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India's fastest growing states

Delhi is the capital of our country, and centre allocates more than enough funds to delhi whereas gujarat even after giving more than 60k crores of tax to centre receives very less.. and don't forget the corrupt ministers resides there man, its enough to understand.. And don't forget the CWG games was held..

But in terms of city infrastructure and handling traffic Ahmedabad is way better than Delhi..

Even after crores of allocation for cleaning Yamuna river it still looks like a gutter and there are lakhs of people resides there. Whereas come to the Sabarmati river front in Ahmedabad,Gujarat you will see the difference..

Well I agree with your views that centre allocates more funds to delhi. But even even if it comes to fdi gujarat is behind orissa. My point is that gujarat is not no1 in anything, like he claims. Too much publicity is given to him.
Well I agree with your views that centre allocates more funds to delhi. But even even if it comes to fdi gujarat is behind orissa. My point is that gujarat is not no1 in anything, like he claims. Too much publicity is given to him.

Dude Gujarat does not have 1/100th of the mineral wealth Odisha has. Hence the FDI anomaly. Just look how much of FDI into Odisha is non-mineral oriented. Try giving credit where it is due.
Big states of Indian need to industrialise to keep the economy growing over 7.5.
If id have to rate CM's:

1. Narendra Modi
2. Nitish Kumar
3. Parrikar - Goa
4. Chamling - Sikkim
5. Shiela Dikshit - Delhi

You got to be kidding me! Dixit is pathetic. Her first term was good but now she has become as much of a villain as that dumb puppet we call the PM of our country.

Chamling has actually done even better than Nitish Kumar here.

You must be high to even bring her close to a ranking that has names like those I underlined. :D
You got to be kidding me! Dixit is pathetic. Her first term was good but now she has become as much of a villain as that dumb puppet we call the PM of our country.

Chamling has actually done even better than Nitish Kumar here.

You must be high to even bring her close to a ranking that has names like those I underlined. :D
quoted for truth. dixit has miles to go before she comes close to CMs Tshering mentioned.

-a delhiite
Well I agree with your views that centre allocates more funds to delhi. But even even if it comes to fdi gujarat is behind orissa. My point is that gujarat is not no1 in anything, like he claims. Too much publicity is given to him.

My dear man, Gujarat has substance to show rather than paper-perfect numbers that only look good to read by economists. The law and order situation is probably the best in Gujarat (as a state); people have a much more receptive mindset than entire north India (trust me, I have been raised in north India to tell you this); the state is industrializing like anything and government administration is the finest there in the nation. Narendra Modi runs the state like any advanced far east Asian nation.

What is Odisha known for except for a couple of ports and ancient temples for tourism?

Anything concrete?

No disrepect to Odiya people as they are my fellow countrymen, but I am talking about the government administration and initiative to development. I've been to both the states numerous times and trust me, Odisha doesn't even hold a candle in front of the way Gujarat is run. The state is practically a decade and a half ahead of rest of the country.

quoted for truth.

-a delhiite

I was also a dillwala too by domicile, bhai. :D

Big states of Indian need to industrialise to keep the economy growing over 7.5.

How? The largest state in the country is actually the most backward: Uttar Pradesh. Except a few swanky malls in Noida or a few flashy locations with Mayawati's statues in Lucknow, the state has nothing. No power, no safety, no law, no administration, very politicized and narrow minded thinking, no jobs other than bank or government etc etc.

Barring Noida and Lucknow, the entire state is still stuck in 1800s.

Heck! even Bihar has raced ahead.

Maharashtra is the most developed among largest states in the country and that is something I admire about Marathi folks. They have a work ethic that is visible in the excellent management of Mumbai (administration) despite so many constraints.
You got to be kidding me! Dixit is pathetic. Her first term was good but now she has become as much of a villain as that dumb puppet we call the PM of our country.

Chamling has actually done even better than Nitish Kumar here.

