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Indian Navy News & Discussions

'The Partnership Between DCNS And Pipavav is Expected to Boost India’s Drive for Self-Reliance and Create Local Jobs’
Managing director, DCNS India, Bernard Buisson

Managing director, DCNS India, Bernard Buisson
Tell us about the DCNS Scorpene submarine programme to the Indian Navy? Which Indian companies are you planning to partner with in this programme? Also, what are the timelines that you are planning for this programme?
In 2005, Indian defence shipyard Mazagon Dock Limited (Ltd) forged a partnership with DCNS for producing six SSK Scorpene submarines (P75) under Transfer of Technology (ToT) from DCNS. The first P75 Scorpene submarine is to be launched at the end of 2013 and commissioned in 2015. The last Scorpene of P75 is expected to be commissioned in 2018.

Till date, MDL has completed the hulls for the first five submarines; the sixth one is to be completed this year. The programme is progressing and MDL has started the outfitting/integration of equipments inside the hulls’ sections. We are confident that MDL should be able to abide by the last affirmed delivery schedule.

Besides its support to MDL, DCNS is working at the selection and qualification of Indian companies as partners for local production of equipment for the Scorpene (complete systems, subsystems and components). This is conducted by DCNS India, through the indigenisation programme.

We have already signed partnerships with several companies (Flash Forge, SEC Industries). In this frame, we are providing our Indian partners with technical assistance to manufacture equipments locally. This year, with Flash Forge and SEC Industries, we have delivered the first indigenised components to MDL for the Scorpenes. We are conducting genuine transfers of technologies and know-how at an unprecedented level for these sophisticated naval platforms.

What are the updates on the Indian Navy’s P75(I) programme? What is the response that you have got from the IN on this?
On P75(I), we have answered the Request For Information (RFI) and are now waiting for the Request For Proposal (RFP). We believe that we will be in a position to propose a submarine meeting the entire requirement.

What other major programmes are you currently preparing for at this point of time? Are you looking at any joint ventures with Indian companies in the coming months?
DCNS is truly a unique player in naval systems (we are the only company developing such a range of solutions with OPVs to CVN and from SSKs to SSBNs) and associated services. We, therefore, wish to explore other opportunities beyond P75(I) and the LPD programmes.

DCNS has developed a large range of combat systems for the French Navy, from frigate (FREMM), aircraft carrier (Charles de Gaulle), LPD (Mistral-Class), submarine (Scorpene) to OPVs (Gowind family). DCNS is keen to propose these systems to the Indian Navy in partnership with Indian companies.

We are studying various scenarios to optimise production of existing and possible future programmes simultaneously. Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) are one solution which could bring synergies to shipyards and maximize the productivity yield of Defence Public Sector Undertakings (DPSUs). Partnerships through JVs could be considered for longer term, with appropriate economies of scales and FDI level available.

Tell us a little about your LPD programme? Have you teamed up with any private shipyards on this? What will be the scope of DCNS in this programme?
DCNS would like to propose, for Indian Navy’s Landing Platform Docks (LPD) project, a ship based on the Mistral-Class, meeting all the requirements. We are partnering and supporting Pipavav for this programme.

The French Mistral-Class is 199 metres for 21,500 tonnes. The first two ships of this type, Mistral and Tonnerre, were delivered to the French Navy in 2006 and 2007 respectively. France’s third LPD, Dixmude, ordered by the French defence procurement agency in 2009, was delivered on 3 January 2012, three months ahead of the contract schedule. The French Mistral was involved in all Libyan multinational operations and accomplished its missions successfully.

As for Russia, with whom we contracted two Mistral-Class LPDs and started the construction of the first, we will propose a war operations-proven and tailored designed ship to the Indian Navy.

Can you give us the scope of the joint venture between DCNS and Pipavav?
Built upon the LPD initial co-operation, DCNS and Pipavav are developing a strategic partnership for bringing DCNS technologies, methods and skills into Pipavav. The on-going discussions aim at building the highest state-of-the-art strategic assets including modern warships for the Indian Navy and Coast Guard. The aim of this partnership is to capitalise on assets of both companies to bring modern and modular manufacturing expertise, design abilities, system integration know-how for the long-term benefit of the Indian Navy.

We will stand by Pipavav to assist them, on a case by case basis, and provide them the support necessary in order to allow them to fulfil their contractual obligations in a cost-effective and time-bound manner.

The partnership is expected to boost India’s drive for self-reliance in the field of defence manufacturing and to create a large number of local jobs. It will further strengthen the solid Indo-French strategic relationship in the defence sector.
Q: Have there been any precedents of Russia refusing to sell to India some weapons systems? If so, what were the reasons?
A: I am not aware of any such precedents. Russia and India have a clear understanding of what kind of weapons we cannot sell them – for example, in view of the fact that India is not a member of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty or the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. A moratorium alone is not enough. There are some lines that Russia cannot cross owing to its international commitments. The Indians are aware of it, and they are not making any “provocative” requests. But as far as I know Russia has agreed to sell everything the Indians have actually asked for.
For example, we were aware that the Indians were developing a naval propulsion reactor for their nuclear submarine – but Russia would not have been able to supply such a reactor to them because we are bound by international commitments. Nevertheless, we have provided some degree of assistance. By the way, I was present at the launch of that submarine – I had to delay by several days my departure from the post of the Russian ambassador to India so as to be able to attend the ceremony.

