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Instead of Turkic Union

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Turks? You mean Turkic people which equals Semitic people who founded nearly everything worthy of note in the old age. Even the 3 main religions came from Semitic lands. The Prophets, agriculture, architecture, law, first cities founded, first alphabet, the wheel etc. 1000 other inventions. What did the Turkic people contribute of note?

Same people who founded Petra (another world UNESCO heritage site) which were ancient Arabs. Anyway Arabs are related and derive from the ancient Semitic people and even today DNA proves this connection. Same people - just under different names and who evolved in slightly different areas. All in the Middle East and all Semitic. Which connection does current day Turks have with Kirgistan 3000 km away, LOL? You don't even look like Kazakh, Uzbek and Turkmen people. Don't kid yourself. I have been in Istanbul (great ancient Greek city btw) and seen how most locals look like. You look nothing alike some Uzbek from Bukhara. There is only a linguistic connection.

LOL, proud of some insignificant barbarians/nomads who did not contribute to anything? What did this Mongolic Atilla the Hun contribute? What has he left to the world?

Kiev? Founded by Turks as in Turks today? That was something new. And yeah, I guess Kiev is the new Makkah to brag about, LOL.

You asked for the hard truth when that moron made his ignorant comment.

I suggest you open a book once. South Asians are new immigrants and they most are not citizens but only part-time workers. No Arabs mix with them. Same with the Sahel region. DNA confirms this. But I don't expect you to know this.

The people who created Petra are Areamic/Pheonicain people, not Arab. Arabic was influenced by other languages as well. Terms borrowed range from religious terminology (like Berber ta&#7827;allit "prayer" < salat) (&#1589;&#1604;&#1575;&#1577; &#7779;al&#257;t), academic terms (like Uyghur mentiq "logic"), economic items (like English coffee) to placeholders (like Spanish fulano "so-and-so") and everyday conjunctions (like Hindustani lekin "but", or Spanish hasta and Portuguese até "until") and expressions (like Catalan a betzef "galore, in quantity").
You are a moron. Of course they were Arabic. It was founded by Nabataeans who were ancient Arabs originally from Yemen.

WOW, how clever you are. All languages use foreign words. There is no single language of worth who does not. Your own English language is 25 percent French (vocabulary) and basically a mixture of French, German and a bit of Celtic.

Arabic have influenced all European languages. There are thousand of words of Arabic origin in the Spanish and Portuguese language which is two of the main world languages from Europe the two other being French and English. All the Muslim world have been influenced by Arabic words. Iranian, Turkic, Urdu, Kurdish etc. Every single one of them. Arabic much less so. Every linguist will tell you that. Many even use Arabic derived alphabet (Iranians, Kurds, Pashto, Baluch, Urdu etc.)

The Turks used Arabic alphabet also until they changed to Latin recently.
The people who created Petra are Areamic/Pheonicain people, not Arab. Arabic was influenced by other languages as well. Terms borrowed range from religious terminology (like Berber ta&#7827;allit "prayer" < salat) (&#1589;&#1604;&#1575;&#1577; &#7779;al&#257;t), academic terms (like Uyghur mentiq "logic"), economic items (like English coffee) to placeholders (like Spanish fulano "so-and-so") and everyday conjunctions (like Hindustani lekin "but", or Spanish hasta and Portuguese até "until") and expressions (like Catalan a betzef "galore, in quantity").
Any source for that?
The people who created Petra are Areamic/Pheonicain people, not Arab. Arabic was influenced by other languages as well. Terms borrowed range from religious terminology (like Berber ta&#7827;allit "prayer" < salat) (&#1589;&#1604;&#1575;&#1577; &#7779;al&#257;t), academic terms (like Uyghur mentiq "logic"), economic items (like English coffee) to placeholders (like Spanish fulano "so-and-so") and everyday conjunctions (like Hindustani lekin "but", or Spanish hasta and Portuguese até "until") and expressions (like Catalan a betzef "galore, in quantity").

Aren't you Japanese?..... :what:
LOL. Turkic history is a little footnote compared to Arab and Semitic. Stop giving me some useless cultures in Central Asia that nobody besides Turks have heard about. What did they contribute to the world? Nothing that's right.

Come back when you have any civilizations worth of note to brag about. Just in Syria alone Palmyra (UNESCO world heritage site) is older than what you mention, LOL. And that is without including the older Arab and Semitic cultures that predate Greek and Roman.

Anyway I am sure Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and other Turkic countries are comparable to Egypt, Iraq, Yemen, the Levant etc. LOL.

