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Iran Condemns Egypt's Sectarian Killings As "Contradicting Islam"

I thought you said that you aren't an Arab. Actually the KSA is the heart of Arab world.

KSA never been into Arab nationalism, it was always Egypt and Syria where that political Arabism was supported.
KSA is the heart of the Arab world ? so the other countries are just less considered while Egypt has a history a far richer then KSA ?, same for Iraq and Syria.
What heart the fuk u talking about, Egypt is the center of the political Arab world.
If we talk about pure Arab orgin and history then Yemen is the heart of that.

Besides, it is all opinion after all, I dont consider it the "heart".
I think the leaders of the Muslim world should put more efforts in protecting human lives than protecting Islam... But all evidence in the recent times points to the contrary.
lol, I do agree that revolution of 1979 a lot of crazy stuff went down. I wasn't even born, but I've read a lot about that period.

But you guys are not so innocent either :P. and it's such a shame that some of you guys are always denying there is any genocide going on in Pakistan, Afghanistan..etc...

Such a shame that your avatar the man that founded Pakistan would have been killed or bombed if he was an ordinary citizen of Pakistan today.

No genocide....just target killings as was the case in the '80s, the '90s & early '00s when both the Shiite Militants & the Sunni Militants were popping each other out on a monthly basis; right now the security paradigm in Afghanistan & Pakistan along with the political paradigms in International Relations is whats made these killings considerably....considerably one-sided !

No he wouldn't die because (i) He was staunchly non-sectarian to the point that he refused to be identified as anything but a Muslim....not a Sunni....not a Shia...just a Muslim & (ii) Hes the guy we bled for...hes the guy even the most staunchest of Molvis can't ridicule & risk a slap from the audience - He is Our Father ! :kiss3:
With Takfiri Wahabis doing the dirty work of NeoCon groups in the US and Israel, there is a chance that Egypt may fall into civil war, is this realistic fear? Will Takfiri Wahabism be the cause of yet another Muslim majority country falling to the spell of fear, hatred and despondency that the Wahabi see to instill?

Civil war?:no: during Egyptian uprising, unrest here or there had been very much expected after-then for sometime for the transformation process to settle down, as it was the case with all democratic countries after change throughout the world. Egypt, Yemen, and Libya need a couple years to put things in order. But they are far from civil wars. BTW, why did you quote this "civil war" article? just because 4 Shia were killed?
LOL. You and your followers here regularly call Shia Jews or Fire-worshipers , or non-muslims. You use harsh sectarian language.

and by the way, I've seen the polls Saudi Arabia is not loved by all either so I guess your country is hated too.

Plus, public opinion is shaped by what's presented to people by Mass Media, not by actual reality. This is why most Americans, Arabs, Europeans , when they visit Iran, they instantly become Pro-Iranian, because they see the lie and misconceptions about Iran.

And the negative coverage is done by purpose because of the nuclear issue.

Also, the extremists in Muslim world do the same by using anti-shia propaganda they try to rally the masses against Shias and Iran. When people visist Iran or learn about Shia Islam, they instantly change their opinion.

Losing your temper again?

As I said, do you have a solid proof which says that the Saudi religious scholars are encouraging people to kill Shias? I don't think you do, then you should think 10 times before posting meaningless paragraphs like the ones below. Groundless accusation will get you nowhere.

Wether people here or else where like us or not, it makes no difference as long as their Gov'ts won't go against our interests.

People here can say whatever they want to say, this place has as many Internet-warriors as the turbans in Qom. In reality, things are different, Iran is being looked upon as a rouge state, KSA isn't.

As for the nuclear issue, everybody knows what Iran is doing, and personally, I welcome a nuclear armed Iran.

Come on... your not being honest.

What group of people and what ideology is spreading the anti-shia sentiment?

What sect within Islam regularly says it's ok to kill them? they are infidels? they are not muslims??

I watch your TV stations and there are numerous youtube vidoes that show your clerics doing this ALL THE TIME! Every day.

WAY before 2011~
Oye we don't hate anyone ! :angry:

But why would Non-Muslim Arabs think of KSA as their Motherland ? :unsure:

You mean Muslim Non-Arabs? right? Remember the only "Arabs" are those of the Peninsula and Gulf, Egyptians have been Egyptians before there was ever such a thing as an "Arab" and Syrians have been Syrians long before such a thing as an Arab --reality is that that Western powers needed to create a unified barrier to communism in their Cold war and so they perpetuated the farce of "The Arabs" - after all just because you speak a dialect of Arabic which the invasions of the Arab impose on you does not make you an "Arab" - it's like saying because we speak and write in English, we are therefore Englishmen
You mean Muslim Non-Arabs? right? Remember the only "Arabs" are those of the Peninsula and Gulf, Egyptians have been Egyptians before there was ever such a thing as an "Arab" and Syrians have been Syrians long before such a thing as an Arab --reality is that that Western powers needed to create a unified barrier to communism in their Cold war and so they perpetuated the farce of "The Arabs" - after all just because you speak a dialect of Arabic which the invasions of the Arab impose on you does not make you an "Arab" - it's like saying because we speak and write in English, we are therefore Englishmen

Atleast the dialects contain many words from the original culture in the Arabized lands, effort has to be done to restore all of it, this Arabism is bs anyway while the majority of us are just Arabized.
Most non-Arab muslims hate Arabs from Saudi Arabia! I can tell you that! they are the source of embarrassment for many.

Any evidence? Or is that another Persian ego?

You may speak on behalf of your religion, but we've got Turkey, Pakistan, Malaysia among other countries.

Usually, The first two spit on -r-n.
You mean Muslim Non-Arabs? right? Remember the only "Arabs" are those of the Peninsula and Gulf, Egyptians have been Egyptians before there was ever such a thing as an "Arab" and Syrians have been Syrians long before such a thing as an Arab --reality is that that Western powers needed to create a unified barrier to communism in their Cold war and so they perpetuated the farce of "The Arabs" - after all just because you speak a dialect of Arabic which the invasions of the Arab impose on you does not make you an "Arab" - it's like saying because we speak and write in English, we are therefore Englishmen
Here you go:

The Syrian Arab Republic


The Arab Republic of Egypt


Read the history sections, educate yourself buddy

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/middle...ngs-contradicting-islam-13.html#ixzz2XGhDcMPP
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