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Indian people's reception for Pakistan in CWG opening cerimony

The Daily Mail - Daily News from Pakistan - Newspaper from Pakistan

NEW DEHLI—Indian intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) that was planning for months to humiliate and malign Pakistani sports contingent to the 19th Commonwealth Games, appears to have succeeded in trapping Pakistani contingent’s Chief de Mission as they managed to convince him to lead the contingent in the ground at the opening ceremony but failed to get the desired results due to sharp presence of mind and patriotism of the victimized Pak Weightlifter.

According to the details to every body’s surprise and dismay Dr. Muhammad Ali Shah, a Provincial Sports Minister from Pakistan, snatched the National Flag from the pre-nominated athlete Shuja-ud-Din Malik, the Gold Medalist in Weightlifting in the previous Commonwealth Games and started leading the contingent .Dr. Shah, without realizing at all for a moment that he was in country where the hostile media was just waiting for any single goof-up by any member of Pak contingent pushed the entire national pride and honour in jeopardy and opted to create a scene at the venue, just a few seconds before entering the main arena. Not only this but when the pre-nominated contingent leader tried to march along with him, he very rudely pushed him back, a move, captured by all the media photographers and TV Crews.

To add to the humiliation, Shah did not realized that the pre-nominated athlete’s name had already been sent officially by Pakistani authorities to the CWGs organizers and the same was officially intimated to the media. Everybody was surprised that on the TV screens, it was written the National Flag Carrier of Pakistan was the Gold Medalist Pak Weightlifter Shuja-ud-Din but ironically it was actually a Pakistani politician who was carrying it on the ground and waving to the camera like a clown. He even did not realize that in this age of his he was quite vulnerable to a sudden cardiac arrest by lifting such heavy weight while a genuine heavy weightlifter was already there to do the job quite smartly and quite deservingly. He also completely failed to realize that all other Chief de Missions were genuine athletes too and were not just politicians or Ministers to do the job while he was made Chief de Mission merely due to political manipulation.

According to the investigations carried out by The Daily Mail’s team, everything was quite normal till the Pakistani contingent arrived at New Delhi. Pakistan Olympics Association and other relevant authorities had already sent the name of Shuja-ud-Din, the weightlifter who grabbed the Gold Medal for the country during the previous CWGs. Dr. Shah also had no objection over the same. These investigations reveal that even in the meeting of the contingent that was held on Sunday morning with Dr. Shah in the chair, he did not object the weightlifter carrying the flag as it was a quite normal move, right in accordance with the norms and past traditions. However, the things started to twist when “certain suspicious” local admirers of Pakistani contingents met Dr. Shah, one after the other along with certain sweets, bouquets and sort of “juices” and convinced Shah that many other Chief de Missions were set to lead their respective contingents along with their National Flags and it was an insult of Shah that him being an all powerful Minister should let just merely a weightlifter do such and honourable and prestigious job they were also heard informing Shah that a group of sports lovers at Delhi had planned to organize a variety of colourful private parties and value-added hospitality services for the flag holders of a few selected countries and Pakistan was right there on the list. “I have heard these words myself as I was in the adjoining room and the door was not properly shut”, said a member of the contingent on conditions of anonymity while giving his views to The Daily Mail’s team. He said he was surprised to see certain outsiders in Pakistani contingent’s area despite tight security arrangements and when he asked Dr. Shah about the strangers. He replied that they were his FANS. The Daily Mail’s findings indicate that the Fans were actually RAW’s undercover officials and managed to cultivate Shah to create a huge embarrassment for Pakistan. However this RAW ploy could not gain complete success due to the intelligent and smart move by the weightlifter and his coach, who did not resist when Shah snatched flag from the actual and pre-nominated leader.


Who Guys, this is going above my head. Once again CIA-RAW-Mossiad Conspiracy theories coming up.

BTW, we got RAW agent as their cheif de mission. :)
Skepticism would be there after lots of booing incidents, digging up pitches, rock throwing on Inzamam, lack of clapping for Pakistani good performance...

But I appreciate it, if there has been a change.

I guess if India would be against Pakistan in any match, offcourse they will support India. Yesterday when pakistan's weightlifter was coming up, all crowded because at that heat, India was not its competitor.

While about other incident, you should ask Shiv Sena morons.
Please watch this video. It includes commentary on what really happened and how the team was welcomed warmly in Delhi.


It is also great to read all the positive comments people are making on the youtube video page. Just goes to show that not all of us are haters! We have a lot more in common than our petty differences.

Thank you.
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And what about the over the top obsession with Pakistan on the internet?

kind of like the tiger in heat obsesses over the tigress, in the end its all for a good you know what
There is something fishy about this cheering.

1.) it was either an electronically controlled cheer which came from the sepakers to emulate real cheering from the indian people

2.) the indian crowd was told before hand to cheer for Pakistan to make Pakistan look bad and make india look "peaceful and innocent"

kudos to you man.. it is loyalists like you that keep the spice of life alive atleast as far as indo-pak internet forum discussions go.. personally cant live with treating pakistan as a friendly like nepal or bhutan.. that would just take the juice out of forums like this 1..
There is something fishy about this cheering.

1.) it was either an electronically controlled cheer which came from the sepakers to emulate real cheering from the indian people

2.) the indian crowd was told before hand to cheer for Pakistan to make Pakistan look bad and make india look "peaceful and innocent"

Common mate is that hard to believe that not all Indians hate Pakistanis and vice versa? Please watch the video if you want proof, the response was spontaneous and genuine.

kudos to you man.. it is loyalists like you that keep the spice of life alive atleast as far as indo-pak internet forum discussions go.. personally cant live with treating pakistan as a friendly like nepal or bhutan.. that would just take the juice out of forums like this 1..