Q: What can you say about the delivery of the Nerpa nuclear submarine, from the point of view of Russia’s international commitments?
A: This is a lease arrangement; it is allowed by Russia’s international commitments because the Indians have no access to the technology of the nuclear propulsion reactor installed on that submarine. In addition, they are bound by the commitment not to equip the sub with nuclear missiles. The submarine itself can carry such missiles, but we have supplied it in strict compliance with the requirements of the nuclear nonproliferation regime. In other words, Russia abides by all the international agreements, which is especially obvious against the backdrop of the signing of the peaceful nuclear energy cooperation agreement (the so-called 123 Agreement) between India and the United States.

Moscow Defense Brief
Very interesting interview... Has a lot of details for those who can read between the lines.. Enjoy..
what about 4 LHD???
And Kamov on it with ATTACK Kamov too

The IN has a requirements for 6 (4+2) LHD/LPD before 2020. RFPs have been sent out and we just have to wait a while the contenders partner with Indian shipyards and evaluations are carried out. We can expect a deal by 2014/15.

Kamovs have had their day in the IN. The Ka-28s are to be phased out in the coming years and replaced by MRH (either S-70B or NH-90). Ka-31s will serve on VIKRAMDITYA and IAC-1 (possibly) in the AEW role but that is because it was part of package that came with the VIKRAMDITYA. I highly doubt the IN will operate any attack helos from Kamov from its LHD/LPD, the attack helo requirmetn will be filled by a naval variant of the LCH and (if needed) IN bought AH-64Ds. Additionally the LUHs employed on the LHD/LPD will either be of US origin (Bell 429) or European origin (AW109).The air wing on the LHD/LPD will be purely of Indian and Western origin, I can't see any Russian origin helos on them.
The IN has a requirements for 6 (4+2) LHD/LPD before 2020. RFPs have been sent out and we just have to wait a while the contenders partner with Indian shipyards and evaluations are carried out. We can expect a deal by 2014/15.

Kamovs have had their day in the IN. The Ka-28s are to be phased out in the coming years and replaced by MRH (either S-70B or NH-90). Ka-31s will serve on VIKRAMDITYA and IAC-1 (possibly) in the AEW role but that is because it was part of package that came with the VIKRAMDITYA. I highly doubt the IN will operate any attack helos from Kamov from its LHD/LPD, the attack helo requirmetn will be filled by a naval variant of the LCH and (if needed) IN bought AH-64Ds. Additionally the LUHs employed on the LHD/LPD will either be of US origin (Bell 429) or European origin (AW109).The air wing on the LHD/LPD will be purely of Indian and Western origin, I can't see any Russian origin helos on them.

Describe in Details about LHD and LPDs??? and what are option available in details...

@ Sancho

Will India get only the AGM-84L Harpoon-II or will we also get the SLAM-ER variant along with P-8Is?
Describe in Details about LHD and LPDs??? and what are option available in details...

THE Major Difference between a LHD and LPD is their capability,LPD Class of ships put more emphasis on delivering Tanks/Army Vehicles to Enemy shore either directly by getting closer to shore or by Landing crafts available in the ship..the size of Helicopter Hanger and deck is limited on such ship and can usually carry 2-3 Chopper's...This ships are made to carry more troops

LHD Class of ships in comparison to LPD's are of greater size Having a larger deck to carry VTOL jets and Chopper's [Attack and Recce],They can carry more Number of Heavy tanks,BMP Vehicles,Wheeled Artillery WITH MORE Landing crafts along more number of troops to attack enemy shore's covered by air support provided by Gunships and Jets

The Indian Navy requirement on LHD/LPD that was made available on internet wasn't much detailed,it called for INS Jalashwa type of Ship...as the above article said DCNS has offered the ship based on Mistral class..IMO DCNS Stand a chance in this one and can grab this order...this 4 ships will be made in India under TOT ...they can construct a ship with IN Requirement based on the Mistral design..
According to Russia's "Kommersant" reported on September 17, of Russia modified second-hand aircraft carrier for the Indian Navy INS Vikramaditya the power device in the Barents Sea trials of serious failures, resulting incarrier delivery date again postponed, will be postponed at least a year or so.
Hence why Russia is probably losing out on a lot of the defence deals to the Us, Israel and Europe. They give everything, but the wheels turn extremely slow. If the Russians need to salvage their defence industry with India (with India being the largest importer and all), they need to be able to pull their socks up and be a bit more professional. Its very easy for India to be "pro-west", since India has already started leaning that way. If India opens up its economy more and more, sides with the west more and more in UN policies, which it will considering that sooner or later we would have to give up on the "cat on the wall" attitude, then technology acquisition might also get a bit easier.
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