Don't be a ignorant, please. Ever heard about ancient Iraq that predated Iran with several centuries? Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian, (all Semitic civilizations) etc. Not to mention Sumerians. Please, do they not teach history in Iran? No offense?
Is that idiotic logic anyway. South Sudan as a state is less than a 1 old does that mean that the history of that land is only 1 year old? Do you think history started in the Middle East when the French and English "created" Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Iraq?
Please. Anyway it looks my correct reply shut some mouths. As expected. Reality is hard to pill down. No offense to anyone since I have nothing against Turks but if people insult Arabs and Semitic cultures they can accept retaliations.
You Iranians originally came from Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Read about the Androvo "culture". Much much younger than Arabic and Semitic culture. Yemen alone has a much more ancient culture. Only Egypt, Iraq and China rival it and India/Indus Valley civilization.