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Indian navy opens fire on Pak fishermen

Indian navy are 'boat theives'.


Actually we are SHORT of them as our Shipyards are FULL to the capability with building big warships like Corvettes, Frigates, ACs etc. So we have no option but to take smaller boats from our neighbors :D

Anyways, isn't this how good neighborly relations work, by asking for things to the neighbors which u don't have?? :lol:

This kind of gesture is nothing new but wasn't expected after Pakistan Navy rescued Indian hostages from MV Suez.

This kind of gesture is nothing new but wasn't expected after Pakistan Navy rescued Indian hostages from MV Suez.

Indians are thankful for Pakistani Navy for this incident and the help done by Pakistanis. But this incident happened because there is always some suspicion about the fish trawlers (they may be smugglers or terrorists).
If the inquiry turns out to be that they are indeed fisherman then I think GOI will take the necessary steps for the damage control.
Next time if we catch Indian fishermen i would like to see them without head just behead them without questioning
Surprising.This kind of gesture is nothing new but wasn't expected after Pakistan Navy rescued Indian hostages from MV Suez.
May be you should look at the context of both incidents and the past incidents.
Indians are thankful for Pakistani Navy for this incident and the help done by Pakistanis. But this incident happened because there is always some suspicion about the fish trawlers (they may be smugglers or terrorists).
If the inquiry turns out to be that they are indeed fisherman then I think GOI will take the necessary steps for the damage control.
A naval ship has radars, helicopter, number of guns of different calibre, communications and personal weapons of staff. With this much of force and resources there is no need of firing at a small boat without confirming who the occupants are?
A naval ship has radars, helicopter, number of guns of different calibre, communications and personal weapons of staff. With this much of force and resources there is no need of firing at a small boat without confirming who the occupants are?

Those things will become clear once the report comes out.
Are you for real?? Where do you see people drinking water from the same glass in NY? Most of the places that do not serve use and throw glasses do not tell people that the last one to sip from it was a Muslim..

For freaking god sake, don't spread the BS you learnt in Pakistan branding it as American!!

iam not talking about in NY i am talking about from my military experience when we were in the field they woudnt share water with any one SO thats that most friendly were sikhs
iam not talking about in NY i am talking about from my military experience when we were in the field they woudnt share water with any one SO thats that most friendly were sikhs

I guess your experience is with American military. Correct me if I am wrong? But then I don't know how many Hindus you will find in American Army? and if you do, I doubt any one of them would be an hard core Hindu. I can give you one one good reason for hard-core Hindus to not share glass with anyone and that is because they are vegetarians and believe me they don't touch any non-meat stuff if the food is cooked in the same utensils used for making meat dishes or if the same knife that is used for meat is used to cut vege's.. So most of that is because of their eating preferences and their rejection of meat dishes. Same thing goes with sharing water thing they can not share the same glass used by an meat eater. Now they don't do it because they hate you they do it more because they don't like to eat meat. But I doubt, any such person would be serving in American army so unless you are making up things please point to such instances that happened during your military stay.
I guess your experience is with American military. Correct me if I am wrong? But then I don't know how many Hindus you will find in American Army and if you do I doubt any one of them would be an Hard core Hindu. Now one good reason for hard-core Hindus to not share glass with anyone could be because they are vegetarians and believe me they don't eat if the food is cooked in the same vessels used for making meat dishes or if the same knife that is used for meat is used to cut vege's.. So most of that is because of their eating preferences and their rejection of meat dishes. Same thing goes with sharing water thing they can not share the same glass used by an meat eater. Now they don't do it because they hate you they do it more because they don't eat meat. But I doubt any such person would be serving in American army so unless you are making up things please point to such instances that happened during your military stay.
umm they had Vegetarian MREs and Halal MREs and what ever bro Hindus hate muslims overtly and covertly e.g instead of writing quran with q they write with k because they know k is used to pronounce Kuta(dog) Secondly they use ******* instead or muslims and yes their is alot of racism in american Military white on black, black on white, etc
umm they had Vegetarian MREs and Halal MREs and what ever bro Hindus hate muslims overtly and covertly e.g instead of writing quran with q they write with k because they know k is used to pronounce Kuta(dog) Secondly they use ******* instead or muslims and yes their is alot of racism in american Military white on black, black on white, etc

I think most of such things are in your head because as a Hindu I was not even aware that calling Quaran as Koran is an insult. Also, please no one serving in American army will be with such a childish mentality.. Believe me, Pakistanis hate Indians because of our religion (Hinduism to be specific) but it is not true in case of India. We have substantial Muslim population many of them serving in Indian army so hatred for Muslims is a false accusation you are trying to label on Hindus. On the other hand, as a Muslim it is your religious duty to hate us idol worshipers and call us Kafirs and what not..
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