You must be high to even bring her close to a ranking that has names like those I underlined. :D

Manohar Parrikar is right up there. No reason why you did not underline him. He is probably the best CM Goa has had in a long long time.
Dont forget. gujarat has seen the fastest urbanistaion in whole india !1
loll what happened to modi's claims to be the super dooper gujarat. Just having a few great ports and 10 car manufacturing facilities is not something to be proud. Many states are ahead of gujarat both in growth and development.

Modi has actually managed the state in ways that was never possible to manage in a chaotic country like ours. I have traveled a lot and I can give you the stark comparison Gujarat has with other parts of the country. Gujarat has nil natural resources compared to many states that virtually need to just stick to the basics to get rich.

And still it handles more than 15% of the national economy.

Modi administration is a role model for all the states in the country and the way Chamling is taking my state, I see a hint of inspiration from the Lion of Gujarat. :)

New delhi with a population of 2 crore is a major economy.

Yeah.. also it has become the rape capital in the country, the corruption capital in the country, the crime capital in the country and barring the India Gate, NO PART of Delhi looks worthy of being the national capital of an emerging power like India.

Being a Delhiite by birth and Sikkimese by origin, I am telling you this.

Manohar Parrikar is right up there. No reason why you did not underline him. He is probably the best CM Goa has had in a long long time.

I am not very familiar with Goan politics so can't say much compared to the other states with whom I have some political touch. :)

But yes, thanks for correcting me. Just read a few things about him.
Seriously..there are much better CMs than her,

Shivraj Singh Chauhan, Jayalalitha, Raman Singh to name a few.

Making a bigger, relatively better developed state develop further is much much tough than making a relatively undeveloped state develop.

It goes for not only Gujarat, but also states like MH, TN etc.

And just happens to be NCR. Duhhh

I agree with the names of CMs that you put forth. But i disagree with the rest.

You said that maintaining growth levels of bigger, more developed states is more difficult. How does that even make sense?! A bigger and developed state is armed with better infrastructure - roads, power, etc - which is likely to attract more investments - which in-turn will provide employment and wages to the locals and hence, greater consumption - all of it yielding higher tax revenues and the cycle continues. The smaller, impoverished states have to go the extra mile, into figuring out how to raise money for investment into infrastructure as they already have a low tax base and then to attract investments, create jobs and stimulate consumption.

And finally, let's not ridicule Delhi - afterall its our capital. Besides, development of delhi vis-a-vis its stauts as the capital, is a classic chicken and egg question. Irrespective of whether it deserved the kind of investment that the city saw, the fact is the money was poured in - and as a result we have a city that is head and shoulders above most in the country.
Buddy, Sikkim is anything but backward. True that some areas don't have electricity here still (isolated villages and far off mountain communities in north Sikkim), but we are coming up fast.

The only curb that we have is that since we are a Himalayan state, we cannot have heavy industries polluting our already sensitive ecology here.

The reason why states like Gujarat, Maharashtra and Karnataka are such economic powerhouses is because they don't have a sensitive ecology to protect, have a lot of land and very strong development oriented state governments.

Even if we want, we cannot have industries here as it will ruin the whole tranquility factor that is the biggest selling point of tourism in Sikkim.

People who are fed up of bustling life of metropolitan cities, come here for peace, purity and calm.

We don't want that to go..:lol:

He's one of the best CMs you can get today.. Not yet at the caliber of Narendra Modi or the late Dorjee Khandu, but still far. far better than others. I'd rate him as the second best preferred CM of the country. :)

rightly said, the only thing i think northeastern states like Sikkim can do for development without disturbing the peaceful environment or tranquility is developing it's tourism sector, if Switzerland can become rich by utilizing it's tourism potential, why can't Sikkim or any other NE state do the same?? The only thing hampering the growth of tourism in NE is the connectivity issues, GOI should seriously look at better connectivity with the NE, i mean how will a tourist enjoy his holidays in NE when the entire journey (to & fro) to the NE will be a trauma for him.
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