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Dude I think It's better to boast the facts and it's potential after the film success. The film is not even there yet.

My dad is a huge fan of Rajini .... Hope this will become a big success . :tup:
SHANKAR is no doubt a good director. but calling him the best in india will be a huge exaggeration ..I wont name the directors here but there are quite a few directors who make more sensible films on ground realities. And frankly I like them better than the films with over the top fighting sequences.

Feel free to disagree:cheers:

Taste varies buddy... i like purely masala movies... i believe the money should be worth of enjoyment for 3 hours... for some it will be senti movies... For me shankar is a top notch indian director... for you it may be some one else... any way do you care if i say he is no 1??
Taste varies buddy... i like purely masala movies... i believe the money should be worth of enjoyment for 3 hours... for some it will be senti movies... For me shankar is a top notch indian director... for you it may be some one else... any way do you care if i say he is no 1??

Not at all..I wont care even if you call KANTI SHAH the no. 1 director of india...:lol:

And yes taste varies..:cheers: to our different taste ...
lolz me going on sunday matinee show to watch this thalavar movie :D

namba rajni thala is gonna give another superhit
rajni thala na chumma aavaa

Ok I'm kidding at him being some artsy director and all, but his movies are damn funny, the dialogues are completely ridiculous, the acting totally over the top.

Definitely worth a watch
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