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Indian Special Forces

i have already uploaded it in youtube but here it asking for atleast 15 no of post to post a link

yes, only members with 15+ posts can post a link. increase post-count.
Whoa- VERY nice bro! Nice catch!

Imagine these guys against Ajtr's Maoists. :devil:

If only we have a government capable to support such brave men.

We need more CT operations training with SPETSNAZ, GROM and bush warfare tactics with Vietnamese.
Imagine these guys against Ajtr's Maoists. :devil:

If only we have a government capable to support such brave men.

We need more CT operations training with SPETSNAZ, GROM and bush warfare tactics with Vietnamese.

Using these guys againts the Maoists would be overkill buddy! The COBRAs are already cleaning up.
Whoa- VERY nice bro! Nice catch!

:azn: i am glad to see this video is spreading to a no of milltary dis forum sites mainly to BR, MP.Net ,*** etc...yahh actually i had watched it while watching a news bulletin then i asked a frnd over there in tht channel to send this clip to me and the very next moment i uploaded in in YT , but after a day it got released by the channel in their video section so every hard collecting trics got scrapped:devil::devil:

ok btw this exercise was purely for the coastal security purpose to prevent 26/11 like situation, in the later part of this video there is an additional collector who's just repeating the same thing nothng nu (as u all know military jingos like us have a grater exp in this field than this mere civilian burocrats;)) but here the most uncomn thng is that how nor normal ppl just enjoying the exercise where as we are striving to get one like this in daily life
:azn: i am glad to see this video is spreading to a no of milltary dis forum sites mainly to BR, MP.Net ,*** etc...yahh actually i had watched it while watching a news bulletin then i asked a frnd over there in tht channel to send this clip to me and the very next moment i uploaded in in YT , but after a day it got released by the channel in their video section so every hard collecting trics got scrapped:devil::devil:

ok btw this exercise was purely for the coastal security purpose to prevent 26/11 like situation, in the later part of this video there is an additional collector who's just repeating the same thing nothng nu (as u all know military jingos like us have a grater exp in this field than this mere civilian burocrats;)) but here the most uncomn thng is that how nor normal ppl just enjoying the exercise where as we are striving to get one like this in daily life
Nice work anyway pal! I've never actually seen visuals of PARA (SF) and MARCOs training togther. Any idea if this happens on a regular basis or this one ex was the first in this partciular area?
the exercise "operation MADAD" is a very less konown exercise in our electronic media u cant also find any details abt it on the web but as per my knowing it had stated after the 26/11 for coastal security purpose (as paradip is one of the biggest port in india , very highly industrial area, a no of oil refinery , a lot of fdi is comng over dere in comng yrs like POSCO steel) involving various org at various time just yr before it was held between bsf and coast guard , so i am smelling a MHA hands in this exercise rather than our eastern command of army or navy
the exercise "operation MADAD" is a very less konown exercise in our electronic media u cant also find any details abt it on the web but as per my knowing it had stated after the 26/11 for coastal security purpose (as paradip is one of the biggest port in india , very highly industrial area, a no of oil refinery , a lot of fdi is comng over dere in comng yrs like POSCO steel) involving various org at various time just yr before it was held between bsf and coast guard , so i am smelling a MHA hands in this exercise rather than our eastern command of army or navy
Yeah we can see that post 26/11 a lot of measures have been taken to sure up industrial secuirty. MARCOs reguarly train on oil platforms out at sea and at their own mock-ups on base to take back any captured ones that may have been attacked by terrorists. The security establishment has woken up to the fact that such locations need to be protected because of economic concerns as much as anything else.
^^^ @Abingdonboy i want to know what will be done by GOI in case of a plane Hijack like IC 814, do we have the guts to send our commandos to free the plane or will we see the repeat of freeing some terrorists & adhering to there demands??
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^^^ @Abingdonboy i want to know what will be done by GOI in case of a plane Hijack like IC 814, do we have the guts to send our commandos to free the plane or will we see the repeat of freeing some terrorists & adhering to there demands??

Well it is very hard to say. There are just too many variables these days. 2012 is not 1999. After 9/11 the whole idea of hijacking and terrorism has changed. But anyway lets say another IC-814 incident happened in absolutlty identical fashion to the first time. And let's say there is no NSG air-marshal team onboard the plane- if there was I have no doubt once the plane landed the local aouthorites would need to sort out the arrangements to dispose of 5 wasted hijackers! And let's assume there is no strenghtened cockpit door so the hijackers can get in to the cockpit to take control of the plane. So the plane lands in Amritsar, these days state and city police forces all over India have SWAT-like units ready for just such an event not to mention most larger airports in India have a sizable CISF QRT. Now it is unlikely the GoI would allow the plane to get off the ground- if that were the case then the NSG could be at Amritsar within 90 mins and could be storming the plane within 3 hours of the plane landing at Amritsar. But say the plane was able to take off and land in Lahore- there is very little India can do and the Paksitnai authorities would probably not act any differently to 1999. So the plane lands in Dubai, now I'd say these days the situation has changed and that the chances of the UAE assisting the hijackers in anyway is remote and they would be inclinded to not allow the plane to depart and strom it themselves or atleast be open to the NSG coming in and doing it for them. But say it takes off and lands in Afghanistan. Now the Afghanistan of today is very different to the Afghanistan of 1999 so say it does land in Afghanistan I have no doubt whatsoever the NSG would be storming that plane within hours of it touching down. Not to mention the number of Western SOFs in Afghanistan right now is quite high so it is not implausible the Afghan government would request their assitence to end the situation-but they would probobly be more inclinded to wait for Indian forces to handle it as if it goes wrong it is going to go VERY wrong and no outside government wants that kind of mess on their laps. But understanding that the fact the Taliban had circled the airliner on the Tarmac was one of the main reaons the NSG couldn't launch an assualt is key, today with the Taliban out of office there would not be any resistance to the NSG sweeping in and taking back the plane.

But I'd say the mindset has changed today and lessons have been learnt from 1999 and 26/11. I think there would be much more willingness now to use force (NSG) to resolve this situation.
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But I have to empisis there are just too many varibles and any repeat inicdent would of course not follow this exact script. ONce again the GoI could be put into a postion where they are powerless to act and wield their sword arm.
But I have to empisis there are just too many varibles and any repeat inicdent would of course not follow this exact script. ONce again the GoI could be put into a postion where they are powerless to act and wield their sword arm.

One more thing, i had heard in news some time back that post 9/11, India has also made some changes to it's approach towards cases of plane hijacking, wherein IAF can shoot down the plane if GOI thinks that the plane is a threat to any important installations like nuclear reactor or power centers in New Delhi, etc. I know this is a hypothetical question, but do u think any possibility of this action indeed be taken by IAF??
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