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India's caste system goes back 2,000 years, genetic study finds

LOL........service to everybody which includes Brahmin, Kshritya, Vaisya and Shudra. Who else remains ? :lol:.............anybody who can pay him.

I can easily see that you are not from lower caste or you wouldn't be laughing at this.
as you didn't bother to read all the commentaries, I post extracts for your benefit

Sridhara Swami;s commentary - Rudra Vaisnava Sampradaya:

Ramanuja's Commentary - Sri Vaisnava Sampradaya

Kesava Kasmiri's Commentary - Kumara Vaisnava Sampradaya:

Bhagavad-Gita: Chapter 18, Verse 44

LOL ..... why should I comment on someone's commentry when they are not in this forum ?

I only have to reply to your commentary.
U failed again chofu,read ur link carefully.

Which jatt uses khan,I see many Muslim Rajput or jatt names and I don't see khan.

Examples Ramsey raja,waqar younis,aizaz cheema,aaquib Javed.

Lots do .. some dnt.. Gen Shahnawaz Khan,Sepoy Khudadad Khan,Gen Akbar Khan,Gen Malik Umar Hayat Khan,Gen Iftikhar Khan,Nawab Qaim Khan,Gen Raja Daler Khan etc etc

It says clearly that the Rajputs used simha and then Singh much later and everyone started using it only after guru gobind Singh started the Khalsa.

Baby read the whole article the origin of the title "singh" is "simha".. used by hindus aswell as sikhs....Guru Gobind is was born barely 300+ years.
LOL ..... why should I comment on someone's commentry when they are not in this forum ?

I only have to reply to your commentary.

some one ? Obvious you are ignorant on the subject of sampradaya (Spiritual tradition) . Unlike your speculations, I have relied on their commentaries as authority to back up to the my point on the duties prescribed to the sudra - to be subservient to the 3 upper castes
some one ? Obvious you are ignorant on the subject of sampradaya (Spiritual tradition) . Unlike your speculations, I have relied on their commentaries as authority to back up to the my point on the duties prescribed to the sudra - to be subservient to the 3 upper castes

What has that got to do with anything ? .........i don't belong to any of the sampradaya you have quoted above. There is no need for me to comment :lol: ........its called freedom of speech and expression. That is a long standing tradition in India too :tongue:
If it is part of the Rg Ved, how can it not be part of it ?

Every book in the world is written in parts .....even the koran. How does one decide how much is 'original' and which is not ?

No, what i meant to say that Rig Veda was written centuries later right? So when some say Purusha saktha was not part of original Rig Veda mean they are wrong? Or is there some historical fact in it?
Singh is a Hindu caste but to sikhs, Singh/Kaur is a title bestowed upon initiation into the Khalsa
No, what i meant to say that Rig Veda was written centuries later right? So when some say Purusha saktha was not part of original Rig Veda mean they are wrong? Or is there some historical fact in it?

It depends on where one chooses to draw the line and call it 'original'. There are multiple schools of thought in Hinduism ........hence the answer will depend on where you stand.

Singh is a Hindu caste but to sikhs, Singh/Kaur is a title bestowed upon initiation into the Khalsa

There are 'singh' outside the khalsa too. Manmohan 'Singh' is certainly not a khalsa :disagree:
What has that got to do with anything ? .........i don't belong to any of the sampradaya you have quoted above. There is no need for me to comment :lol: ........its called freedom of speech and expression. That is a long standing tradition in India too :tongue:

Do you know the meaning of valid Pramanas ? I only substantiated my point with valid sources, , unlike you who interpret things e according to your freedom, not taking into consideration the rules associated with interpretation.
Do you know the meaning of valid Pramanas ? I only substantiated my point with valid sources, , unlike you who interpret things e according to your freedom, not taking into consideration the rules associated with interpretation.

:lol: .......the valid source is the Bhagwat Gita. Your ignorance of sanskrit is not my problem.

Unlike you, I do not need a 'middle man' to translate the text.

Are you even aware of the rules of Pramanas ? ....they are different for every school of Indian philosophy :lol: .........which school rules have you adopted ?
It depends on where one chooses to draw the line and call it 'original'. There are multiple schools of thought in Hinduism ........hence the answer will depend on where you stand.

using " multiple school of thought" defense but when I quoted from the multiple schools of thought (sampradayas) you conveniently wriggled out with - freedom of speech and expression excuse. Shouldn't you be telling us (using your freedom etc) , when Rig veda was written ?

There are 'singh' outside the khalsa too. Manmohan 'Singh' is certainly not a khalsa :disagree:

out of the 5 Ks, I can spot 1 (kesh) , perhaps you have seen his kacchera, so no comments
using " multiple school of thought" defense but when I quoted from the multiple schools of thought (sampradayas) you conveniently wriggled out with - freedom of speech and expression excuse. Shouldn't you be telling us (using your freedom etc) , when Rig veda was written ?

Sampradaya is community with a guru sishya relationship, not school of thought. :lol:

The various school in Hinduism are Nyaya, Vaisesika, Sankhya, Yoga, Advaita, Purva Mimamsa, Charvaka, Sautrantika, Vaibhasika, Yogacara, Madhyamika, Agama etc...

I don't need to 'defend' anything :lol: ........and there is nothing 'wriggle' out of.

You foolishly expect me to comment on someone else's commentary when that person is not even here to defend whatever they have said. You have nothing to say except point at others ...............pathetic.
Are you even aware of the rules of Pramanas ? ....they are different for every school of Indian philosophy :lol: .........which school rules have you adopted ?

But all the different schools have unanimously agreed with me that a sudra is subservient to the 3 upper caste

Hindu Philosophy Respective school of Philosophy

1) Shuddhadvaita - Pure monism Rudra vaisnava sampradaya

2) Vishishta advaita - Qualified Non- dualism Sri Vaisnava Sampradaya

3) Dvaitadvaita - Oneness and difference Kumara Vaisnava sampradaya
It is a Persian word and that's normal,Sanskrit also has connections with avestan.

Shan,why do u take yourself so seriously?

You might be articulate enough for pakistan and a sahib there,for us we can see through bullshit quite easily.

First khalsa is a distorted word by indians, the root of the word is "khalis" which means pure and is regularly used in pakistan in almost all the languages. Second modern persian has 40% arabic vocabulary , it is just persianized. So many words that are considered "persian" are actually arabic words but off course there are words that are pure persian and are used in pakistani languages like rang, tezab, zang, zindagi, dil, josh, khak, zameen, etc.
But all the different schools have unanimously agreed with me that a sudra is subservient to the 3 upper caste

Hindu Philosophy Respective school of Philosophy

1) Shuddhadvaita - Pure monism Rudra vaisnava sampradaya

2) Vishishta advaita - Qualified Non- dualism Sri Vaisnava Sampradaya

3) Dvaitadvaita - Oneness and difference Kumara Vaisnava sampradaya

Don't waste,these guys can't even pronounce chanakya correctly,kasuri says chankya
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