was designed to sear the consciousness of both sides with “Israel’s undeniable victory.”

The victory celebrations following the takeover of the weapons vessel, and the display of the “Made in Iran” label on a sack of cement found in its cargo hold, were designed mostly to sear consciousness. This time the targets were the Israeli public and world public opinion. The message: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is a tiger in sheep’s skin, and Iran was, and remains, the source of all the troubles in the Middle East and a threat to world peace, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said at the AIPAC conference last week on March 4.

The publicity surrounding the operation, after many similar ones were kept secret, was designed, according to Netanyahu, to expose Iran’s true face as one who grossly violates international law even while conducting talks with world powers. Defense Minister Moshe (Bogie) Ya’alon also contributed extensive diplomatic analysis of the operation, saying that “despite the smiles, the Iranian regime hasn’t changed. Its strategic goals and intentions haven’t changed, nor has its activity.”

The collateral benefit, and perhaps actually the main benefit, from the weapons vessel event was the disappearance of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the negotiations on a diplomatic arrangement from the top of the news. When the army representative provides detailed information about the number of missiles in the ship’s hold and their range, who remembers that a day earlier the Central Bureau of Statistics reported a record number of housing starts in the settlements?

When the radio and television stations air interviews in which Ya’alon claims that the Iranians are leading the world astray, who cares that at the height of the diplomatic negotiations, Ya’alon also said that those claiming peace achievable “mislead the people,” and suggested discarding the “illusion of conflict resolution”?

The minister of defense complained that the Iranians were smuggling weapons to Gaza using subterfuge “without leaving [Iranian] fingerprints … to blur the very fact that they come from the Islamic Republic, by making an interim stop at an Iraqi port.” So what did he expect? That they would transfer the weapons through the port of Ashdod?

Israel and the Hamas government in Gaza are in a state of war. And as the saying goes, ''à la guerre comme à la guerre.'' Why should a French or Australian get excited over the seizure of weapons making their way to a region of conflict?

The founders of the Jewish state can teach the heads of the Islamic Jihad and their Iranian suppliers a thing or two about arms smuggling and its production during war, under the nose of a foreign occupier.

The web site of Palyam, the naval arm of the Palmach [the underground army of the Jewish community during the British mandate], recounts proudly how the organization bypassed the arms embargo imposed by the UN in the 1940s on the warring parties: “The arms smuggling was carried out in subversive ways and sophisticated means, under the eyes of the British. … The shipments of smuggled weapons arrived in Israel disguised as cargo on ordinary commercial vessels. Weapons acquisition ships carried out more than 50 shipments during the War of Independence, bringing in some 35,000 tons of weaponry, including heavy weapons, tanks and airplanes. … Jewish American volunteers smuggled in cargo planes from the United States. … In the production facilities, which were disguised as factories and workshops, bullets, bombs and other explosives were made.”

Since those days, Israel has become one of the world’s leading weapons exporters. The state, which Netanyahu described at the AIPAC conference in Washington as “humane” and “compassionate,” sells weapons to dictatorial rulers throughout Africa and Latin America, including Uganda and Equatorial Africa. It cooperated with South Africa under the apartheid regime and even sold weapons to the ayatollahs’ regime in Iran.

The timing being perfect or not has no relevance. This is the akhoond regime we're talking about here. The collective IQ of this theocratic dictatorship won't surpass the IQ of a herd of buffaloes.
The timing being perfect or not has no relevance. This is the akhoond regime we're talking about here. The collective IQ of this theocratic dictatorship won't surpass the IQ of a herd of buffaloes.
Watch the below video from 17:35. :rofl::omghaha:
Watch the below video from 17:35. :rofl::omghaha:
The phrase LMAO is way overused on the net, but LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO

The news anchor was literally dying in agony. He was probably thinking "who did I **** over in my previous life to deserve this"?
The phrase LMAO is way overused on the net, but LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO

The news anchor was literally dying in agony. He was probably thinking "who did I **** over in my previous life to deserve this"?
:D Just note that these stupid retards are really ruling a country. This baboon is a general in Sepah, and is the chief of Basij. :rofl:
:D Just note that these stupid retards are really ruling a country. This baboon is a general in Sepah, and is the chief of Basij. :rofl:

