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Indian Special Forces

@Capt.Popeye What exactly is the SFF doing these days? Some say they're the best Special Forces in India. There's precious little about them on the net. Can you throw any light on them Sir?
They aren't "true blue" SFs. And SFF act as an arm of RAW- nuff said.

dear my source was an indian forum .....
its against the laws to post the link .....
sorry mate ! but u can ask indian members for it @Ayush @kurup
well mate i think it's *** as Kunal sir is known to post these exclusive pictures in the special forces section of that forum(btw i am also a senior member there:smitten:)
Thanks very much guys!
But are they still filled with ethnic Tibetans as was the case before?
I have heard it is more mixed than it was historically but I don't know for sure. I know that Special Group (SG) which is part of the SFF is made up of 100% Indian nationals and not Tibetans.
I have heard it is more mixed than it was historically but I don't know for sure. I know that Special Group (SG) which is part of the SFF is made up of 100% Indian nationals and not Tibetans.

They're Indian Nationals, but are their ethnicities varied or homogenous? Never heard of any recruitment drive for SFF so far!
They're Indian Nationals, but are their ethnicities varied or homogenous? Never heard of any recruitment drive for SFF so far!
The recruitment isn't advertised. And like I said- I believe the SFF has become more homogenous these days.
The recruitment isn't advertised. And like I said- I believe the SFF has become more homogenous these days.

You mean heterogenous, right? Are they still known as Establishment 22 in Army circles? And since they report to RAW now, are they the ones active in places like Afghanistan? But the Indian embassy in Afghanistan isn't guarded by them. So just what are they up to these days is a real mystery.
You mean heterogenous, right? Are they still known as Establishment 22 in Army circles? And since they report to RAW now, are they the ones active in places like Afghanistan? But the Indian embassy in Afghanistan isn't guarded by them. So just what are they up to these days is a real mystery.
Yes, sorry- heterogenous (it's been a long, draining and cr@ppy day).

I'm not sure if they're still called Establishment 22 or not within internal circles- this is closely guarded information.

SFF are operators for RAW- they don't provide perimeter security for Indian embassies (that is the task of certain CAPFs) but naturally do operate from them when the need arises. When one hears of terrorists being picked up "by India" in Nepal or BD or wherever it may be it would be safe to assume it is the work of SFF. One only has to look at what little is known of their training syllabus to understand what their uses are for an organisation like RAW. It may be easier to use an analogy of the CIA and their SAD.

If it is a mystery- I guess they're doing their jobs right ;).
You mean heterogenous, right? Are they still known as Establishment 22 in Army circles? And since they report to RAW now, are they the ones active in places like Afghanistan? But the Indian embassy in Afghanistan isn't guarded by them. So just what are they up to these days is a real mystery.

The guys in Afghanistan are the ITBP, they are under the MHA not MoD. SFF will always remain in the shadows.

@Capt.Popeye What exactly is the SFF doing these days? Some say they're the best Special Forces in India. There's precious little about them on the net. Can you throw any light on them Sir?

Oh those guys. No light on them :-)
They are in the shadows, as they are meant to be.
The guys in Afghanistan are the ITBP, they are under the MHA not MoD. SFF will always remain in the shadows.

Oh those guys. No light on them :-)
They are in the shadows, as they are meant to be.

Since when did India get good at keeping secrets?;) But I guess India was always secretive about it's Defence forces. Only now are we getting some info and pics on a regular basis.
@Abingdonboy @Capt.Popeye
Probably another dumb question...but here goes;
In light of how Major Shabeg Singh joined hands with Khalistani separatists and ended up training their forces, what kind of measures has India put in place to ensure that these highly trained Special Forces do not enter/participate in anti-national ventures post retirement? Does anyone keep tabs on these guys after they're out of the Fauj?

Pardon my questioning if it hurt anyone.
@Abingdonboy @Capt.Popeye
Probably another dumb question...but here goes;
In light of how Major Shabeg Singh joined hands with Khalistani separatists and ended up training their forces, what kind of measures has India put in place to ensure that these highly trained Special Forces do not enter/participate in anti-national ventures post retirement? Does anyone keep tabs on these guys after they're out of the Fauj?

Pardon my questioning if it hurt anyone.

See any man is free to do anything out of uniform. Only in that time there was little monitoring. Now, much more if somebody has done something sensitive earlier in service. So there is no prevention as such (no need to really) but if something is amiss, it gets red-flagged much faster.
@Abingdonboy @Capt.Popeye
Probably another dumb question...but here goes;
In light of how Major Shabeg Singh joined hands with Khalistani separatists and ended up training their forces, what kind of measures has India put in place to ensure that these highly trained Special Forces do not enter/participate in anti-national ventures post retirement? Does anyone keep tabs on these guys after they're out of the Fauj?

Pardon my questioning if it hurt anyone.
@Capt.Popeye has said pretty much all there is to say. But I will say that even ex-SF operators in the West get themselves involved in some pretty shady activities.
See any man is free to do anything out of uniform. Only in that time there was little monitoring. Now, much more if somebody has done something sensitive earlier in service. So there is no prevention as such (no need to really) but if something is amiss, it gets red-flagged much faster.

I asked it because I remember reading somewhere that CRPF was concerned about the increasing sophistication of Maoists' Mil tactics, alluding to some sort of inside help or training from Army-men(but this was at least an year or two before).
Imagine ex-special forces personnel training and managing Maoist cadre!:ph34r:
I asked it because I remember reading somewhere that CRPF was concerned about the increasing sophistication of Maoists' Mil tactics, alluding to some sort of inside help or training from Army-men(but this was at least an year or two before).
Imagine ex-special forces personnel training and managing Maoist cadre!:ph34r:
More like PLA support ;).
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