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Indian Navy News & Discussions


The Delivery of Indian Navy aboard the aircraft carrier no earlier than October 2013.
The Delivery of Indian Navy aboard the aircraft carrier no earlier than October 2013.
The Delivery of Indian Navy aboard the aircraft carrier no earlier than October 2013.
The Delivery of Indian Navy aboard the aircraft carrier no earlier than October 2013.
The Delivery of Indian Navy aboard the aircraft carrier no earlier than October 2013.

According to Russia's "Kommersant" reported on September 17, of Russia modified second-hand aircraft carrier for the Indian Navy INS Vikramaditya the power device in the Barents Sea trials of serious failures, resulting incarrier delivery date again postponed, will be postponed at least a year or so.

According to sources in Russia, INS Vikramaditya aircraft carrier during a sea trial failure, paralysis in seven of the eight steam boilers. The northern city of Severodvinsk machinery manufacturing enterprise experts to assess the damage to equipment status, consider how the carrier is transported back to the dock. And then will begin to eliminate the fault.

The accident is bound to affect the delivery date of the aircraft carrier. According to the most optimistic estimates, the Indian Navy aboard the aircraft carrier no earlier than October 2013.

A disclosure of sources close to Russia's Rosoboronexport said, INS Vikramaditya aircraft carrier is a serious failure during sea trials. July 8, the aircraft carrier for the first time to leave the the North machinery manufacturing enterprises dock into the Barents Sea, according to plan is scheduled to test 124 days.

One of the priority task is to test aircraft carrier power plant. The aircraft carrier left the northern machinery manufacturing enterprises, initially without any big problems in low-speed smooth sailing. But the provisions of the pilot scheme also sailing at maximum speed, the problem appears.

The carrier just to accelerate to 30 last week, alerting system suddenly issued a power unit failure signal, the aircraft carrier parked directly in place. Later found in 7 of the 8 constitute a power plant steam boiler seriously damaged.
if the russia news is real, india should cancell the deal...
7 of the 8 constitute a power plant steam boiler seriously damaged.
big money to repair these. and the russia will surely not pay for it

agree, The russia will surely not pay for it

Very bad Russian they are playing India :tdown:
Hence why Russia is probably losing out on a lot of the defence deals to the Us, Israel and Europe. They give everything, but the wheels turn extremely slow. If the Russians need to salvage their defence industry with India (with India being the largest importer and all), they need to be able to pull their socks up and be a bit more professional. Its very easy for India to be "pro-west", since India has already started leaning that way. If India opens up its economy more and more, sides with the west more and more in UN policies, which it will considering that sooner or later we would have to give up on the "cat on the wall" attitude, then technology acquisition might also get a bit easier.

Although there is a delay but Does anyone think that IN wants the second carrier from Russia which is refitting and Russians going for N-Carriers????
Although there is a delay but Does anyone think that IN wants the second carrier from Russia which is refitting and Russians going for N-Carriers????

IMO regarding this whole situation..."Fool me once.....shame on you, fool me twice...shame on me, fool me a third time..wait am I getting my kickback for this fuckup?"
Adm Nirmal Verma appointed High Commissioner to Canada

Authoritative sources told India Strategic that his appointment has been cleared at the highest levels, and that the Ministry of External Affairs should be sending a proposal shortly to the Canadian Foreign Affairs Ministry to seek its concurrence. Once that comes, Adm Verma should leave for Ottawa to take over his new assignment immediately as the Canadian Prime Minister is due to visit India in the near future.

The concurrence is expressed in what is known in the diplomatic jargon as the Agreement, and colloquially spoken in French.
An Ambassador, or a High Commissioner in the case of Commonwealth countries, is regarded as the direct representative of the sovereign – the President of India in this case – as per the established diplomatic practices. Exceptions notwithstanding, the procedure of sending a proposal and seeking agreement is a formality.

There is no High Commissioner in place in Ottawa at the moment, the last High Commissioner, Shashishekhar M Gavai, having retired from the Indian Foreign Service (IFS) at the end of August 2012.

So did Adm Verma from the Indian Navy.

Notably, two Services officers in the past, General JN Chaudhuri (Jul 1966 -Aug 69) and General TN Raina (Feb 1979 - May 80) were given the assignment after their retirement as Chiefs of the Army Staff.

Adm Verma was last in Canada in May this year at the invitation of the Canadian Chief of Defence Staff. He has played a key role in the modernisation of the Indian Navy ever since he was the Assistant Chief of the Naval Staff (Policy & Plans) and also in naval diplomacy. After the 26/11 terror attack in Mumbai in 2008, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh himself called for files on Navy’s modernisation plans and in Jan 2009, most of them were cleared in one shot.

