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Iran and the arabs since the begining of islam

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Dedicated to this thread: It has a deep meaning in the love of beauty, life and God which all Muslims share.

ســــــلبت ليلى منّيَ العقل قلت يا ليلى:ارحمي الــــقتلى

حبّها مكنون في الحشا مخزون أيّها المفتون قم بنا ذُلاّ

إنّني هائم ولها خــــادم أيّـــــــها اللائم خلّني ... مهلا

لزمت الأعتاب وطرقت الباب قلت للبوّاب هل ترى وصلا ؟

قال لي يا صاح مهرها الأرواح كم محبّ راح يعشق القتلى

أيّها العاشق إن تكن صادق للســـــــوى فارق تغتنم وصلا

ســــــــــــلبت ليلى مني العقل قلت : يا ليلى ارحمي القتلى

" عشق مرده می دهیم در بورس الحشا muftis، آه، من كسى را تحقير و سركشترين سرور ما تو غائب شود اجازه بدهید ... هی "آستانه ی مورد نیاز بخش خطاب من گفت concierge میز تحریر شما وارد شد؟ گفت به من، فرياد زد: آيا صاحب گنج های خود زندگی می كند دوست دارد كشته مرده آه عاشق معشوق کيلومتر بود که صادقانه للسوى تفاوت دستگيرى وارد ذهن من فيلمبرداري مانبود مونا گفت: اوه، ليلی ارحمى مرده

Babylon 9

Thanks SC I really don't listen to music that much but this one was nice it's an old fashion musinc that' what make it interesting, but i don't know the singer, here is another one for Iraqi singer called Kathim alsaher

You dislike Ottomans? why?
Actually, their rule era was one of the best times in our history, it's a fact, of course except the last 20 years of their rule. We consider Mohammed Alfateh along with other Ottoman leaders as our own leaders not only yours. God bless them...

Their heritage still haunts us. Look at Ottomans from an objective eyes. Read every detail. Then you see it is not so perfect.
You have no solid argument at all, you are distorting the facts and reality to suit your distorted views of a Zionist.
The Muslim Ummah Exists and this fact alone hurts you very badly, let alone one Universal Islam.
I pity you, and wish you find yourself something else to think about. This is too real for you to accept.
So go play with your low life pairs, since your ignorance can only be beaten by your ignorance.
I am referring to your last comment, and it seems that you are very slow in understanding (maybe a brain condition), you can read and reread and than re-reread to sink it in your rock like brain, and than answer, but if it hurts you too much do not even bother to answer, ignore the thread and go on with your life or what seems to you as a life, it looks to me more of a lie than a life.
I tell you all this because of your arrogance of know it all, witch in psychology is called an inferiority complex projected as a superiority complex, so please go seek some help elsewhere.

Errrrrr .... ok. :lol:

But SC, please do your divinely ordained duty as a good Muslim and show me the light man.

I am a heathen pagan. Please show me the way. Convert me.

Dismissing me like this is failing in your duty. The Ummah would not approve.
Reality points to the fact that everytime a Muslim dynasty started to sank low in corruption and "Fasad" in general, another one was readily available to challenge it and to take its place, this shows the strength of faith preserved within the people of the Islamic Ummah, it worked for 1400 years because all dynasties or modern days governments are kept under the watchful eye of the just and faithful.

So you've thankfully backtracked from your imaginary 1500 year date line earlier.

An improvement. :)

P.S. Its actually 1350 odd, fyi.

P.P.S. SC I'm curious to know as an Indian - will India be a leading light of the Ummah?

If yes, what is your view on the bloodshed and hatred that exists between two member nation states of the Ummah - India and Pakistan?

Not to mention Bangladesh, where the Ummah turned on itself - internal and external.

Effectively, 1/3 of your Ummah at war.

Your optimism is confusing.
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