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Iran Condemns Egypt's Sectarian Killings As "Contradicting Islam"

I'll be glad to do so.

Some people fear that in case of flat tires or accidents that no one could reach them on time to help out. Another reason is that we still have a nasty crime rate coming from a specific class in our community both locals and expats which is a national security concern as we take a pride for having the lowest crime rates worldwide.

If safety and security of female drivers was such a big concern, shouldn't the government have taken measures to reduce the insecurity, instead of banning female drivers?
Was there any study done to investigate the probability for female drivers to get into harms way due to flat tires? In many countrys basic vehicle maintenance knowledge, including changing tires, is a must when applying for a drivers license. Does Islam prohibit women from basic vehicle maintenance activities?
I hope you are not that Hypocritical that you leave out the worlds top destination for Extreme "Protesting", "Monkey Wrangling" and "Flame Teasing".



"We Will Kill Salman Rusdhi"

Now I would like to See Mass Demonstrations by Sunni Muslims in Saudi Arabia of current Issues including that of Syria or Quran Burning.

And the Irani Girl says "Most Iranians don't hate America or Americans at all. It's all about polices and politics. "

I left many things out because i responded to her video which was in Australia.
Does Islam prohibit women from basic vehicle maintenance activities?

It's a socio-cultural issue not Islamic.

If safety and security of female drivers was such a big concern, shouldn't the government have taken measures to reduce the insecurity, instead of banning female drivers?
Was there any study done to investigate the probability for female drivers to get into harms way due to flat tires? In many countrys basic vehicle maintenance knowledge, including changing tires, is a must when applying for a drivers license.


I never said that the Gov't is banning women from driving simply because they're women or for security concerns or whatever. The opposition comes from the society itself for many reasons. Some reasons are overestimated and the others are underestimated. Crimes like robbery and rape raise a lot of concerns for some people here.

For now, The Saudi people have spoken and their voice is being heard, unless they want some sort of change.
Since you are Christian (A religion that I hold with respect), how would you feel about people calling themselves Christians cursing Issa's wife and companions (SA)? I leave the floor for you.
Christians don't curse "Issa's wife" because He was never married... your ignorance is shown with every post you make... GTFO and even if they curse anyone, we don't kill them, there is a God to judge them. let them curse and talk, so what? talk is cheap..
I am as much "Arab" as other Iraqis are "Arab".
Besides what Arab ummah and brotherhood, what a piece of sh!t brotherhood this is.

Syria and Iraq are not even Arab lands, they have their own history which is not related to Arab, open up history books, wikipedia is there for you its not hard.
Trying to Arabize everything is just as bad as Westernization.

Ask others about their opinions since I will be labeled Ajami. @Mahmoud_EGY
we have our own history we are Egyptians not arabs and can any one say what has arab nationalism has done for 60 years ?
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where does it say he planned bombing ???
why are you adding your lies
This isn't Pakistan where you can seek revenge. This is Egypt, the 0.2% of Shias are causing a greater risk for themselves. Yes, read it, it says Shia leader had used illegal possesion of arms which means they'll seek revenge. They cannot be trusted when owning bulk load of weapons.
This isn't Pakistan where you can seek revenge. This is Egypt, the 0.2% of Shias are causing a greater risk for themselves. Yes, read it, it says Shia leader had used illegal possesion of arms which means they'll seek revenge. They cannot be trusted when owning bulk load of weapons.
No you said he was planning bombing but:
1/ they didn't say it in article
2/ he didnt have material for boombing but guns for "self defence"

i understand it is good not allowing people have weapons
but you said he planned bombing, which is totally wrong if we read this article . this article doesn't even say he was preparing revenge
we have our own history we are Egyptians not arabs and can any one say what has arab nationalism has done for 60 years ?

True. However, Arab nationalism wasn't a problem of ours but Egypt's. Jamal Abdulnasser was a nationalist who pushed his own people to the point of no return which had struck the Egyptian society ,and the so-called Pan-Arabs. So yeah, Arab nationalism had been nothing but an eternal curse for nations like Syria, Iraq, and Egypt, but certainly wasn't someone else's beef.
leave shia forget shia say I islam & I muslim...........
leave sunni forget sunni say I islam & I muslim.......

Jews & christian priest Ask Prophet Muhammad SAW....what is your religion.........
Prophet Say Im Muslim & Im Islam.........

Sunni & Shia is wrong both side is go to hell..........
No, I don't identify as a Shafi'i Muslim. You must have missed something here. Nothing is called a Shafi'i Muslim in the first place. Do you call yourself a Hanafi or Sufi Muslim?

It seems that we are both misunderstanding each other, I have no qualms about how you describe madhab.. but you fail to realize my point as well. It has to do with the teachings of a shaykh.. so for example.. If I disagree with shaykh on how he interprets the Quran and Sunnah.. hence I would not like to be identified with him. Sure, I will not follow the oft used technique used by certain Shaykh's of resorting to spewing out accusations of Bidah, Kufr and so on.. nor will I consider myself a non-Muslim if I see him in the same mosque or our clothes touch( thank a certain gentleman who claimed to be a scholar for showing me that such idiocy exists)..
What I will do is disagree that they are teaching the EXACT same ideas that I adhere to in terms of Fiqh.

And in such cases, It is always best to use original Arabic text.. and multiple sources to ascertain the truth. I am limited by the internet and the need to translate from Urdu to English and then Arabic. So for me to take a book I have, had to scan and upload it is difficult...which is why one must search the internet for others who have done so. There are certain sites who have taken that view(available through many sources such as Detailed and fair-minded critique of the Wahhabi phenomenon, Abdar Rahman Koya, Crescent Magazine)... and they have their rebuttals(some from Saudi sources, other's from Western settled Muslims..and so on).. It simply depends on whose views you find more convincing.
I find those contradicting those of ibn-abd-wahab more convincing.

Hi Oscar,

I hope you're doing very well and good.

I would like to mention two points the guys hadn't shed a better light on, that's all. I'm not into religions so much, but let just put two and two together :-

1- Any Sunni ,who refuses/rejects to call on the dead for help or to save him or whatever, is by definition a true follower of the Sunni sect. There had been a numerous variation to those who fallow the true Sunnah sect, Salafism is one of those naming, and the degree of extremism varies from one group of people to the others.

2- The word Wahab, by definition, means the bestower or giver, so, people should be careful when they use such term like this especially when they fallow the Sunni faith. We do believe that there is only one bestower, don't we? :)

1. I could disagree with how you interpret calling the dead on.. for that it requires a long debate.

2. Which is why I myself am not fond of the term, as the father of Ibn-Abd-al-Wahab was a respected scholar and so my dislike for the path his son chose is not meant for the family.
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