Short out your inferiority complexes and don't be ashamed of your Turkic/Mongolic ancestry.

You did not accomplish anything. The Golden Age of Islam was under Arab rule not some Turkic tribes originally from Turkmenistan (Ottoman founders)

Turks and Ottomans had a great role in spreading Islam in Anatolia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, the same way Iranians contributed the most to Islamic 'Golden Age', not Arabs. Not everyone here is fooled by your lies mate.I understand your super nationalistic stance, but it doesn't work where there are some brains working.

Also, don't degrade any other country or civilization.We don't even want to mention how Arabs lived before Islam.
Btw, what's your problem with this 'Turkic Union'? If they are nothing, you shouldn't be worried about anything after all, right? So what's the fuss about?
Turks? You mean Turkic people which equals Semitic people who founded nearly everything worthy of note in the old age. Even the 3 main religions came from Semitic lands. The Prophets, agriculture, architecture, law, first cities founded, first alphabet, the wheel etc. 1000 other inventions. What did the Turkic people contribute of note?
Unlike you who sat their arses in a desert and did nothing until Islam come, we've been the best siege engineers of the world
Dardanelles Gun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Inventors of trench warfare:
Siege of Plevna - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And the first ever nation to use torpedoes in a naval battle.
Which connection does current day Turks have with Kirgistan 3000 km away, LOL? You don't even look like Kazakh, Uzbek and Turkmen people. Don't kid yourself. I have been in Istanbul (great ancient Greek city btw) and seen how most locals look like. You look nothing alike some Uzbek from Bukhara. There is only a linguistic connection.
From Istanbul to east Turkistan, there's always a connection
Uighur Turks who protest Chinese oppression:


They look no different than any Turk I've seen in my daily life
LOL, proud of some insignificant barbarians/nomads who did not contribute to anything? What did this Mongolic Atilla the Hun contribute? What has he left to the world?
Hundreds of years of advancements in military doctrines happening in a matter of months. Attila shook Rome and worked as the catalyst in the creation of modern European nations. France or Germany couldn't exist without him.
Arabs and Semitic people have the greatest and most influential civilizations and are spread across most land to this very day. This is the facts. I don't need some Central Asian Turks and Persians who were nothing until they copied Semitic cultures in Iraq and elsewhere to preach history for me. Also I suggest you look at science and the DNA of modern day Turks from Turkey and Turkic people from Central Asia. Completely different people. I know the truth hurts.

Also we all know who influenced who the most. Us Arabs or you guys. That's why you hold grudges but remember that the most important men in Islam were Arab not Turks or Persians. Enough said.

Sadly for you Turks are sucking up to the Arabs and your Erdogan was last seen in Arab traditional clothes. Nice gesture btw.

And don' talk about warriors. Us Arabs conquered the half world and changed people lifes/culture for ever and to this very day. Including you people, LOL. None of you can say the same about Arabs. Enough said again.

Not going to waste my time here anymore. Be aware of the Kurds and other minorities in your country before worrying about the future of 350 million Arabs.
Arabs and Semitic people have the greatest and most influential civilizations and are spread across most land to this very day. This is the facts. I don't need some Central Asian Turks and Persians who were nothing until they copied Semitic cultures in Iraq and elsewhere to preach history for me
Hahahah :D sure, sure
Also I suggest you look at science and the DNA of modern day Turks from Turkey and Turkic people from Central Asia. Completely different people. I know the truth hurts.
Better yet, why don't you come up with a credible scientific research that supports your claim or "truth"?
Sadly for you Turks are sucking up to the Arabs and your Erdogan was last seen in Arab traditional clothes. Nice gesture btw.
Erdogan isn't a Turk, he's a Georgian It's a well-known fact. He's scared of the Turkish Armed Forces more than anyone.
And don' talk about warriors. Us Arabs conquered the half world and changed people lifes/culture for ever and to this very day. Including you people, LOL. None of you can say the same about Arabs.
Hahahah :D An Arap tells a Turk not to speak about warfare :D "we conquered half the world" In which alternate reality? or a parallel universe maybe :D Could you point me to the Wikipedia page of this "the half world" Arabian state? :D
Ever heard about the Caliphates that predated the Ottoman Empire which was founded by a Turkmen (not Turk from Turkey)? Well Erdogan is mixed like most Turks today. Read what I wrote before. I know about this since I have been in Turkey and read about DNA studies. Also I see Turkish immigrants working in the Arab world and I can see how they look compared to some Uzbeks and Kazakhs. Very different on average. You know this very well but ignore it for obvious reasons. If not I suggest you visit Bukhara or Astana to get a cultural shock, LOL.

