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Indian Special Forces

@Capt.Popeye has said pretty much all there is to say. But I will say that even ex-SF operators in the West get themselves involved in some pretty shady activities.

Yup. Blackwater reportedly had a few ex-Navy Seals and DEVGRU personnel. Such men, if they turn over to the 'Dark side' are all Darth Vader material! :laugh:
I asked it because I remember reading somewhere that CRPF was concerned about the increasing sophistication of Maoists' Mil tactics, alluding to some sort of inside help or training from Army-men(but this was at least an year or two before).
Imagine ex-special forces personnel training and managing Maoist cadre!:ph34r:

See, anything is possible. Indians do not live in Gulags and the Republic is not a "Big Brother State"; so that may not be an impossibility. But it is not so critical and can be tackled quite easily. Its in the higher echelons that monitoring is a greater necessity. Imagine a Three Star General like a Hamid Gulbul type running amok. That is more serious.
Yup. Blackwater reportedly had a few ex-Navy Seals and DEVGRU personnel. Such men, if they turn over to the 'Dark side' are all Darth Vader material! :laugh:
It's a known fact that ex-SFs are are prized commodities by these PMCs- you'll find SAS,SBS,SASR, SEALS, DEVGRU, DELTA, GREEN BERETS,KSK,SPETZNEZ etc etc guys all on their payroll. And ex-Indian Mil aren't immune these days- didn't the MV Seaman Guard Ohio have ex Indian Army and Navy personel on board? It makes sense, PMCs can pay BIG money and there's only so much men with such skill sets can do when out on "civvie street".

See, anything is possible. Indians do not live in Gulags and the Republic is not a "Big Brother State"; so that may not be an impossibility. But it is not so critical and can be tackled quite easily. Its in the higher echelons that monitoring is a greater necessity. Imagine a Three Star General like a Hamid Gulbul type running amok. That is more serious.
Come on, this couldn't happen in India.
More like PLA support ;).

Not only that. The Maoists have some intelligent people too who can read and understand literature. BTW; it needs as much brains as brawn to be effective in combat. Not much of that "martial races cr@p" that some here swear by................not by a long shot.

Come on, this couldn't happen in India.

Yes and No.
Fanaticism is not much appreciated in the Indian Forces and serious cases get weeded out early enough.
But its not an impossibility, though the system works hard to keep the probability low.
I just felt that given the huge number of Special Forces personnel that we have amongst our ranks, it's better to prevent them getting disillusioned with our policies.

Just the other day, someone posted an ex-Special forces jawan working at a Brick kiln. If this is the sort of rehabilitation we are providing to our Special Forces, why shouldn't they go rogue?! :tsk:
Yes and No.
Fanaticism is not much appreciated in the Indian Forces and serious cases get weeded out early enough.
But its not an impossibility, though the system works hard to keep the probability low.
You said it sir. And whilst you can never say sever one needn't be up at night worrying about such eventualities. Also in the Indian armed forces individual commanders/generals don't have anywhere near as much independence or freedom as enjoyed by their counterparts in Pakistan.

Not only that. The Maoists have some intelligent people too who can read and understand literature. BTW; it needs as much brains as brawn to be effective in combat. Not much of that "martial races cr@p" that some here swear by................not by a long shot.
Well quite. And the "increasing sophistication" the CRPF mentioned referred to tactics one could pick up from the internet.

I just felt that given the huge number of Special Forces personnel that we have amongst our ranks, it's better to prevent them getting disillusioned with our policies.

Just the other day, someone posted an ex-Special forces jawan working at a Brick kiln. If this is the sort of rehabilitation we are providing to our Special Forces, why shouldn't they go rogue?! :tsk:
The Indian military as a whole is apolitical- this is drilled into each and every recruit and is practiced throughout the armed forces. This is just how it is. Whilst certain individuals may have their own issues it doesn't point to some scare/apocalyptic scenario where the ex-Indian Mil personel turn against the very nation they have spent most of their adult lives serving. Let's not forget these men and women are, on the whole, the very best India has to offer wrt morality and loyalty and these characteristics have only been enhanced and polished whilst in uniform.

The subject of military pensions and after-service care is worth looking at of course but not for the reasons you explicitly suggest. Mostly just because these ex-service men and women are deserving of more.
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You said it sir. And whilst you can never say sever one needn't be up at night worrying about such eventualities. Also in the Indian armed forces individual commanders/generals don't have anywhere near as much independence or freedom as enjoyed by their counterparts in Pakistan.

