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India's War On Islaam

Some Hindus are asking there own native citizens to go live somewhere else (in Pakistan) based on their religion, and then they claim religion has nothing to do with it, and that India is secular!?
This is confusing and very ambiguous.

you would not be confused if you are an ardent follower of the Two Nation Theory proposed by your Quaid e Azam.
IF this is enough to prove India's war on Islam, then what about Pakistan?

Genocide of East Pakistanis
Massacre of Palestininans under Zia ul Haq in Jordan (Black September)
Not to mention the 50000+ of Muslims killed by militant groups sponsored by Pakistani agencies inclusing Balochistan and Kashmir.

Even propaganda videos by Al Qaeda says that Pakistan is conducting a war against Islam, along with the US and Israel. India comes no where in the picture. So please stop this nonsense.
Exposing Pakistans Brutal War Against Muslims - Video Dailymotion
Fake BS propaganda by Hindu Nationalists to dehumanize and harass Bengali Muslims in India. This is how well they take care of their Muslim minority and bring fake posters to show off their loyalty.

Just can't agree more, brother.

Pole Vaulters always lie even when they are shot by BSF. Liar Nation Bangladesh. Please answer why your Pole-vaulters come to our land if we are so bad.

Everyone knows who's liar. You Indians have not got an iotta of shame left in you.
Just can't agree more, brother.

India has problems...there is no denying this, but in general Indian Muslims live a better life than those in other countries.

In India we do have right wing people, but they do not enjoy popular support (Congress has been ruling India for a majority of time, not those right wings).

Even Pakistani Intellectuals (read Sir Hassan Nisar and Najam Sethi) admit this.
India created the traitor party called RAWamy League and instigated a fake Bengali Nationalism that ended up in a civil war that killed people of East Bengal. India was the mastermind and directly responsible behind the killings, civil war and eventual breakup of the biggest Muslim country in the world. That is how India conducts its stealth war, instigation under the radar and then showing to the world that they are the savior. Now they use RAWamy League to control and subjugate the third largest Muslim country in the world. That is how India, the Hindu Nationalist state, wears a secular mask, fools the world and conducts a war against Islam and Muslims of the world. Too bad, we eventually figured out this game and unmasked the evil face of Hindu Nationalist India and its "super power" machinations in the neighborhood, as soon as it came to life as a state.

If you believe in all that above, and 1971 was fake Bengali nationalism , why do you even put a Bangladesh flag in your profile :rofl:

India has problems...there is no denying this, but in general Indian Muslims live a better life than those in other countries.

In India we do have right wing people, but they do not enjoy popular support (Congress has been ruling India for a majority of time, not those right wings).

Even Pakistani Intellectuals (read Sir Hassan Nisar and Najam Sethi) admit this.

I agree with you ,, this people are were born every since the existance of 2 nations theory so for them it hard to gulp the fact that we are living together and i am proud to be an indian ..... there will always be an evil eye on India as it's progressing and left the neighbours long way behind.
The most Inhuman Nation on face of this earth. It's just a glimps of what crimes they have commited against humainty and Especially Muslims.[/url]

India is the second largest home of Muslims after Indonesia................The Muslims in Kashmir are in much more better position than their brothers in P@K............So are Indian Muslims
So keep these TEARS for the situation of Muslims in your Country.............
i disagree. i think they grudgingly "allowed" the hundred million+ muslims who didnt migrate to pak to stay behind.

First do you have any source that "hundred million+ muslims" remained in India?

in 1960 alone the population of entire India was 434 million and if Muslims were 10% of Indian population even then they'd only come to 40 million

there is still clearly a resentment for these people as many of the members u note constantly ask the remaining muslims to leave to pakistan.

You have your share of people who ask Mujahirs to leave Pakistan and we have share of Islamophobic bigots.

they havent been accepted into mainstream society (segregation/ghettoization) and even after 60+ years have to prove their loyalty to bharat.

With Indian Muslims excelling in every filed , that statement seems silly.

they r taught some weird historical "facts" in their textbooks that muslims opressed them during the mughal reign...the kids read this as "all muslims are evil"...when the truth is that a few muslim emperors invaded our lands and oppressed both them and us...nobody except the princes/kings had any power...the common muslim did not commit atrocities on the common hindus...we actually lived peacefully side-by-side for the most part

No, we didn't have a Zia equivalent who injected Arabization or indulged in brainwashing. The closest was BJP skipping history of Islamic empires in India.

you can prove me wrong by showing text from any Indian school text book having what you mentioned above.

on the flipside the same thing happens in pakistan where muslims are indirectly taught to hate hindus through our textbooks. i just wish we both would take a step back, fix these rhetorics, and stop poisoning the minds of our children. yet another generation of hatred is blossoming.

Its good that some atleast accept this. healthly thinking :tup:
The real Muslims of India have started resisting to hindu terrorism lately. My Salute and prayers for them.

Wether you like it or not.............Nations are not build on Religion & Ideology............Many of them Collapsed............Many Predicted that India with Such Diversity cannot be kept united in Long Run but we proved all western Pundits wrong............Day by Day we are getting Stronger & United..................
So cry as much you can..........FACTS remain FACTS..........
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