I am actually surprised by your reaction. Most Turks I know, know the truth about their non-Turkic ancestry and are quite offended when people call them Turkic/Mongolic which is the mixture of the Central Asian people (Turkic ones). As seen by their physical features. And the pictures you posted here, LOL.

"During the late Roman Period, prior to the Turkic conquest, the population of Anatolia had reached an estimated level of over 12 million people.[150][151][152] Furthermore, during the time of Turkic migrations, Anatolia had the lowest migrant/resident ratio.[153] The extent to which gene flow from Central Asia has contributed to the current gene pool of the Turkish people, and the role of the 11th century invasion by Turkic peoples, has been the subject of various studies. Several studies have concluded that the historical and indigenous Anatolian groups are the primary source of the present-day Turkish population.[99] [100][101][102][103][104][105] Thus, although the Turks carried out an invasion with cultural significance, including the introduction of the Turkish language and Islam, the genetic significance from Central Asia might have been slight.[102][154] Today's Turkish people are more closely related with the Balkan populations than to the Central Asian populations,[153][155] and a study looking into allele frequencies suggested that there was a lack of genetic relationship between the Mongols and the Turks, despite the historical relationship of their languages (The Turks and Germans were equally distant to all three Mongolian populations).[156] In addition, another study looking into HLA genes allele distributions indicated that Anatolians did not significantly differ from other Mediterranean populations.[154] Multiple studies suggested an elite cultural dominance-driven linguistic replacement model to explain the adoption of Turkish language by Anatolian indigenous inhabitants.[100][105]
In a study called 'The Genetics of Modern Assyrians and their Relationship to Other People of the Middle East' Dr. Joel J. Elias, a Professor at University of California School of Medicine at San Francisco conducted a genetic test. The aim was to discover the origins of the peoples of the Middle East presently, and over time. He found that "In spite of the complex history of the Middle East and the great number of internal group migrations revealed by history, as well as the mosaic of cultures and languages, the region is relatively homogeneous" [genetically] in relation to the people that speak different languages throughout the region including Iranian and Kurdish (Indo-European), Turkish (Turkic) and Arabic, Assyrian and Aramaic (Semitic).[157] A group of Armenian scientists conducted a study about the origins of the Turkish people in relation to Armenians. Savak Avagian; director of Armenia's bone marrow bank found that “Turks and Armenians were the two societies throughout the world that were genetically close to each other. Kurds are also in same genetic pool”.[158]"

Read this or just ask any Turkish DNA expert. Genetic history of the Turkish people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What happened which you guys was basically a Turkification process. Hence why you look differently and why your DNA is different. Also which idiot do really think that people are exact the same or very similar when Turkey is located several thousand km away from some Central Asian countries like Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and other "Greatest country in the world" states?

Remember that half of Turkey was Greek until recently (before the Ottomans came and conquered the inhabitants and made them "Turkic") and the other halves were Georgian/Armenian and Kurdish. Hence why you have 20 million Kurds in Turkey and many of Georgian/Armenian ancestry - including your own Prime Minister who you called Georgian, LOL.

Have i made it clear for you now?

Anyway you can say what you want. I know the history very well. Somalians are not Arabs just because we once conquered them and made them speak Arabic and because they adopted Islam. Just to give one example that linguistics have nothing to say about ancestry - at least not every single time.
Part Japanese, not full. Did't I introduce myself? I got this source from an linguistics's book from my local campus.

You could also check wikipedia!

I read someone say you were Japanese, half what else? :coffee: Just curious is all.
20 mill kurds where are u live.
isnt more than 9 million kurmanci and 6 million zazaki.
Prophet Nuh/Noah (Peace Be Upon Him) had 3 sons;

Saam/Shem: People living in the continent of Asia are his descendants.
Haam/Ham: People living in the continent of Africa are his descendants.
Yafez/Japheth: People living in the continent of Europe are his descendants.

Now, you will people please STOP talking non-sense?!
Prophet Nuh/Noah (Peace Be Upon Him) had 3 sons;

Saam/Shem: People living in the continent of Asia are his descendants.
Haam/Ham: People living in the continent of Africa are his descendants.
Yafez/Japheth: People living in the continent of Europe are his descendants.

Now, you will people please STOP talking non-sense?!

Where are the East Asians? The Pacific Islanders? Or the Native Americans? What you stated is scientifically false and linguistically ridiculous. Where is the ancestors who speak the Ural-Altai Language? Or the Afro-Asiatic language? The Sino-Tibetians language? The Niger-Congo Languages? Using religion to explian is just plain LOL!
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