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India's caste system goes back 2,000 years, genetic study finds

First khalsa is a distorted word by indians, the root of the word is "khalis" which means pure and is regularly used in pakistan in almost all the languages. Second modern persian has 40% arabic vocabulary , it is just persianized. So many words that are considered "persian" are actually arabic words but off course there are words that are pure persian and are used in pakistani languages like rang, tezab, zang, zindagi, dil, josh, khak, zameen, etc.

So what,the original point was something else
Human genetics are adaptable and when something is enforced rigidly, your genetics due to iter-reproduction between like minded persons will adapt to it. Just like how Muslim genetics have been adapted to produce dumb and dumber generation further on.

^^and we see a marvelous example here ^^
Aunty jee Ramiz Raja isnt jatt but "Raja", dont teach us our history. Wasim Akram & Muhammad Irfan the bowler is also jatt, but normally its hard to know from the names of Pakistanis who is what. Apart from those who have last names as Malik & Raja. Anyway i also dont know any jatt who uses "Khan". But there are many Punjabis who have Khan as surname.

"Khan" doesn't mean pashtun.

Wasim akram is arain. Chaundhary Nisar ali khan , the interior minister of pakistan is jatt and uses khan with his name because he lives near attock where "khan" is more prevalent.
First khalsa is a distorted word by indians, the root of the word is "khalis" which means pure and is regularly used in pakistan in almost all the languages. Second modern persian has 40% arabic vocabulary , it is just persianized. So many words that are considered "persian" are actually arabic words but off course there are words that are pure persian and are used in pakistani languages like rang, tezab, zang, zindagi, dil, josh, khak, zameen, etc.

But dont you know? Hindus and sikhs dont use any words from invaders languages but sanskrit! lol
But all the different schools have unanimously agreed with me that a sudra is subservient to the 3 upper caste

Hindu Philosophy Respective school of Philosophy

1) Shuddhadvaita - Pure monism Rudra vaisnava sampradaya

2) Vishishta advaita - Qualified Non- dualism Sri Vaisnava Sampradaya

3) Dvaitadvaita - Oneness and difference Kumara Vaisnava sampradaya

All these are the sects following the Advaita philosophy.

Advaita accepts sabda as a pramana :lol:

I have quoted the Gita and provided the translation, explanation, comparison which is sabda, upamana and arthapatti. That is the pramana as per the school you have chosen. LOL.

Nothing more needs to be said.
Wasim akram is arain. Chaundhary Nisar ali khan , the interior minister of pakistan is jatt and uses khan with his name because he lives near attock where "khan" is more prevalent.

I read here on defence.pk and other places like biodiveristyforum that Wasim akram is jatt.
A lazy man who is also greedy will certainly have criminal tendencies and will most certainly lie.

If you are suggesting a lazy man who is not greedy but is content to starve to death then ..................you know where this goes.

Most normal people are lazy. They don't become criminals or greedy and why would any lazy person starve to death?
Wow Morning i answered we had 7 pages now its 20 PAGES!:woot: i GUESS Every pakistani is an expert on HinduS? eh?:what:You guys hate us Indians so much THANK YOU!:)
Yeah well please prove it instead of your international diarrhea. Have you got any credible sources to quote?Let's see it!
or are you just namesake who debates just for the sake of it? ;)
Yeah well please prove it instead of your international diarrhea. Have you got any credible sources to quote?Let's see it!
or are you just namesake who debates just for the sake of it? ;)

Who are you talking to? :lol:
Who are you talking to? :lol:

Im talking to you my friend, who complained to mods against me.The same Mod Quoted your reference and asked me to reply:mps:.WOW Some who are you talking to?:thinktank: Here eh? :)
Oye when you lost the game just say it honestly and be a MAN.What kind of response is this getting me reported when you can't answer what i said?Seriously i want to laugh at you.About beating me to a pulp lol just come and try ;)
Im talking to you my friend, who complained to mods against me.The same Mod Quoted your reference and asked me to reply:mps:.WOW Some who are you talking to?:thinktank: Here eh? :)
Oye when you lost the game just say it honestly and be a MAN.What kind of response is this getting me reported when you can't answer what i said?Seriously i want to laugh at you.About beating me to a pulp lol just come and try ;)

I reported one of your extremely insulting posts in the beginning when our argument first began, & I did answer that post by the way. Since then, I have destroyed every argument you have thrown at me, & I haven't reported any post after that either. You may check that with the moderators. I didn't lose the argument; just a quick glance at our conversation proves that.