If Iran was a person, it would be the guy below, an epic failure:


If Iran was a person, it would be the guy below, an epic failure:


Do you know what is the most funniest part? Not only these clowns talk these $hit, but also they have bunch of followers who really believe their BS. see here: Iran: We Developed a Missile 'Better than S-300' | Page 3 one of these baboons was trying to tell me that Qaher is a real jet fighter, and can be built by 2 million dollars, and can be used against F-22.:rofl:
Do you know what is the most funniest part? Not only these clowns talk these $hit, but also they have bunch of followers who really believe their BS. see here: Iran: We Developed a Missile 'Better than S-300' | Page 3 one of these baboons was trying to tell me that Qaher is a real jet fighter, and can be built by 2 million dollars, and can be used against F-22.:rofl:
Over the past 1-2 years I've lost complete interest in Iran. Years ago I always had dreams of going back one day and my dad would try to make me understand what Iranians are really like. I knew Iran as a pre-teen boy who grew up playing football in the streets and going to the corner store to buy ice cream with my pocket money. I was still too young to understand the shit hole country that Iran really is when we left. I've slowly lost the nostalgic bull shit feelings I used to have (not completely, but I'll be there soon enough) and now I can see things clearly: the country is no different from other shit holes in the region, maybe worse than a lot of them.

I guess this is what happens when 5 million of your best and the brightest leave the country for greener pastures. I'm starting to think that a solid bombing campaign won't be such a bad idea after all.
Over the past 1-2 years I've lost complete interest in Iran. Years ago I always had dreams of going back one day and my dad would try to make me understand what Iranians are really like. I knew Iran as a pre-teen boy who grew up playing football in the streets and going to the corner store to buy ice cream with my pocket money. I was still too young to understand the shit hole country that Iran really is when we left. I've slowly lost the nostalgic bull shit feelings I used to have (not completely, but I'll be there soon enough) and now I can see things clearly: the country is no different from other shit holes in the region, maybe worse than a lot of them.

I guess this is what happens when 5 million of your best and the brightest leave the country for greener pastures. I'm starting to think that a solid bombing campaign won't be such a bad idea after all.

you are right. Actually my situation was a bit different, since we were living outside of Iran for some time, then we came back to Iran, and after that I came to US for my studies, and didn't come back, but, I have experienced the same thing as you. As I grew up, I understood that how $hitty the situation is in Iran. People are really sick. Mullahs are not coming from nowhere, they actually come from this sick society. The concept of marriage with that amount of Mahriyeh, is nothing different from prostitution. the work atmosphere are really poisonous there, and universities are loaded with bunch of out-dated crappy professors. There are still some good persons there as well, but I think we need to wait for some other republican presidents to be elected in US, and then kick these baboons out of Iran. Iran is currently a ruin and it won't matter if they use some bombs or not. It cannot get worse than what it currently is.

For the two guys who claim to be Iranian you guys sure do despise your own home nation.

For the two guys who claim to be Iranian you guys sure do despise your own home nation.
What the hell are you talking about? You and your terrorist friends wish Iran to be miserable to be able to receive Iranians money like a bloodsucker, and don't give a damn about Iranian people. BTW, you are so funny. You hate US which is where you have been born, grown up, and living and chant for bunch of medieval-age terrorists. you need to show yourself to a psychiatrist.
What the hell are you talking about? You and your terrorist friends wish Iran to be miserable to be able to receive Iranians money like a bloodsucker, and don't give a damn about Iranian people. BTW, you are so funny. You hate US which is where you have been born, grown up, and living and chant for bunch of medieval-age terrorists. you need to show yourself to a psychiatrist.

The US has caused misery in the Middle East and so has Europe. You need to realize that people will use you as an example when you criticize your country. It's normal to criticize the Iranian government, I spent lots of time criticizing leaderships in Arab nations. When it comes to national security the same people who praise you for criticizing your nation will be against you. Once the economy in Europe declines resource rich nations will be attacked, up next is either Iran or the gulf arab nations and it seems you're delusional about it. If you criticize the Iranian government then get rid of the double standard and criticize whomever else deserves to be criticized or else people will become suspicious of you.
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