Yes. The Chain of Command within the Forces and wrt the Govt. is very clearly defined and understood and respected. Nobody can easily "monkey around" with it and get away.
India is no Banana Republik although it may have so many Mango People.
Yes. The Chain of Command within the Forces and wrt the Govt. is very clearly defined and understood and respected. Nobody can easily "monkey around" with it and get away.
India is no Banana Republik although it may have so many Mango People.

You said it sir. And whilst you can never say sever one needn't be up at night worrying about such eventualities. Also in the Indian armed forces individual commanders/generals don't have anywhere near as much independence or freedom as enjoyed by their counterparts in Pakistan.

Well quite. And the "increasing sophistication" the CRPF mentioned referred to tactics one could pick up from the internet.

The Indian military as a whole is apolitical- this is drilled into each and every recruit and is practiced throughout the armed forces. This is just how it is. Whilst certain individuals may have their own issues it doesn't point to some scare/apocalyptic scenario where the ex-Indian Mil personel turn against the very nation they have spent most of their adult lives serving. Let's not forget these men and women are, on the whole, the very best India has to offer wrt morality and loyalty and these characteristics have only been enhanced and polished whilst in uniform.

The subject of military pensions and after-service care is worth looking at of course but not for the reasons you explicitly suggest. Mostly just because these ex-service men and women are deserving of more.
Very true Sir. I too felt guilty raising these issues as I felt I was questioning the integrity of Men who've served my Motherland in ways that I never can.

But nevertheless, I feel that the days of the Jawan obeying his Officer with unflinching loyalty are beginning to recede. It's not a coincidence that the last 2-3 years have seen many cases of mutinies and fragging. I felt that our armed forces too must be proactive on this and introduce good pay and rehabilitation programmes for our Jawans, and maybe keep an odd eye on any known hotheads.:)
I asked it because I remember reading somewhere that CRPF was concerned about the increasing sophistication of Maoists' Mil tactics, alluding to some sort of inside help or training from Army-men(but this was at least an year or two before).
Imagine ex-special forces personnel training and managing Maoist cadre!:ph34r:
You are right.IA has many tribals from Jharkhand and Chattisgarh serving in Infantry and Ghataks.So the chances are there that some of them might help the maoists.I know many tribals in IA and talk to them on this.Till now there hasnt been any reported case but in future who knows what might happen...

I just felt that given the hugein number of Special Forces personnel that we have amongst our ranks, it's better to prevent them getting disillusioned with our policies.

Just the other day, someone posted an ex-Special forces jawan working at a Brick kiln. If this is the sort of rehabilitation we are providing to our Special Forces, why shouldn't they go rogue?! :tsk:
IA ex SF mostly work as bodyguards and in private security companies.They have also been working in Iraq...some of them secretly work for RAW.
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You are right.IA has many tribals from Jharkhand and Chattisgarh serving in Infantry and Ghataks.So the chances are there that some of them might help the maoists.I know many tribals in IA and talk to them on this.Till now there hasnt been any reported case but in future who knows what might happen...

IA ex SF mostly work as bodyguards and in private security companies.They have also been working in Iraq...some of them secretly work for RAW.

Were you in the Armed Forces too?
Very true Sir. I too felt guilty raising these issues as I felt I was questioning the integrity of Men who've served my Motherland in ways that I never can.

But nevertheless, I feel that the days of the Jawan obeying his Officer with unflinching loyalty are beginning to recede. It's not a coincidence that the last 2-3 years have seen many cases of mutinies and fragging. I felt that our armed forces too must be proactive on this and introduce good pay and rehabilitation programmes for our Jawans, and maybe keep an odd eye on any known hotheads.:)
Todays jawan is a well educated jawan who has an account on facebook and Whatsapp on his cell phone.Gone are the days when a 12th pass officer had to control a 8th pass jawan.They are really smart and know their thing...

Were you in the Armed Forces too?
No..I am a commercial pilot who recently completed his training.My entire family has served in the Army with my grand father fighting in 2nd world war and my dad was the RR sector commander of Delta Force.
No..I am a commercial pilot who recently completed his training.My entire family has served in the Army with my grand father fighting in 2nd world war and my dad was the RR sector commander of Delta Force.

That's one Helluva pedigree! :cheers:

I guess you get to listen to lots of tidbits about our Army. Lucky!

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