If I tried to beat you up, you would end up being one of the patients in dire need of foreign medical treatment. You would never dare to mock poor people looking for medical treatment again.

As I said earlier, your comments are hilarious because the anonymity offered by the Internet is the only reason you have been mocking Pakistan so far.

Yeah well please prove it instead of your international diarrhea. Have you got any credible sources to quote?Let's see it!
or are you just namesake who debates just for the sake of it? ;)

So far it's your posts that are the equivalent of diarrhea, & the majority of your posts on this thread are unintelligible. A credible source to prove you are a moron? This thread.
Most normal people are lazy. They don't become criminals or greedy and why would any lazy person starve to death?

Most people are lazy ? :cheesy:

What is your definition of lazy ? ............there is a difference between being lazy and not being ambitious. Poor people are some of the most hardworking people. Rich people are usually lazier, but ambition is what drive's them.

Ambition is manifestation of either greed or fear.

A lazy man who is ambitious will be driven to quick money. He would cheat, lie, do fruad etc.....take the short cut to make money. This is basic human nature 101.

Or course a hardworking man who is Very Ambitious can also turn to criminality to get rich fast. I have never implied all lazy people become criminals.
I think it is nothing compared to the oil slavery your people undergo in the gulf.

Going by figures Indian oil-slaves far exceed any other. And they are good at slaving because of the millennium of experience of being enslaved by the higher cast. That's the number one cause of the Maoist / Naxal rebellion which is slowly turning into a separatist insurgency.
Sampradaya is community with a guru sishya relationship, not school of thought. :lol:

The various school in Hinduism are Nyaya, Vaisesika, Sankhya, Yoga, Advaita, Purva Mimamsa, Charvaka, Sautrantika, Vaibhasika, Yogacara, Madhyamika, Agama etc..

There are only 6 schools of Hindu philosophy , Advaita comes under the Vedanta school.

The texts of Vedanta have, in the main, given birth to two sub-systems of philosophy, namely the Non-dualism or Absolutism of Sankaracharya and the Theism of Ramanuja, Madhavacharya and other philosophers. According to the Non-dualist, Brahman or Pure Consciousness, is the only Reality the universe of names and forms is unreal, and man, in his true essence, is one with Brahman.

The Theists accept a Personal God as Ultimate Reality. He is related to the universe and embodied souls in varying degrees. According to Ramanuja, the upholder of Visistadvaita, or Qualified Non-dualism, the Reality is Brahman; but the individual souls and the universe are also real, being parts of Brahman or modes of His manifestation. Brahman, with the universe and the individual souls, constitutes the whole of Reality. This is illustrated by the philosophers of this school with the metaphor of the pomegranate fruit. The seeds are the living souls and the rind is the universe. One cannot think of the fruit without the seeds and the rind.

According the Madhavacharya, the Dualist, the Universe and the living souls are separate from God. While the universe is a material entity, the souls are spiritual in nature. The souls, though separate from God, cannot exist without Him. Their existence is entirely dependent upon God. Madhavacharya speaks of living beings as the servants of God.

Schools of Vedanta

FYI, the following schools you have mentioned are not recognised as "Hindu". Hope you realise that the Bhagavad Gita is not a Buddhist scripture ...


Charvaka, also called Lokayata (Sanskrit: “Worldly Ones”), a quasi-philosophical Indian school of materialists who rejected the notion of an afterworld, karma, liberation (moksha), the authority of the sacred scriptures, the Vedas, and the immortality of the self. Of the recognized means of knowledge (pramana), the Charvaka recognized only direct perception (anubhava)


Nagarjuna (ca. 2nd or 3rd century) was a patriarch of Mahayana and the founder of Madhyamika.


one of the main traditions of Mahayana Buddhism; holds that the mind is real but that objects are just ideas or states of consciousness


Sautrantika (mdo sde pa). A Hinayana school of philosophy and the second of the Four Major Buddhist Schools known for its reliance on the sutras rather than Abhidharma

All these are the sects following the Advaita philosophy.

substantiate your claim

Position on the sudra in Bhagavad Gita chpt 18 text 44

vaiśya-karma svabhāva-jam
paricaryātmakaḿ karma
śūdrasyāpi svabhāva-jam


Farming, cow protection and business are the natural work for the vaiśyas, and for the śūdras there is labor and service to others.
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