Despite the delays in the construction and commissioning of ships, the Indigenous Aircraft Carrier (IAC) at Cochin and some others at Mazagon Dock Ltd., and elsewhere, the Navy is on a steady path to acquire at least five ships every year for the next 10 years, a commendable pace by any standard.

Adm Verma (Retd) should be back in South Block within the next few days – albeit a few rooms away from the prestigious offices he occupied – to take briefings from MEA officials and go through classified and unclassified files on Indo-Canadian relations.

Canada is important for India because of its gas and nuclear technology and resources, for which agreements are in place.
Interestingly, in May 1974, ten days after India’s nuclear test, Canada was the first country to break nuclear ties with India, a development reported by this writer then.

Adm Verma's appointment should formally be announced only after the Agreement is received from the Canadian Government.

..:: India Strategic ::. Appointments: Adm Nirmal Verma appointed High Commissioner to Canada
Not directly IN related, but interesting in terms of costs for possible MPAs:

UK left exposed by Nimrod cancellation, report says

...Buying a high-end system such as the P-8A would be expensive, with the US Navy's latest order carrying a per-aircraft cost of about $170 million. For the same price, roughly four less-capable MPA-roled C295s could be acquired...

IN FOCUS: UK left exposed by Nimrod cancellation, report says

That means the C295 MPA comes with a price around $42 million Dollar and if we keep in mind that IN gets the P8Is for $210 millions each, we would roughly get 5 x C295 for the same price!
Costs will be a big factor in the MRMR competition and that's where the C295 will be one of the frontrunner, especially if the ICG, IAF and BSF selects the same for their requirements and through a licence production.
Not directly IN related, but interesting in terms of costs for possible MPAs:

IN FOCUS: UK left exposed by Nimrod cancellation, report says

That means the C295 MPA comes with a price around $42 million Dollar and if we keep in mind that IN gets the P8Is for $210 millions each, we would roughly get 5 x C295 for the same price!
Costs will be a big factor in the MRMR competition and that's where the C295 will be one of the frontrunner, especially if the ICG, IAF and BSF selects the same for their requirements and through a licence production.

PAF and PN is also looking towards it.
We are readying ourselves to build contemporary warships | idrw.org

Goa Shipyard Ltd (GSL), one of India’s leading defence shipyards located on the west coast, has embarked on an ambitious expansion and modernisation plan. Company’s CMD Rear Admiral (retd) Vineet Bakhshi VSM, spoke to Hindustan Times on the strategic vision. Edited excerpts:
How is GSL meeting with the challenges of growth?

As one of the few Indian shipyards equipped with an in-house design capability, GSL has intensified its research and development (R&D) in the past few years.

In this process, we have developed range of products that efficiently meet the specific requirements of clients in the defence as well as commercial sectors. The focus has been in the fields of design, construction, repair and modernisation of vessels. Keeping the growing demand for patrol vessels, which will be needed to meet the exigencies of the future, currently GSL has successfully embarked on a major exercise to indigenously develop designs of various types of patrol vessels ranging from 50 to 105 meters.

What are the in-house designed products successfully launched by GSL?

A 35 knots, 50 meter fast patrol vessel is an in-house designed and proven product. Seven such vessels, designed and constructed by the yard are rendering yeoman service to the Indian Coast Guard (ICG).

Two 105 meter advanced offshore patrol vessels designed and constructed for the Indian Coast Guard have excelled in their performance parameters beyond the stipulated contractual requirements, winning appreciation from all quarters. The ICG has now commissioned the GSL to construct six more vessels with additional features.

At present, designs are being developed for a 75 meter multi-role patrol vessel with stealth features having low radar signature. In addition, work has also commenced on an in house design of a shallow water anti-submarine warfare craft for the Indian Navy.

What does GSL hope to achieve through modernisation project?

In keeping pace with dynamic times, GSL has now launched upon a systematic and planned modernisation programme aimed at creating new facilities and infrastructure even as existing facilities are augmented, to undertake the anticipated work load of ship construction in the years to come, including series construction of high technology ships for the Indian Navy and Coast Guard.

Please share some details of the modernisation project

The modernisation project, which has been planned in close association with the ministry of defence, is in four phases and will include new integrated steel fabrication facility using pre-outfitted block building concept with modular construction technique.

It will have modern workshops, dedicated building berths with shiplift and transfer system, dry repair berths, enhanced material handling and cranage facility, material stores, fitting out jetties for ship outfitting, repair ships and revamping of electrical and mechanical services and utilities among others.

The project aims at readying GSL for the manufacture of contemporary warships.
so the Russians say that the failure of boilers etc onboard the “Junk” must be laid at India's door and refuse to pay “penalty”。

Further the Indians have been accused of acquiring false and fake and fault parts for the said ship。

How are the Indians gonna react?

PS Still no reporting by the Indian media?:azn:

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