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Instead of Turkic Union

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Where are the East Asians? The Pacific Islanders? Or the Native Americans? What you stated is scientifically false and linguistically ridiculous. Where is the ancestors who speak the Ural-Altai Language? Or the Afro-Asiatic language? The Sino-Tibetians language? The Niger-Congo Languages? Using religion to explian is just plain LOL!

Using religion I would explain to you their ancestors too. Collecting sources ....
BTW, I do have a family tree from Adam (PBUH) to me.
Part Japanese, not full. Did't I introduce myself? I got this source from an linguistics's book from my local campus.

You could also check wikipedia!

Dude, can you give the exact name of the publication?
I don't need some Central Asian Turks and Persians who were nothing until they copied Semitic cultures in Iraq and elsewhere to preach history for me.
Iraq lol... a country that was nonexistant till some drunken British officers created it.
Btw,if you want to insult these mongols, go ahead and do so. just keep Iran out of it, we are not involved. don't listen to era_923, he has a big mouth
Quite a troll atmosphere this thread have created. Iranian trolls are here, we have an Arab troll too. But where is O-T? Kambersiz düğün olmazmış.
Quite a troll atmosphere this thread have created. Iranian trolls are here, we have an Arab troll. But where is O-T? Kambersiz düğün olmazmış.

A retarded Iranian member called ''Era'' brought Iran into it. Remember this thread is a fight for you mongols and the camel riders.
go bash each others head in :lol:
What a ignorant comment. You do realize that the Arab history is much older than Turkic right? That our Semitic history is the oldest in the world? From Egypt, Iraq, Yemen to the Levant and Hejaz. It's where civilization arose. You really come out as a big ignorant. Before there was anything called Ottoman Empire us Arabs ruled the Caliphate for nearly 1000 years and had bigger empires that stretched from Spain in the West to Indonesia in the East. Including the Golden Age of Islam. As soon as the Ottomans ruled it went downwards. Also thanks to the Mongolic/Turkic/Tartar people who destroyed Baghdad. Also what kind of culture did Turkic people have? I don't know any important culture from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and such countries, LOL. No offense but you did deserve such a reply with your idiotic comment.

Also I have nothing against Turks and like them but not ignorants like you.

You should stay away from hot topics.

We don't like you either, so no harm is done (not all Turks I am half Turk myself just this ignorant bigot here).

I havent seen you speaking Turkish. Even if you are half ethnic Turk, you cant speak Turkish and have been influenced by Arabic propaganda for all of your life. Without knowing anything about Turks, how can you claim you are a Turk?
Iraq lol... a country that was nonexistant till some drunken British officers created it.
Btw,if you want to insult these mongols, go ahead and do so. just keep Iran out of it, we are not involved. don't listen to era_923, he has a big mouth

Don't be a ignorant, please. Ever heard about ancient Iraq that predated Iran with several centuries? Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian, (all Semitic civilizations) etc. Not to mention Sumerians. Please, do they not teach history in Iran? No offense?

Is that idiotic logic anyway. South Sudan as a state is less than a 1 old does that mean that the history of that land is only 1 year old? Do you think history started in the Middle East when the French and English "created" Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Iraq?

Please. Anyway it looks my correct reply shut some mouths. As expected. Reality is hard to pill down. No offense to anyone since I have nothing against Turks but if people insult Arabs and Semitic cultures they can accept retaliations.

You Iranians originally came from Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Read about the Androvo "culture". Much much younger than Arabic and Semitic culture. Yemen alone has a much more ancient culture. Only Egypt, Iraq and China rival it and India/Indus Valley civilization.
^^ I dnt care... modern day Iraq is a fake artificial country created by Churchill, same as Kuwait,Bahrain,UAE,Oman,Jordan lol
Anyway, go fight with the mongols

Recently Iran has proposed an idea of building up IMO Islamic Military Organization. So, why don't Turkey put the first brick for IU Islamic Union instead of planning for Turkic Union?

Thank you!

You, Arab descendant could declare your thoughts about Turkic Union. But they are Turks and others (Azerbaijani Turks, Turkmens, Uzbeks, Tatars etc..) who will decide. No offence. I personally stand for bigger cooperation between Turks and Tatars. A personal thing for me.
^^ I dnt care... modern day Iraq is a fake artificial country created by Churchill, same as Kuwait,Bahrain,UAE,Oman,Jordan lol
Anyway, go fight with the mongols

Then stop barking and spreading nonsense moron if you can't handle the truth, LOL.

Iran is a artificial state as well. You Persians are only 50 percent of the Iranian population (Iranian is not a race but just a nationality). You stole Kurdish, Turkmen, Arab, Baluch and Azeri land. Talk about a fake state.

You should return to Kazakhstan where you came from and leave all those people alone.

I hope the Azeris unite with Azerbaijan, the Baluch get their own country, the Kurds as well and Turkmens and Arabs obviously. Then there will be nothing left of Iran beside desert/mountains, LOL. All your oil and gas is in ARabistan (better known under the fake name Khuzestan) Arab area.
Don't be a ignorant, please. Ever heard about ancient Iraq that predated Iran with several centuries? Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian, (all Semitic civilizations) etc. Not to mention Sumerians. Please, do they not teach history in Iran? No offense?

Is that idiotic logic anyway. South Sudan as a state is less than a 1 old does that mean that the history of that land is only 1 year old? Do you think history started in the Middle East when the French and English "created" Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Iraq?

Please. Anyway it looks my correct reply shut some mouths. As expected. Reality is hard to pill down. No offense to anyone since I have nothing against Turks but if people insult Arabs and Semitic cultures they can accept retaliations.

You Iranians originally came from Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Read about the Androvo "culture". Much much younger than Arabic and Semitic culture. Yemen alone has a much more ancient culture. Only Egypt, Iraq and China rival it and India/Indus Valley civilization.
Sumerians are everything but Semitic.
^^ I dnt care... modern day Iraq is a fake artificial country created by Churchill, same as Kuwait,Bahrain,UAE,Oman,Jordan lol
Anyway, go fight with the mongols

Race war! F*ck yeah... Me enjoying it with popcorn on my side :pop:
Look up the Marsh Arabs in Southern Iraq who are descendants of Sumerians (they live in the exact same way) and see the DNA tests done on them. They turned out to belong to haplogroup J1 which is a Arabic haplogroup and which is the most frequent on all over the Arab world but decline in non-Arab countries. Tells all you need to know. The Sumerians were native to the Middle East just like us Arabs unlike Persians/Turks who came from the "magnificent" Central Asia so it's hardly a surprise anyway.
Then stop barking and spreading nonsense moron if you can't handle the truth, LOL.

Iran is a artificial state as well. You Persians are only 50 percent of the Iranian population (Iranian is not a race but just a nationality). You stole Kurdish, Turkmen, Arab, Baluch and Azeri land. Talk about a fake state.

You should return to Kazakhstan where you came from and leave all those people alone.
My last post to you. You pan arab idiot (just like your idiot saddam) thinks you can falsely change history ? You talk about persians being 50% in Iran, well in real according to many scholars its around 60%. But thats not important... majority of people in Iran are from Iranic tribe, and Persians happen to be one of them. Kazkahstan ? lmao get a life dude... it is your tork brother who comes from that area not us...
I love how ignorant pan arab idiots try to change history :lol:
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