Is the 'spice of life' more important than people's lives? I'm sure people could use their time in more constructive ways!
The Daily Mail - Daily News from Pakistan - Newspaper from Pakistan

NEW DEHLI—Indian intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) that was planning for months to humiliate and malign Pakistani sports contingent to the 19th Commonwealth Games, appears to have succeeded in trapping Pakistani contingent’s Chief de Mission as they managed to convince him to lead the contingent in the ground at the opening ceremony but failed to get the desired results due to sharp presence of mind and patriotism of the victimized Pak Weightlifter.

According to the details to every body’s surprise and dismay Dr. Muhammad Ali Shah, a Provincial Sports Minister from Pakistan, snatched the National Flag from the pre-nominated athlete Shuja-ud-Din Malik, the Gold Medalist in Weightlifting in the previous Commonwealth Games and started leading the contingent .Dr. Shah, without realizing at all for a moment that he was in country where the hostile media was just waiting for any single goof-up by any member of Pak contingent pushed the entire national pride and honour in jeopardy and opted to create a scene at the venue, just a few seconds before entering the main arena. Not only this but when the pre-nominated contingent leader tried to march along with him, he very rudely pushed him back, a move, captured by all the media photographers and TV Crews.

To add to the humiliation, Shah did not realized that the pre-nominated athlete’s name had already been sent officially by Pakistani authorities to the CWGs organizers and the same was officially intimated to the media. Everybody was surprised that on the TV screens, it was written the National Flag Carrier of Pakistan was the Gold Medalist Pak Weightlifter Shuja-ud-Din but ironically it was actually a Pakistani politician who was carrying it on the ground and waving to the camera like a clown. He even did not realize that in this age of his he was quite vulnerable to a sudden cardiac arrest by lifting such heavy weight while a genuine heavy weightlifter was already there to do the job quite smartly and quite deservingly. He also completely failed to realize that all other Chief de Missions were genuine athletes too and were not just politicians or Ministers to do the job while he was made Chief de Mission merely due to political manipulation.

According to the investigations carried out by The Daily Mail’s team, everything was quite normal till the Pakistani contingent arrived at New Delhi. Pakistan Olympics Association and other relevant authorities had already sent the name of Shuja-ud-Din, the weightlifter who grabbed the Gold Medal for the country during the previous CWGs. Dr. Shah also had no objection over the same. These investigations reveal that even in the meeting of the contingent that was held on Sunday morning with Dr. Shah in the chair, he did not object the weightlifter carrying the flag as it was a quite normal move, right in accordance with the norms and past traditions. However, the things started to twist when “certain suspicious” local admirers of Pakistani contingents met Dr. Shah, one after the other along with certain sweets, bouquets and sort of “juices” and convinced Shah that many other Chief de Missions were set to lead their respective contingents along with their National Flags and it was an insult of Shah that him being an all powerful Minister should let just merely a weightlifter do such and honourable and prestigious job they were also heard informing Shah that a group of sports lovers at Delhi had planned to organize a variety of colourful private parties and value-added hospitality services for the flag holders of a few selected countries and Pakistan was right there on the list. “I have heard these words myself as I was in the adjoining room and the door was not properly shut”, said a member of the contingent on conditions of anonymity while giving his views to The Daily Mail’s team. He said he was surprised to see certain outsiders in Pakistani contingent’s area despite tight security arrangements and when he asked Dr. Shah about the strangers. He replied that they were his FANS. The Daily Mail’s findings indicate that the Fans were actually RAW’s undercover officials and managed to cultivate Shah to create a huge embarrassment for Pakistan. However this RAW ploy could not gain complete success due to the intelligent and smart move by the weightlifter and his coach, who did not resist when Shah snatched flag from the actual and pre-nominated leader.


Who Guys, this is going above my head. Once again CIA-RAW-Mossiad Conspiracy theories coming up.

BTW, we got RAW agent as their cheif de mission. :)

This shows just how notorious RAW is! From East Pakistan to Common Wealth embarrassments, they have completely integrated themselves into the fabric of Pakistan itself! How many intelligence agencies can manipulate the politicians of a country to humiliate that nation publicly, and that too at a moment's notice?

BTW, I have a strong suspicion that Asif Ali Zardari is a hardcore RAW agent. He embarrasses Pakistan more than enough ;)
This shows just how notorious RAW is! From East Pakistan to Common Wealth embarrassments, they have completely integrated themselves into the fabric of Pakistan itself! How many intelligence agencies can manipulate the politicians of a country to humiliate that nation publicly, and that too at a moment's notice?

BTW, I have a strong suspicion that Asif Ali Zardari is a hardcore RAW agent. He embarrasses Pakistan more than enough ;)

naaaah man!! RAW is a baby of its mentor the ISI! which controls barkha dutt's thoughts & manmohan's decision to go to the toilet!!

ISI is on a different league altogether! after all everything in india is blamed on ISI from Assam to smuggling from nepal & you name it! :lol:
RAW, ISI, what else? Man Delhi's Warm welcome was to those who were on the ground. About electronic Jeering why dont you people ask the Pakistan Players when they return home.
Now Pakistan winning or losing in games also RAW controlled.:D
There is something fishy about this cheering.

1.) it was either an electronically controlled cheer which came from the sepakers to emulate real cheering from the indian people

2.) the indian crowd was told before hand to cheer for Pakistan to make Pakistan look bad and make india look "peaceful and innocent"

I think some guys here are die hard supporters of taliban or may be some of them:sniper:

Always spreading hatred against India are there motto :angry:

What a way to prove ur point:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Indian people's reception for Pakistan in CWG opening cerimony

indian's were just following the ancient indian guest satisfaction slogan 'atithi devo bhava' (the guest is god), by cheering for pakistani contingent. There is nothing more to it. So don't get excited!!
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