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Iran and the arabs since the begining of islam

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Not a single comment! I asked for links that prove Egyptians are with relations with Iran. Thats all. Even KSA has a normal diplomatic relationship with Iran while Egypt has long refused constant Iranian requests to exchange Ambassadors. This Egyptian guy doesn't represent the vast majority of Egyptian views toward Iran regime

Arab-persian rivalry has to be 1 of the oldest in the world.

Yes, Arab-Persian rivalry predates Islam.

Arabs used the world "ajam" to describe all non-Arabs, particularly Persians.

And Ajam literally means deaf and mute, an expression of Arab supremacist thinking that was denounced by Prophet Muhammad SAW. But it's unfortunate that these Arab supremacist beliefs still exist among some Arabs.
well you are right but you dont know that all the gulf countriys are hopeless they made the deal and that is it
they give there land oil to the us and all the us enemys become there enemys and they live in peace with what left of their oil money
so that means when we become hostile with the us we become hostile with GCC
anyway nice to see another egyptian in this fourm and i hope i see more often in the fourm brother
Its their oil, money, they can do whatever they do with it.... Being hostile toward the West doesn't mean that the GCC will be hostile with us. We share too many things for that to happen. If anything, we should have closer relations with the all the countries in the ME. Why do you wanna create an enemy for ? We care so much for eachother to do such stupid thing.
Its their oil, money, they can do whatever they do with it.... Being hostile toward the West doesn't mean that the GCC will be hostile with us. We share too many things for that to happen. If anything, we should have closer relations with the all the countries in the ME. Why do you wanna create an enemy for ? We care so much for eachother to do such stupid thing.
we cant choose it is like a package
isreal and usa and gcc
you cant be friendly with one and enemy of other i hope i am wrong but i am not it is unfortunte but it is the truth
oh dont remind me those days.plllllzzzz

Ok. But I was pointing to the fact that among Persian Gulf Arab states, Iran does have friends. One of them being Oman, which has a long history and is not a made up country by colonialists. To this day Oman government has excellent relations with Iran just like it has excellent relations when Shah was in power. Infact Iran had protected Oman king when communists were about to depose him. And the other nation with good relations is Qatar. Its relations with Iran is not that warm but still it is good. Qatari king was educated in Shiraz, Iran and speaks fluent Farsi. Also Qatar has hired many Iranians who work there.
I honestly find the people of UAE very friendly, i am sorry you didn't have the best experince, but i am sure it doesn't represent the whole population of Dubai, or the UAE.
they kept us for Viza checking for 3 hour while all europians just needed 10 minutes to wait for their viza's.isnt it a insult?
First of all persian only hate people like this jordanian guy.
but they mostly hate gulf arabs like saudi,uae. WHY? because they are an ally to the zionists.
how can any muslim nation possible like them?

Iranian like most eyptians, dunno why, maybe its because they have had relation fo 5000 years?
First of all persian only hate people like this jordanian guy.
but they mostly hate gulf arabs like saudi,uae. WHY? because they are an ally to the zionists.
how can any muslim nation possible like them?

Iranian like most eyptians, dunno why, maybe its because they have had relation fo 5000 years?
blah blah blah blah blah :blah: :blah:
you think this is something do you know what the saudis done with us in hag (the holy land ) after the revelotion .........
we have the worst situation.these......wahhabi guys even killed many Iranians in Hag(just a few metters distance with the kaaba)
imagine......in the city of mecca......their fault was to shout down with USA
they havnt any Competency to have this holy land
Your problems with Iran started well before the Syrian reveloution, we should clear that up. I care about Syrians a lot, and it is a disgrace what Al-not-Asad is doing to his great people. At the same time, why are you blaming Iran for supporting its ally ? Most Arab kings supported Mubarak, i don't hold that aginst them or their countries. Its their interests... Your enemy is my enemy, very true, and Israel is our enemey. Me, you, and Iran have a common enemy. Why do you wanna ignore the real enemy and care about who is sunni and who is shii ? We can't change people's beliefs, i know it sucks, but it is true. We should learn how to live together, period!.. What did we achieve from Iran-Iraq war ? The whole region suffred. Do you wanna go thru this again ?. Tell me one good reason that Arabs and Iran should not work together.
No one would hate Iranian regime for no reason, but we fed up with the trouples its making to Arabs, here are some of what I can recall at at the moment:

1- Morocco cut all relations with Iran due to relentless attempts to spread shiism in the country.

2- Total support for Hezbollah in all fields, including military support, and this militia refused to hand over its weapons to the Lebanese army, and it must be noted that Lebanon is a multi-sect country and has witnessed many sectarian wars, making any weapon limited in the hands of certain sect a threat to the rest of the sects. This amply demonstrated when this militia broke into Beirut in 2007 and constant threat to use its weapons against other sects.

3- Sending troops and weapons to Syrian regime to kill its people.

4- several Iranian spy networks and agents were arrested in Bahrain, Qatar and Kuwait, these networks intended to destabilize those countries.

5- Attempt to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington.

6- Jordan banned travel to and from Iran following espionage and sabotage attempts in the country.

7- Arming Houthis gang and urging them to attack Saudi Arabia and that what happened. The armament was going on during the the Saudi war on those rebels.

8- Senior Saudi officials accused Iran for attempting to destabilize Eastern Region.

10- Regarding Iraq, I need a new thread to show you how much Iraqis suffer from Iran.:sick:

Even Iranian regime's harm has reached West Africa:
Anyway check those out guys:

Nigeria reports seized Iranian arms shipment to UN
BBC News - Nigeria reports seized Iranian arms shipment to UN

Senegal Government Breaks Diplomatic Ties With Iran Over Weapons Shipments
Senegal Government Breaks Diplomatic Ties With Iran Over Weapons Shipments - Bloomberg

Gambia cuts ties with Iran and orders diplomats to go
BBC News - Gambia cuts ties with Iran and orders diplomats to go

After all of this, you still wondering why your regime gets so much hate!!!

علماء الشيعة يسبون مصر ويقولون انها ملعونة على لسان داوود (ع) بالفيديو ؟؟؟ - تمت الإجابة عنه - Google إجابات

Ýíáã ÅíÑÇäí Úä "ÇÛÊíÇá ÇáÓÇÏÇÊ" ãä ÇáãÊæÞÚ Ãä íËíÑ ÛÖÈ ÇáãÕÑííä - ÚÇáã ÇÈä ãÕÑ

لماذا الشيعـة يكرهون مصـر كره شديــــــد ؟ - تمت الإجابة عنه - Google إجابات

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we cant choose it is like a package
isreal and usa and gcc
you cant be friendly with one and enemy of other i hope i am wrong but i am not it is unfortunte but it is the truth
Egypt has strong relaltions with the US, and was the first country in the region to recognize Israel, and have a peace treaty with them. I am sure you won't like to be put in one basket with them. Every country has its own interests. It is better if we work together, and get closer in relatons, co-operation, and after that our interests will be the same, it is a process.
Egypt has strong relaltions with the US, and was the first country in the region to recognize Israel, and have a peace treaty with them. I am sure you won't like to be put in one basket with them. Every country has its own interests. It is better if we work together, and get closer in relatons, co-operation, and after that our interests will be the same, it is a process.
Man! your intrest is with Arabs, you can't make an alliance with their enemy. If you would support their enemy, then they have the right to ask millions of Egyptan workers to leave, and they would cut off financial aids. Don't get it personal but thats our interests too. I dont think Egyptian economy would stand after this. If every Arab country follow its own interest upon other Arabs it wouldn't be called Arab union anymore.
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